Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Anyone can destroy the earth

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Xie Zhi and Bucky couldn't help saying in unison: "Universal Rubik's Cube?"

The two looked at each other in amazement. If it wasn't for the same name or the alien didn't learn the foreign language well, then wouldn't this be the treasure that Hydra got in the first place.

And Bucky's sense of familiarity seems to prove that the luminous cube has a high probability of being the real Rubik's Cube.

Without him, he said at the beginning that Dr. Zola used the energy of the Rubik's Cube to conduct human experiments, and Bucky was the only human being who survived and was strengthened. It's no wonder that he has a special feeling for the Rubik's Cube. After all, they are of the same origin.

The two couldn't help walking closer to observe the Rubik's Cube, and Bucky nodded with certainty: "That's right, it's this thing!"

Xie Zhi stared at the Rubik's Cube with piercing eyes, as if he wanted to see the flowers.

Bucky said, "Old Xie, what did you find?"

Xie Zhi was stunned, rubbed his eyes and said: "It's very profound... the concept of space, I didn't understand it for a short time, but I know what Gu Yi meant, what she said is this thing, we can't take it away, the power contained in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube It’s bottomless, and this is just the tip of the iceberg I feel, if I wear it with the Rubik’s Cube… ahem, it will definitely interfere with the process, God knows what the consequences will be, it’s too dangerous.”

Bucky turned and looked at Hakuna: "Do you know the secret of the Rubik's Cube?"

Hakuna said modestly: "I don't know. The one who knows the Rubik's Cube best is Marwell, who is the owner of this spaceship. She is a scientist, but she has already been killed."

Xie Zhigu showed a bunch of chairs, standing in the hall, and he sat down and crossed his legs to look at the aliens, and smiled kindly: "Sit down, don't be afraid, we are reasonable people, now explain in detail Let’s talk about what’s going on, we’ll have time to listen.”

The aliens sat down carefully, but the children were attracted by the magical scene, their fear was replaced by curiosity, and they relaxed a lot.

Hakuna opened her mouth and told the whole story.

According to her, the Kree civilization is a domineering and aggressive alien civilization, and the Skrulls resisted the hegemony of the Kree people. As a result, the Kree people just found a reason to invade brazenly, and a war broke out. The Scruis were defeated, and even the home planet was destroyed by the Cree.

Hearing this, Xie Zhi asked what "destroyed" meant, no matter when, Xie Zhi was most concerned about whether the aliens had star destroying weapons.

Hakuna's explanation for this is to blow up all traces of civilization on the surface, not to blow up the planet. This answer reassures Xie Zhi, it is not a star-destroying weapon.

The surviving Skrulls can only disperse and hide in the universe, because the Cree accused them of being terrorists, while Hakuna and others were taken in by Marwell, and they have been protecting them refugees. .

But the interesting thing is that Marvell is also a Cree, but this scientist has a conscience and thinks that the wars he has fought for most of his life are unjust wars that oppress the good, but he has come to his senses and decided to help the Skrull refugees .

Marvel discovered the Rubik's Cube on Earth, and based on the Rubik's Cube principle, researched the Light Speed ​​Engine to help the Skrull refugees find a new home in the universe.

The reason for studying this thing is that the mainstream voyage in the universe today relies on jump points, similar to artificial wormholes, and also based on the principle of space warp, which is infinitely faster than the speed of light.

But the problem is that it takes time to fly to a fixed jump point, and the light speed engine can fly faster and reach the jump point earlier.

And the universe is endless, not all areas have been discovered, and man-made jumping points are not all over the universe, so flying fast can run far, and even have the opportunity to find unknown star fields that have not been found by known civilizations, so as to find safe space. new home. love my novel

The Cree cruiser was used as a laboratory by Marvell, but she still needs field testing, so she sneaked into the earth, assumed the identity of Dr. Wendy Lawson, and became a member of a secret base of the old US Air Force. Chief scientist, designing and manufacturing a new type of high-speed aircraft, code-named Tianma Project.

Hearing this, Xie Zhi couldn't help asking: "Kree people look the same as people on Earth? Or is it through camouflage technology?"

Hakuna said: "On the outside, the Crees are exactly the same as the people on Earth, except for certain races of Crees with different skin colors, just like the people on Earth also have races with different skin colors, but the blood of the Crees is different from that of people on Earth. , is blue, and Marwell's skin color is the same as that of the earth's Caucasians, so he is the same as the earth's people without any disguise."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Oh, then how did she die?"

Hakuna looked sad: "I don't know the specific situation, but Marvel told us that if she doesn't contact us and doesn't come back for a long time, it means that the Kree people have found her, and the Kree people didn't enter the cruise. If the ship is dead, it means that she is dead, and she told us not to send any communication signals, or the Cree will find out."

Bucky said, "How long has she been gone?"

"Earth time, it has been more than two years."

Xie Zhi pointed at the crowd and said, "If we didn't find you, are you going to hide forever? Do you have enough food and drink?"

Hakuna smiled wryly: "That's the only way. We dare not expose it. In terms of life support, the cruiser has self-sufficient production equipment. If energy is saved, it is estimated to be enough for us for about ten years. If within ten years our clansmen Didn't find us...we can't imagine."

Xie Zhi was silent for a few seconds, then asked again: "Are the Kree people the most powerful in the universe?"

Hakuna shook her head and said: "No, there are many forces as powerful as the Cree people, such as the Nova Empire, which has fought against the Cree people for thousands of years, but according to the information we got before going into exile, the governments of the two countries I intend to sign a peace agreement, but I don’t know if it has been signed. In addition, there are Sosovulins, Chitauri, Typhon Group, Marauders, Asgardians, Titans..."

"Okay, okay." Xie Zhi interrupted: "Understood, there are many powerful aliens, anyone can destroy the earth, right?"

Hakuna nodded and said: "Yes, the strength of the earth is not ranked in the universe. With the strength of our Skrulls, even the remaining fleet is capable of destroying the earth. Of course we will never do this, we just want to Looking for a safe home."

"You don't mention it for now." Xie Zhi grinned: "That is to say, in this universe, no matter what they look like, they can walk around the earth, come when they want, leave when they want, and do whatever they want Tsk tsk, the bald headmaster doesn't care?"

Bucky sighed: "Maybe the bald principal doesn't have a spaceship at home, maybe that's why she came to us."

"Who knows." Xie Zhi looked at Hakuna again: "Has Marwell successfully researched the light speed engine you mentioned earlier?"

Hakuna shook her head: "It can only be said that half of the said that the energy provided by the Rubik's Cube can indeed design a light-speed engine in theory, and the light-speed engine can indeed provide light-speed energy. Boosting power, but limited by material science, neither the engine material nor the hull material can achieve superluminal motion.

But even so, the first-generation light-speed engine manufactured by Marvell has surpassed the speed of all known aircraft, and is currently the fastest engine. Note 1)

"Marvel said? That means you can't make it?"

"Sorry, I'm not a scientist, but some research materials are there."

Hakuna said, pointing to the 90s computer on the table.

Xie Zhi was surprised and said, "No way, the spacecraft doesn't even have a higher-end computer? Use this kind of low-end computer?"

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