Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 329: reward

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As he continued to operate blindly, the big knife spacecraft staggered and flew up, the flight trajectory was like a drunk driving, very chaotic, but the speed was extremely fast.

However, as Youde said, the operation of advanced civilizations will only become easier and simpler, and Xie Zhi and Bucky’s experience in piloting airplanes are indeed useful, so before the spaceship is smashed into a pile of scrap iron, the basic operations I have mastered it.

Yes, it almost crashed, and I have to admit that this kind of big knife spaceship is surprisingly strong. It really "beheaded" a lot of boulders and mountain peaks during its random flight, and left countless "knife edges" on the ground, but the problem is, No matter how strong it is, it is still a spaceship. If it is really head-to-head with the main body of the mountain, and whoever has a thicker skin than the earth, it is purely looking for death.

And the two also discovered that, in fact, the hardest material is the blade of the big knife, which is also in line with the common sense of cold weapons. Good steel is used on the blade, and the blade cuts a gap, which can be solved by relying on kinetic energy.

Of course, although the material of the blade itself is not as good as the blade, the structure must have been designed to resist impact, otherwise the blade would break early.

In addition to slashing, the Broadsword Spaceship also has the function of visual invisibility, but it cannot withstand collisions, and the invisibility effect will inevitably disappear after impact.

However, the cockpit design of the spacecraft is excellent, using a special suspension system, no matter how the big knife spacecraft rotates and changes direction, the cockpit will always be vertical and unaffected, and it has its own gravity system. This design is very helpful to the pilot. It can ensure that it will not rotate along with it, and it will not cause dizziness if the physique is not good, which is convenient for operation and control.

And after testing all the functions, the spaceship was already emitting black smoke, and its flying posture was like a tractor suffering from asthma.

Xie Zhi spread his hands, and said in a complicated tone: "Okay, I can be sure, this spaceship... has no long-range weapons! The attack is all based on the head iron! This design is quite weird."

"Not bad, at least there is no self-explosion system."

"Speaking of which, Xiaoqiang civilization and Daxiong civilization are both strange enough. On one side, the individual soldiers on the ground play swords and shields, while the spaceships in the sky have no covers, but at least they have long-range weapons. On the other side, the soldiers have guns, but when it comes to spaceships So I started hacking with a big knife, tsk tsk, I don’t understand.”

"Who knows what they think."

The two talked and flew to the spaceship that had already landed, Xie Zhi pulled out his Adamantium alloy dagger, and cut at the edge of the big knife.

As a result, Xie Zhi whistled and praised: "The material of this piece is amazing. Adelman alloy can only cut a few shallow cuts, and the cutting feeling is not smooth. Although there is a gap between it and Adelman alloy, there is a gap. It's not too big, it's hard enough!"

Bucky stabbed a few times elsewhere in the spaceship, nodded and said, "Maybe this kind of material is more difficult to smelt, otherwise the whole ship should use this material, and the defense of the spaceship will go up a few steps."

"It's also possible that this material has other disadvantages and is not suitable for covering the hull as a whole. Who knows, let Youde study it later."

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhi rubbed his hands, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I fly a plane, and I always watch Youde and Laifu flying spaceships, and my hands are already itchy."

"That's right, this spaceship is more in line with the concept of a fighter jet, and its maneuverability is far superior to that of conventional spaceships. Some people can play with it."

"You want to drive too? There's only one left."


The two began to take turns operating the remaining big knife spaceship, and they had a great time playing.

But as time went by, there was no need to take turns to fly, because two intact Dao spaceships were dug out. After all, there were nearly a hundred giant ship wrecks, and it was not surprising that there were surviving small spaceships.

It's enough for two people to play drag racing in the air.

The entire battlefield has gradually completed the excavation work and entered the stage of liquidation and harvest.

There are more than 90 wrecks of giant ships, the most complete ones, and at least half of them are missing by visual inspection. There is no possibility of use, only research value, or materials that can be dismantled and used in the future. Using the experience, you can also make motorcycles and sell them to the third brother, so that the military parade will be more artistic.

As for the damaged and incomplete Dadao spacecraft, there are hundreds of them. It is estimated that Youde and Laifu will dismantle and repair them, and a few good ones can be assembled.

On the contrary, three of the "ships" of Nobita's civilization were also found, with a higher degree of incompleteness, and some of them were only one-fifth left.

There are also new discoveries about the corpses. There are more than a dozen corpses of little giants with a height of more than two meters. The shape of the skull is also completely different.

But it must not belong to the Daxiong civilization, because we know that no corpses of this civilization have been found so far. Obviously, the comrades-in-arms have taken them away, and there are occasional scattered equipment, which is nothing if they are not cleaned.

The two suspected that it was either a mercenary, a special individual of this race, or a strengthened soldier, just like the situation with Bucky and Steve.

The two of them didn't care, it was all history anyway.

There are also many other miscellaneous things that I don't understand, and most of the things are repetitive. There is only one kind of thing, and only two are found. In terms of the number of various harvests, it is too rare.

And that thing, stone is not like stone, metal is not like metal, olive-shaped, about the size of a cigarette case, with engravings on the surface, but inside is a kind of red substance, which seems to be faintly transparent, not obvious.

Xie Zhi picked up one in bewilderment, and turned it upside down: "What is this?"

"The number is scarce, so it's probably very important. Hey, have you noticed that the guns of this civilization emit red energy, and the black hole grenade also emits red light when it is activated, and the spaceship engine also emits red light. Now this thing is also red, will it? What's the connection?"

"If you don't particularly like red, maybe...their technology is developed based on something red, and this thing may be the same." (Note 1)

"Could it be another explosive?"

"It seems that there is no activation switch, yes, let Youde study it."

Then the two of them sorted and shrunk all the harvest into different categories, and put them away. At this moment, there were only two big sword spaceships, three piles of black hole grenades, and corpses everywhere.

Xie Zhi waved his hand and told the sentinel robot to bury the corpses in the big pit, and then began to test the black hole grenade.

There were more than three hundred in total, except for the sixty-six that were in the best state of preservation, the remaining two were all blown up.

As a result, the two were relieved. The old grenades that were out of maintenance were all stable, and the condition was as good as new.

waste? The two really don't think that the base is large enough to obtain relatively reliable data.

And now they don't think that the black hole grenade is really invincible, nothing else, this thing is like the flash bomb that used to deal with the runner king, if you don't know it, you will die if you get hit, but after you know it~www.readwn. com~ The effect of this thing is relatively limited, without him, this is a throwing weapon, and it is not difficult for a real master to avoid it.

What's more, not to mention masters, even earth soldiers with rich actual combat experience, I am afraid they will not wait for something like a grenade to blow up.

Therefore, although the power of the black hole grenade is beyond the table, it depends on whether the enemy is a stunned young man, and it is unnecessary to use it if the opponent is weak, and the opponent may not be able to throw it. As for why the small strong civilization does not make it into a black hole cannon, this is unknown. , perhaps limited by technology.

In short, the two judged the black hole grenade in actual combat, and believed that this thing is more suitable for insidious people, and playing black is more conducive to its effect. Although there are only sixty-six grenades, even if they play a role at a critical moment, they will earn back. Absolutely Not bad.

But just in case, the two decided to reduce the storage. Without him, the activation method of this kind of grenade is too simple, and the insurance measures seem to be inferior to the ring-pull grenade. Youde has to refit it, at least put a shell on it , One more insurance measure, lest you accidentally blow yourself up, this way of dying is too aggrieved.

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