Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Our family needs face

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As soon as Youde's analysis came out, everyone was silent for a few seconds.

Renn laughed dryly and said, "Hehe, Star Destroyer Weapon... I suddenly feel that it is not a good idea to settle in this world."

Xiao Yu sighed: "Okay, it's quite scary, but we don't make a decision right now, we just plan ahead for one choice."

Xie Zhi continued: "That's right, it's hard to say in the future, and... Youde, do you have any information about the use of Star Destroyer weapons?"

"It's not. I think there are two possibilities. It may have been used a long time ago, but no one knows. The second is that this weapon exists, but it is like nuclear deterrence. It has been used once, and it does not even need to be used. Let some It is enough for the top forces to know its existence."

Bucky said: "I think the latter is more likely. The best weapon is a weapon that doesn't need to be used to function."

Xie Zhi nodded: "That's the reason. From this point of view, at least that mysterious civilization is not like a lunatic. Powerful weapons are not scary. What is terrible is letting a lunatic control that weapon.

And from another point of view, it is also a good thing that there is an existence in the universe that is not ambitious and can keep the structure in balance. Maybe it is because of them that the earth, a backward civilization that is not ranked in the universe, can survive until today. today. "

Xiao Yu said: "Now these are all conjectures, no matter what, be careful. The civilization that destroys Xiaoqiang's civilization is very powerful no matter what. The kind of big sword spaceship you got must be familiar to people."

Baki said: "That's right. It's not too much to overestimate the ability to beat Xiaoqiang civilization into this virtue, so let's keep a low profile. We will turn on the stealth mode when flying, so as not to cause misunderstandings for no reason. In case people find out, It's a shame... that's too wrong."

Ryan said: "If you want me to say that invisibility is not necessarily safe, let's fly with will."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need to be too nervous..."

"Stop!" Xiaoyu interrupted: "I guess what you want to say, since people don't like the things and planets of Xiaoqiang's civilization, they don't necessarily care about the little Xiami who slipped through the net. Let’s start with, this toss, isn’t there Gu Yi’s bottom line, star destroyer weapons are scary, but time control is not scary? That’s what you mean, right?”

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yu said: "It's nothing, anyone can say this, so you better not say it."

Bucky also patted Xie Zhi on the shoulder: "It's been less than a day, and you forgot again? You've opened your mouth."

Xie Zhi said depressedly: "It's not that exaggerated, is it? I can't talk anymore? The monster was attracted by the light speed engine before, well, it's just a coincidence."

Xiao Yu said: "Anyway, take it easy and don't get nervous, the problem shouldn't be too big, after all we are also very strong."

After finalizing the follow-up, Xie Zhi and Bucky took a big knife spaceship together, flew away from here, and started a long journey.

Days passed day by day, and two weeks later, in a black hole test conducted by Xiao Yu and Ryan, a relatively good and relatively close exit was determined.

Youde then bought a large number of communication terminals and traveled day and night to the exit of the black hole.

In this way, they converged first, and the spaceship was no longer a problem.

What the two women didn't expect was that the interior decoration of the Black Antelope spacecraft had changed, and a lot of cat climbing frames were installed. It was obvious that Youde had put in a lot of effort to deal with Cuckoo.

The fact is also the same. According to Youde, he has designed more than two hundred kinds of cat teasing sticks. In short, the little ancestor, Gugu, considered his virtue and heart, and he still gave him face and didn't eat him.

On the contrary, 142 showed a little disappointment, but when he knew that the second daughter was not in a hurry to leave, he was extremely happy. Anyway, Lei En could see that this was a lesbian, and a fool could see that she had a crush on someone. people. (Note 1)

But after Youde came, picking up garbage, no, the work of picking up garbage has become more systematic. While improving efficiency, it also provided a lot of help for the three people's points. That's right, Youde also registered as a garbage picker by the way. Status, anyway, is just increasing the quota for buying cuties.

But the problem is, originally they didn't want to cause trouble, but there were always some unscrupulous people who came to provoke them. There was no way, the harvest was too rich, which made some people jealous.

However, how big the head is and how big the hat is, and the ability to play black depends on the strength. Are these two women easy to mess with, so come and kill as many as you want.

As a result, two women became famous.

And on this day, Xiao Yu and Lei En's scavengers' exclusive communicator received a notification message, and the Grandmaster summoned them.

"Grandmaster wants to summon us?" Xiao Yu looked at 142 who was drinking, and said, "What do you think he means?"

142 shrugged: "I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. You guys are famous, and the tree attracts the wind."

Ryan said: "What should I do? Kill him or withdraw?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while: "We are reasonable people, according to our family's rules, we don't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, we don't stir up color, revolution, or life, and we don't just find shameless reasons to attack others.

However, it’s not okay to bully people, I originally fell in love with this place..."

142's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

I heard Xiaoyu continue: "This place is a treasure land, and according to Youde, this place is simply the most wonderful transfer station in the universe, extending in all directions, and its strategic position is superb.

However, we do not invade others and have always developed independently, so we did not plan to touch him, but if he plays dirty, then we can only protect our sovereignty and defend ourselves legitimately. "

Xiao Yu is not arrogant, and the past two months are not in vain. He has basically figured out the combat effectiveness of the Grandmaster's army. It can be said that it is not weak, but if he really wants to fight, sorry, they are not strong enough to the level of the Yellow Lantern Army. .

"Well said!" 142 directly dropped the wine bottle and wiped his mouth: "I strongly recommend that this place be conquered! You will be the queen, and I will be the queen...I mean the head of the royal logistics, yes."

Renn asked with a half-smile, "What are you excited about, logistics? The wine in the national treasury is not enough for you to drink. Besides, don't you understand? We don't invade others, it depends on the attitude of the other party."

"No, no, let me tell you, the old boy's arena is definitely considered slavery, no one is perfect, and there is no slavery here..."

Xiaoyu interrupted: "Don't talk about it, non-interference in other countries' internal affairs is the basic bottom line, and our family has a face to do things."

142 raised his hand and said, "Okay, but I'll go with you, if something really happens, I'll help you, there is someone to take care of you."

Ryan said: "Don't tell me, didn't you say that the Grandmaster has a universal remote control, if he wants to press the button, you have to twitch, if you can't help, it will become a burden, besides, without the cutie, who knows if you will Will play tricks."

142 Chong Xiaoyu said pitifully, "It's been so long, don't you... still not see what kind of person I am?"

Xiao Yu had goosebumps all over her body: "Uh... I can Except for being decadent, thick-skinned, addicted to alcohol, unhygienic, violent, and eating and talking, you are still a good person, but There are some things that cannot be forced, I think..."

142 directly interrupted: "Please don't doubt my IQ, and don't doubt my...well, friendship, pure friendship, very pure! If you don't fight, you don't know each other, I think you...we are friends, sisters, really , I am willing to be, the most loyal...friend, that's all."

Youde watched silently, thinking, is this the interstellar version of Stockholm Syndrome?

PS: Affected by the recent news, I have some small insights, so some plots have been changed...Scattering flowers, my country is amazing! The world's first 6G experimental satellite is launched! Facts have proved once again that if you are more shameless than anyone else, you will only delay doing business, and being upright is the kingly way!

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