Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 342: break away

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Hala star, the home planet of the Cree civilization.

boom! A blond woman fell heavily to the floor.

"I slipped." The blond woman wiped her mouth and said.

"Yes, you slipped because I punched you right in the face."

It was a man who spoke, with golden eyes.

This place seems to be a fighting training ground. Apart from this man and a woman, there are other people doing fighting training here, and all of them are wearing the same training uniform.

The blond girl was still talking stiffly: "I missed it, it was your fist that just touched my face..."

The golden-eyed man smiled, and was about to say something when the radio suddenly sounded: "Commander Yong Rog, there is an urgent communication from you."

The blond girl raised her eyebrows: "Oh, it looks like it won't work."

The two left the training ground. In the locker room, Yong Rogge took out the communication device, called up the information and glanced at it. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his face was full of anger.

A moment later, outside the building, the blond girl chased Rogge who was walking in a hurry, and said, "It's so urgent, do you have a new mission?"

Rogge stopped and took a deep breath, suppressed the anger on his face, turned around and forced a smile: "No, it's not a task, it's a personal matter."

The blond girl smiled and said, "Oh, do you want me to help, my super power is still useful."

Roger lowered his head slightly, and when he raised his head again, the veins on his forehead were tense: "Ferth, don't always think about your superpowers, use your brain more."

" seem to be angry. Didn't you always teach me that the most dangerous thing for soldiers is mood swings?"

Roger took a deep breath: "Okay, I'm angry, but it has nothing to do with fighting, everyone has a life, and there are always some... idiots in life, who are good at making people angry, well, this has nothing to do with you, It has nothing to do with the mission, go home."

Firth said with a smile: "It seems that someone is going to be unlucky, then, goodbye."

"Yeah, it's going to be bad luck, and if you can't learn to control yourself, believe me, you will also be bad luck. I will evaluate your grades when I come back."

"Actually, I almost won today."

Looking at the back of Firth going away, Rogge connected to the communication with a gloomy expression: "Minerva, call them, I have something to do."

On the other side, Chi Tuxing.

Xiao Yu opened her mouth and said, "So... you packed up all the safes and took them away."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Time was tight at the time, and I didn't know which cabinet Yondu's information was stored in. There was no way, lady, you know me, are we the ones who robbed the bank? If you want to rob me, you are also robbing the treasury... No, I mean, the situation at that time, whether to rob or not, people thought we were robbing banks, it was purely accidental.

However, the Kree Empire is a bigger national-level bandit. They wiped out all the Skrulls, and let them taste the feeling of being robbed. We are doing justice for the sky, robbing the riches of the Kree Empire, Zisk The poverty of the Lu people may be the wealth of the people of the Skrull people, and the right to pay some interest first. "

"Is it an accident? It has already been robbed. It is true that the Kerry Empire is not a good thing. If it is robbed, it will be robbed, but..." Xiao Yu smiled helplessly: "You are not allowed to show off to the children in this matter, I will never stop teaching bad children! "

"Guaranteed not to be frightened!"

Then Xiaoyu pointed to the aircrafts flying around in the sky, and sighed: "Well, it's no wonder that the Cree blocked the airspace. It seems that there are a lot of important things in the safe. I'm afraid it will not be easy for us to fly out now." Now, is Yondu tricking us?"

"It's possible, but it's also possible that the Skrulls were tricked. They are too good at transforming. The Kree will definitely focus on guarding against it...Huh? Do you think Talos also did bank robbery?"

"Maybe it's more than that. If people want revenge, why would they just rob the bank? Now that the matter has come to an end, the sack has been exposed, so we can only act according to the backup plan."

The backup plans that Xiao Yu mentioned are divided into three types. One is that if the enemy is determined to be weak enough, then just forcefully break through.

Second, if you cannot determine the strength of the enemy, you should hide temporarily and try to get the enemy's legal aircraft as much as possible to escape.

The third is to use the big knife spacecraft, because according to the actual measurement, Youde found that the big knife spacecraft has very good stealth technology, and the visual invisibility is acceptable, but it is very powerful in the face of radar detection. Anyway, with what they have so far None of the advanced radar equipment can detect the Dadao spacecraft (Note 1), and the anti-detection point is almost on par with the Kerry cruiser on Earth.

Furthermore, according to the combat method of the Broadsword spaceship, it can also be deduced that it is better at stealth advances, without him, without long-range weapons, and all relying on hard cutting, so if it can be easily locked by radar, this combat mode is purely brain-dead , because when faced with a blow beyond visual range, there is absolutely no power to fight back.

As for the technology of this civilization and the Cree civilization, it is currently unknown, but it is worth a try.

"Then let's test the Dadao spaceship first, but it needs cover to lift off..." Xie Zhi looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Yes! My lady, look over there."

"There are flocks of birds, it's easy to handle."

The two studied the images of the flock of birds they had taken for a while, and then the yellow light of the Tai Chi ring emerged, manifesting a large number of birds of the same kind. It has to be admitted that in the aspect of biological manifestation, the energy of will will not work, and the energy of fear must be relied on.

The couple remained invisible, and with the cover of birds, they flew into the sky.

But this is not over. After all, birds also have flight height restrictions, so in the second step, the couple chose to summon rain clouds. This is the strength of the hammer. Although it can also be manifested with will energy, what the hammer summons is real.

The more important reason is that hiding in the thunderclouds has become Xiaoyu's absolute domain. Thunder and lightning will no longer affect the two of them. Instead, they are controlled by Xiaoyu with a hammer. It can be resisted as much as possible, and it can be concealed enough.

In the dark clouds of lightning and thunder, Xie Zhi released a big knife spaceship, entered the cabin, turned on the stealth mode, and slowly flew out of the clouds.

At first, Xie Zhi didn't panic, and went around carefully for a few times. After finding nothing unusual, he gradually accelerated, and the range of the circle became wider and wider.

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "It seems that the technology of Xiaoqiang civilization is higher, and it has not been discovered."

Xiao Yu said: "Maybe the invisibility technology has reached a certain level, and I can't find it myself. Think about Marvell's Kree spaceship. If it can be detected by radar, it will not be a hiding place for the Skrull refugees. It must have been The Kree found out."

"It makes sense. Anti-stealth technology is always a few steps behind stealth technology, and you can't find it yourself. That's what the military is after. In short, it just works."

Xie Zhi drove the spacecraft back into the dark clouds, caught the drizzle, and went straight to outer space.

When they met again, Bucky and Ryan admired Xie Zhi and his wife, and after only a while, there was such a big commotion.

Especially Ryan, who kept saying that next time there is such an exciting thing to bring her, the Umbrella world was too enjoyable that time.

Xiao Yu asked, "Where are you going next?"

"Let's fly slowly in the secret We have to divide the spoils first... Oh no, we need to find Yondu's information."

As he said that, Xie Zhi put a bunch of miniature safes on the deck, released many small robots, and began to violently dismantle them.

As time goes by, more and more things are dug out, sorted and piled up together, such as jewelry, property rights certificates, bonds, stocks... etc., all of which are valuable things.

Of course, some secrets can also be discovered from time to time, such as candid photos of political leaders, celebrity scandals, and even data terminals carrying information.

It can be said that these secrets are more valuable things.

It's just that everyone doesn't know that at this moment, a spaceship is silently tracking them, getting closer...

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