Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 370: The Secret of Fighting the Landlords

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PS: Sorry, chapters 467 to 469, the number of chapters is wrong, it should be chapters 367 to 369, but the background can’t be changed, crying to death.

After the detection of the entire shipyard was completed, Rogge pointed out suitable bomb sites: "As long as these areas are bombed, the shipyard's energy supply, main production equipment, automation terminals, gravity systems...etc., will be completely scrapped, although the shipyard The structure is still there, but it's useless."

Xie Zhi nodded: "The central terminal storage you mentioned, does it include the storage of surveillance video?"

"There must be, but it cannot be ruled out that other lower-level terminals still have backups. However, after the boss blew up the energy supply, the monitoring equipment will naturally fail."

"very good."

Xie Zhi took out some gadgets the size of grains of salt, and threw them down the river of will.

"Boss, are these bombs?"

"No, they are for receiving goods."

That's right, those little things are nothing more than Pym particle release devices. When they flow to the predetermined position, Xie Zhi uses the energy of will to control the high-value targets one by one, and then brings them back through the energy of will. It's really silent Breathless, remote control.

Of course, now is not the time, the core energy supply must be destroyed first, otherwise the garrison will be alarmed as soon as the surveillance footage is captured.

"But boss, what about the bomb?"

Xie Zhi tilted his head and smiled, then closed his eyes.

The boss didn't speak, and Rogge could only wait. About ten minutes later, Xie Zhi opened his eyes again: "Okay, the bomb planting is complete."

Then Xie Zhi's green light ring flashed, and a bomb appeared: "This is the bomb, do you understand?"

And this scene also opened Rogge's eyes. In the past, he only knew that Xie knew that their green energy could conjure locks, but they could even conjure bombs. This shows that the boss's abilities are ever-changing! I can't help but feel more and more that I have followed the right master and have a bright future.

Rogge gave a deep salute and said humbly: "In my heart, you are my master."

Xie Zhi, smack, smack your lips, Rogge is useful, he understands, but it may be because he despises the other party's spinelessness, or it may be because his aversion to traitors goes deep into his bones, so he really doesn't like this kind of undignified loyalty, goosebumps appear coming.

But he also understood why the traitors didn't end well, because not only the same clan felt disgusted, but even the objects of their allegiance felt disgusted by them.

"In the future, there is no need to say what is in your heart."

Xie Zhi contacted Xiao Yu and said, "My lady, you haven't done anything yet, have you?"

Xiao Yu said: "No, I'm waiting for you to come out."

"The plan has changed. My side is going to blow up ahead of time, and you don't want to do anything. You can't let the giant ship send out a distress signal to lure the troops here."

"Explode now? Shouldn't we retreat first and detonate at a fixed time?"

"There is a temporary change. It's a pity that some things exploded, so they have to be taken away at the same time as the detonation, but don't worry, they won't find the big knife spaceship."

"Be careful, let me know immediately if there is a change, I can use a hammer to attract attention."

After finishing the call, Xie Zhi waved to Rogge, telling him to board the spaceship first, and then...explode the bomb.

Immediately, Xie Zhi felt the shipyard vibrate violently, and the interior exploded again and again. Fortunately, Rogge is the strongest special force in the Cree Empire, and he is very good at fixed-point blasting, so although there are many explosion points, Did not cause the martyrdom explosion of flammable and explosive materials.

And Xie Zhi took the opportunity to start shopping frantically, shrinking all the things he was looking forward to, and taking them away.

At the same time, this random bombing really poked a hornet's nest, the garrison troops went crazy, fighter planes poured out overwhelmingly, scattered, and maneuvered crazily around the shipyard area.

It's a pity that although the action is fast, it can be seen that there is chaos, and chaos is an opportunity.

Boarding the spaceship, Xie Zhi drove it carefully, not daring to fly too fast, although he couldn't find it, but there are too many fighter planes at the moment, once they collide, they have to show up immediately.

Then it will be of no use to him no matter how powerful he is. Facing the intensive fire of tens of thousands of fighter planes and the artillery fire of more than a hundred warships, he will be equally indifferent.

At this time, the big knife spaceship was flying stealthily, playing hide-and-seek with the densely packed Kree fighters, making many dangerous and dangerous maneuvers. This kind of hide-and-seek flying is not much easier than air combat, and it is equally spiritual. Concentrate, if you are not careful, you will fall short.

Fortunately, Xie Zhi's driving skills were really excellent, and coupled with the chaos at this time, he quietly escaped from the encirclement without any danger.

Rogge also broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't forget to flatter him.

But after catching up with the giant ship, Xie Zhi's car was also attached to the surface of the giant ship just like Xiao Yu's spaceship.

Meeting again, Rogge's team had only one word in their eyes, convinced.

Without him, what they do is to go deep into the enemy's rear for special operations, but facing a heavily guarded place like the Imperial Shipyard, it is almost a suicidal mission to destroy it. In the end, they did it, and the heavy soldiers could not find it Shadow, this is still in the case of temporarily changing the plan, and at the same time made a bunch of good things.

So the more expert you are, the more you understand what this means.

At this time, Xie Zhi asked: "I decided to get this huge ship temporarily, but the spaceship is sealed. If the door is broken violently, I am afraid that the people on board will send a distress signal immediately. Roger, do you have any suggestions?"

Rogge bowed slightly and said: "Boss, this is not difficult. After all, this giant ship is based on Kree technology, and penetration and destruction are also our strengths. We can take it down, but we need your support, Boss, that is the scanning ability.

Moreover, I suggest waiting for a while before taking action, the current situation is so serious that it is equivalent to an act of war, this star field must..."

Before Rogge finished speaking, a flashing reminder appeared on his personal terminal.

Rogge took a look and said, "Boss, this is an urgent message."

Xie Zhi first used the ring to embody the internal structure of the camouflage cabin, making the environment look more like the interior of the Kerry spacecraft. At the same time, everyone became invisible before saying: "Go ahead."

Everyone was not surprised by the urgent information at this time. They had thought of it before the action. After the incident became serious, Rogge, the commander of the special forces, would definitely be notified, and this was also the time to implement the planned plan. The story, application traced.

Sure enough, after Rogge got connected, he received an urgent order from a high-level executive, asking him to report back to the headquarters immediately.

Rogge took the opportunity to report the important information that was "accidentally" discovered, and uploaded a related battle video, which was of course fake, which is the so-called scene of Rogge's team fighting the male and female robbers.

During the battle, the male and female thieves lost important things. After Rogge deciphered them, he discovered that the so-called cave thieves were actually a mysterious and powerful organization called, Fighting the Landlords!

And according to the information, I learned the ultimate goal of the Doudizhu organization, infinite evolution.

There are pictures and the and there are some research documents, which are all true, and only part of the information is enough to prove that if you can get the parasitic evolution ability of that special creature, let alone copy it With Firth's super power, it can even evolve without limit, then the combat power of the Kree Empire will reach an unattainable height. With Firth as a ready-made model, the higher-ups are well aware of what individual combat power can do .

The problem now is that the real thing is at the headquarters of Doudizhu. Now that the Rogge team has bitten on the clues, they must continue to follow up and investigate in order to gain anything.

The bait was cast. Although Rogge is not a storyteller, as a senior internal officer, the logic of the report is self-consistent and there is nothing wrong with it. It creates a feeling that giving up at this moment is definitely a sinner of the Kree Empire. What he said is well-founded. As long as the top management is not a fool, there is no reason to refuse.

As a result, not long after the communication was interrupted, the higher-ups replied again, agreeing to Rogge's mission application, and giving him whatever he wanted, at all costs, and making sure to find out the secret of Fighting the Landlord.

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