Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 355: get together

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Xiao Yu walked over slowly with her hands behind her back, and said, "Are you motivated?"

Firth got up in embarrassment, gritted his teeth and said, "Excellent! I don't believe you can..."

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and looked at Firth's tattered battle suit: "My man often says this too, it seems that you are also a crow mouth."

After saying that, a howling sound burst out from his throat, yes, he still has the skill of lion roar.

The surging sound waves suddenly hit Foss, and as a result, Foss was bombarded by the sound waves and rolled away like a ball.

Firth, who was sitting on the ground with disheveled hair like a beggar, blinked and murmured: "You can use your mouth? You are going too far, you have a kind..."

Xiao Yu interrupted: "In this situation, what do you want to prove?"

Firth got up and said with fists: "I am... the noble Kree hero!"

"That's right, I didn't see the nobility, I just saw that you don't have the dignity of a warrior, and you are a shameless loser. Besides, haven't you read the files of the Tianma Project? If you did, you are still sure that you are a conqueror." Are you from here?"

Firth stared blankly, slowly shook his head and said, "No matter who I am... I haven't lost yet!"

Xiaoyu sighed, and said: "You are not being stubborn, you are just pretending to be confused, how many chances do I have to kill you, do you really have no idea? Well, since you like to push your nose on your face, your subordinates The mercy ends here."

As she said that, Xiao Yu waved her hand, and the hammer shot over and she grabbed it.

Firth hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Stop! You're amazing, I can't beat you, you won. Well, I admit, it's boring, but I'm a soldier, not a warrior..."

"The army pays more attention to respecting the strong."

"Okay, okay." Firth rubbed his arms and twisted his waist: "I thank you for your mercy, sorry, I thought you were sent by someone to kill me, it seems that I have too many associations, no Wrong, you don't need to go to such trouble to kill me.

Eldest sister, I haven't heard of a person like you, dare to ask your name. "

"You will know. Are you still making trouble now? If you don't make trouble, just follow me."

"Well, do I have any other options?"

"Yes, take you away in a way you won't like."

"You decide."

Xiao Yu's ring flashed, Firth was wrapped in green energy, and said at the same time: "Don't move, or you want me to drag you flying."

Firth blew the hair on his nose: "Well, it's amazing to be able to fly."

After a while, the two girls flew back to the plane, and the onlookers hadn't dispersed. In fact, although Fury had a gun and ID, he couldn't be stopped by himself, and the people who ate melons were very enthusiastic.

On the contrary, the two of Xiao Yu descended from the sky, which relieved the situation, and the crowd subconsciously backed up again and again.

Xiaoyu tilted his head at Fury: "Get on the plane."

"Okay." Fury trotted obediently, met Firth face to face, looked at each other, and remained silent.

Entering the cockpit, Firth was still driving. I have to admit that after being beaten up for a long time, this man is still full of energy, and his level of toughness is indeed extraordinary.

Since there were only two driving seats, Xiaoyu kindly realized one for Fury, so that he could have a place to sit.

Then the runway appeared in the drizzle, and the plane took off, and Firth asked, "Where are you going?"

Xiao Yu said: "Maria Rambo's house, do you know the location?"

Firth was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yes, I have read the file, and I was going there."

"There is evidence to prove who you are." Then Xiao Yu turned to look at Fu Rui: "Agent, how did you get involved with her?"

"My lord witch, I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I have to investigate a special case. Someone called the police and said it was the left eye of the Statue of Liberty..." Fury gestured on the blindfold and said, "I was hit by a woman who fell from the sky." Wear it, and I'll go."

Xiaoyu looked at Firth, and then at Fury's blindfold: "Well, what a coincidence, why not smash it, smash it...hehe, the pirate goddess, you smashed the truth." (Interested book friends, you can check Look at the flag of the East India Company, which is intriguing.)

Firth wondered, "What truth?"

"It has nothing to do with aliens." Fury didn't want to, or dare not offend this magical witch, so he had to bring back the topic and continued: "I came across this... female interstellar warrior during the investigation, thanks to Mrs. Witch, With the last experience, I am immune to supernatural phenomena and the like, not to mention encountering real shape-shifting aliens.

Unfortunately, during the investigation, I found out that my leader had been replaced by aliens, and the best outcome I can think of now, is probably losing my job. "

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "So the Scruis are staying in S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury, can you contact your leader?"

"You know the Skrulls?"


The two said in unison.

"You." Xiao Yu pointed at Firth: "Life has been a lie all along, if you want to know the truth, be patient."

"You." Pointing to Fury again: "If you want to get promoted and raise your salary, contact your leader and tell him to meet at Rambo's house. By the way, add an onomatopoeia, Mika."

Fury said helplessly: "Okay, Mrs. Witch."

At the same time, Xiao Yu contacted Ryan: "Come here, the Skrulls have found it."

"I'm just counting planes here for nothing."

Twenty minutes later, Rambo's home.

Single mother Maria Rambo and her daughter Monica Rambo welcome these familiar and strange visitors.

The mother and son are naturally familiar with Firth, no, it should be Carol, but they are really surprised that this man has been dead for many years and reappeared out of thin air, with a dirty appearance like an unearthed cultural relic.

But Xiaoyu's simple description made everyone understand that Carol was just kidnapped by aliens, then brainwashed, became a soldier of the Kree Empire, fell into a trap, came to Earth, and so on.

Maria murmured, "I've never heard of such an absurd thing."

The little girl Monica echoed: "Can aliens become humans? Impossible."

Firth frowned and remained silent.

Fury coughed dryly, and said in a small way: " lord, there are some things that are not suitable for common people to know, and they will cause panic."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "You SHIELD has a department to guide public opinion and mop up, right? You should be more professional in dealing with this kind of thing."

"Yes, there is, but the funds have to be spent wisely, there is no need to waste..."

"You're not the chief, why don't you worry about it?"

"Who can't have a dream."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Okay, it just so happens that your leader is here. How about Mr. Talos, do you think Agent Fury has a chance of being promoted?"

"It's very promising and has outstanding abilities. In principle, I will consider it." Following the words, a man in a suit and leather shoes... a green-skinned alien with pointed ears came out from the back of the living room, and he was holding a drink with a straw in his hand. Paper cup, took a sip.

The sudden appearance of the supernatural creature stunned the Rambo mother and daughter, Fury's hand stretched out to the holster, and Firth's fists were flushed.

"Calm down." Xiaoyu waved his hand, pointed at Talos and Firth, and said, "You are actually victims, and if you continue to hurt each other, it will only be easier for others, and don't you see any children? Fighting here, will you It scares the kids."

Unexpectedly, the little girl Monica said excitedly: "I'm not afraid! Mom, have we bought insurance for our house?"

Xiaoyu glanced at Maria sympathetically, she understands that the family doesn't have a brat yet.

At this time, Talos leaned against the wall, and said in a relaxed tone: "Everyone, I am actually the one who is most afraid, okay? I have experienced Miss Carol's invincible artillery, but I am still here, with sincerity , to be honest with the real face, so... please don't kill me, the situation will be very complicated.

Well, lady, it looks like you are the boss here, what's your name? "

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