Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Too much disrespect for the Force!

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Soon, Laifu made a new discovery.

"Uncle, something is wrong. According to the governor's memory, some pictures show that he was not in a normal state at the time. I think the reason why he obeyed Palpatine's arrangement was that the other party's mind control ability played a certain role.

Computers are different from biological brains, I have never experienced them, but according to my second uncle, they are different from Charles’s kind of mind control. Although it is not control, it is like psychological suggestion, similar to hypnosis. "

"I knew that people who can control their minds would not use this trick, and..." Xie Zhi glanced at the Tai Chi ring: "The governor's willpower is indeed not very good, fear."

Bucky pointed to his head: "I guess this trick must be used by Jedi Knights."

"Do you need it instead?"

"Well, it's not once or twice that I have been controlled by someone..."

"What? Are you still proud of this?"

"Bah! I mean, we've all been shot, why don't we use guns?"

Laifu said again: "And the trade alliance's army is more than that. They are a super business group that spans the galaxy, involving almost all business fields. They do all kinds of business, even buying and selling planets, and have huge assets..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "Don't introduce the details first, just copy and record the information you think is valuable. Now that the war is over, Her Majesty the Queen will drive back to the palace."

Indeed, even if Xie knew that they didn't notify them, the people in the city were not blind with such a big commotion, so someone would naturally send a message to the queen.

At this moment, Youde has also taken over fifty warships, completely taking control of them.

Youde said in the communication that now he knows the composition of the opponent's robot army. The main force is the thin type called B1 robots. They have comprehensive functions, such as driving, maintenance, and fighting. Sand sculpture concentration camp, my job is more like a joke, it is really useless, and now I can only make do with it.

Of course, it is not without good things. For example, the robot with shields I encountered before is called a destroyer robot. It is a pure killing tool. Although it has no self-awareness and is very rigid, it is relatively reliable.

Then there is the fighter plane in air combat, the vulture fighter jet, which is a transformable self-propelled combat robot throughout the whole process, so-so, and not too smart.

There are many other miscellaneous things, but this time the invasion of the Trade Union did not bring it. It can only be said that Naboo is still too weak, and the troops mainly composed of sand sculptures can be defeated.

And Xiaoyu also put away the sentry troops, and when the two girls arrived at the palace, the queen's car could already be seen in the sky.

Everyone gathered in the palace again, and before Padmé could express his excitement, Xie Ai, who was full of spicy oil, rushed over and shouted: "I'm a duck! I met a ghost! I'm still a kid! Really, really , Ask little brother if you don’t believe me.”

Everyone looked at Anakin, and Anakin scratched his head: "I didn't see it, I just saw the young lady talking to the bottom of the wall."

"What kind of wall duck, there is obviously a kid!"

Seeing that his grandparents were all looking at him, Xie Tiehammer spread his hands and said, "I didn't see it either, but my mother was indeed muttering to herself."

"Yeah, daddy, just to scare me, I don't have much stock of spicy noodles."

Xie Zhi looked at the daughter who was hugging her thigh and acting like a baby: "This is your main purpose, right? Are you afraid of ghosts? How much have the aliens made you play to death? Trust you ghost."

"We'll talk about that later." Xiao Yu looked at Padmé and said, "Now that Naboo is liberated, Her Majesty still has a lot to deal with, so let's not bother."

Although everyone knew Padmé's true identity, in front of her subjects, everyone still called her a queen.

Padmé hurriedly said: "No, you are the heroes who saved Naboo, you are the most honored friends of Naboo, Naboo has no secrets from you, Naboo still has a lot of things to ask you."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Thousands of things, this moment is not too late, Your Majesty, now your subjects need to see you."

Seeing this, Padmé had no choice but to send someone to arrange state guest treatment for Xie Zhi and the others.

The arranged accommodation is naturally the top in the country, with the utmost courtesy.

But they said that everyone was in the room, and their minds were on Xie Ai. After all, how could Xie Zhi not care about his daughter's affairs.

"What the **** is going on? Tell me carefully."

Xie Ai said: "Before the war, I suddenly saw a little brother on the spaceship. Of course I had to ask him who he was, and he also asked who I was, and I asked him again..."

While chattering, everyone understood. I don't know if Xie Ai's experience was a hallucination, but the child must not have lied. The little girl is a little skinny, but she is not enough to make up a story for Latiao...

No, I can do it! But it is impossible to make up such a nose and eyes, and even describe the appearance of the other party clearly. Miss Xie never distracts herself when she makes up stories. It is a routine practice to say that if you don’t eat spicy noodles, your stomach will be full of strange diseases.

Xiao Yu murmured: "Little boy, he can't see his surroundings, and he can't see Xiao Ai clearly..."

Ren also frowned and said, "Is this one of the abilities of the Force? Moore doesn't have this form of expression in his memory, including the history he knows."

"If you need ability... tsk tsk, cross-universe video conversation, it's too much." Xie Zhi squinted his eyes and said: "The white eyeballs are nine years old like Anakin, and the Jedi Knights think he is too old to teach him." Oh... girl, what do you think is the name of the little brother?"

"Chirrut, Chirrut Invell." (Note 1)

Xiaoyu suddenly thought of something, and said, "Laifu, give Xiaoai another test to see how high the content of mycoplasma is."

Soon, Lai Fu said: "Xiao Ai's current fibroblast content is... 24,000! And it's still growing. It was already slow to stagnate before, and it has increased again."

Xie Zhi immediately said: "Let's have a test."

After a while, Laifu shook his head: "Everyone's growth rate is slowing down, very slow, as long as Xiaoai rebounds,

Let me talk about the data first, minus the odds, the uncle has 19,000, the aunt has 23,000, the second uncle has 16,000, the hammer has 17,000, the small stone has 13,000, and the second aunt has 15,000. "

Bucky asked in surprise, "Why is the content of Xiaoai so exaggerated? And there is a rebound in growth rate?"

Xie Zhi said: "Xiao Ai, what did you do before?"

"I'm so good, I didn't do anything bad."

Xiao Yu said: "Didn't I ask you this, about practicing martial arts, or the original force, what did you do?"

Xie Ai tilted his head and thought for a while: "Well... my second aunt said that the original force is mutton slices, and I said it was hairy belly, but I realized right away, this is wrong, it is too disrespectful to the original force! So I figured out There are many ways to eat the original force, steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chick, roasted goose..."

Xie Ai shook his head and declared the name of the dish, and even sucked his saliva from time to Everyone was dumbfounded, could it be that this girl really wants to eat the original force?

Laifu suddenly said in shock: "Ah, Xiaoai's midiplasm growth rate has increased again!"

Xie Zhi sighed: "Is psychological suggestion so effective? How about we try it too?"

As the saying goes, if a stupid method works, it is not a stupid method, and everyone will do it.

But the experiment failed. No matter what kind of food everyone "thinks" of the Force, there is no rebound in growth rate. It is obvious that Xie Ai is no longer a fantasy, but a true foodie belief!

Xiaoyu sighed at this: "This method is useless to us... How can we say that our family's living treasure has a heart of food that is beyond vulgarity? His attitude towards eating is so simple that he is determined?"

Xie Ai felt that he was praising her, and he pouted proudly: "Eat, I'm a serious duck."

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