Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 409: jedi bachelors

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Xiao Yu suddenly said: "Wu Neng, before Palpatine left, he kidnapped a group of Jedi schoolchildren, do you think those children can be saved?"

Wu Neng shook his head: "It's impossible, Palpatine has too many secrets, I don't know where he will take the child, and the biggest weakness of the Jedi Knights is that they dare not touch the dark side. , it will be difficult to turn back, let alone schoolchildren, those children will become Sith warriors."

Bucky frowned and said, "There's a question I don't quite understand. We've also experienced foreseeing the future. Although it's uncontrollable, there are so many Jedi Orders. How could no one foresee that Master Sith is by his side?"

Wu Neng said: "I have heard Palpatine say that the force in the universe is out of balance, the force of light is weakening, while the force of darkness is flourishing, the Jedi order has long been weakening, their abilities Gradually decline.

Moreover, the dark force has a characteristic that can interfere with the light force. The characteristic of darkness is that it is difficult to see clearly, so the future seen by the Jedi Knights is cloudy and confusing, so Palpatine believes that although the Jedi can foresee the future But in general, the Jedi Knights have already lost, and they can't see anything when it comes to the dark side. Note 1)

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "No wonder I can stay under the noses of the Jedi Knights. If it were me, there would be no less preparations in Coruscant. Once there is a change, I will be ruthless. It's okay if I don't go." Maybe the explosion will happen again."

Returning to the battleship, but while waiting for a reply, Youde and Laifu raised their defensive methods to another level.

That's right, there are three warships on the surface, but in fact there are quite a lot of troops released. Regardless of whether the opponent comes hard or not, the countermeasures on your side cannot be relaxed.

According to Xie Zhi, now that there are black hole grenades, nuclear weapons can be used as needed, as well as the super bombs of the hunters and the high-explosive missiles of the Kree, which are enough for Coruscant to drink a pot.

Although this is the capital of the Republic, the problem is that the warships appear directly nearby, and they are almost close to the face. Once the war starts, the opponent will be unlucky. This is not the border, and it will bloom directly inside. I don’t know if it is not vigilant or trusts the members enough. country's top.

About an hour later, the communication was connected again, and it was still Windu.

Windu said: "Mr. Xie Zhi, we believe that... Jedi Knights do not accept blackmail."

Xie Zhile said: "Blackmail? This big hat is due to being involved in politics for a long time, and the Jedi Knight's creed is not pure. Well, since you didn't characterize this as a transaction, there is nothing to talk about."

"Young man, have you thought it through? There is a Sith warrior on your spaceship. There are very good reasons for us to use force."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Yu's eyes moved, and she suddenly took a few steps forward, and before Xie Zhi could speak, she said, "Is it meaningful to play with one bad face and the other good face? Everyone is practicing the original force, let that A green-skinned elder come out."

Windu looked at Xiao Yu in surprise, but Xie Zhi and others naturally understood that it was Xiao Yu who triggered the foresight again.

"Do you understand the Force?"

As soon as Windu finished speaking, another person appeared in the holographic image. Just as Xiaoyu said, he was a green-skinned person, and he was very small, less than one meter long. He had two big ears, a wrinkled forehead, and white hair. There are few hairs.

The green-skinned dwarf said: "I am the elder of the Jedi, Yoda, since this lady has seen it, well, we agree to some conditions, and the Kyber crystal can only be paid one-tenth in advance, and the truth of the information must be confirmed. Pay it off after sex."

Xie Zhi shook his head: "That won't work. Although a deal is a bargain, your cleverness makes me feel that you lack the sincerity of the deal, so now the price has been raised, and all conditions will be increased by 10%."

Youda said: "Young man, we don't know if this information is worth it. If it is too much, there is no need to trade it. We can investigate it ourselves."

"Hehe, of course, we are sellers, buyers have the right to choose not to buy, that is your freedom."

Yoda was about to speak, when suddenly the expressions of both of them froze.

Laifu also informed everyone that they had just passed the long-distance observation equipment and found that there was fire in the surface city of Coruscant. Obviously another explosion occurred. Although it did not land on the planet, it can still be seen through means similar to astronomical telescope The condition of the surface.

Although Palpatine is gone, whether it is a time bomb or through mind control, he can obviously continue to destroy.

And this wave of assists was just right.

Xie Zhi took the opportunity to laugh and said: "Yo, it exploded again, fortunately we didn't land, I hope your investigation will be faster, we still have something to do, so we won't go into this muddy water.

Frankly speaking, being targeted by a Sith master hiding in the dark, tsk tsk, we are also afraid, the risk is so great. "

Yoda sighed: "Okay, we have agreed to your conditions, but there are really not many Kyber crystals here, and they are all gathered by masters. It will take time to deliver them all."

"Not only promise, you have to do it, don't you Jedi knights believe in the force of light, then swear by your beliefs, if you can't do it, or if you renege on your debts or make troubles, you will all fall into the dark side and become a Sith instead. Not just the two of you, I want all Jedi elders to swear together, video recording."

As for the oath, thank you for knowing that they are at ease, fanatic believers also have good things, at least they can't do things that violate the oath, which is tantamount to subverting their own worldview.

Yoda frowned: "We can swear, but we can only guarantee that we will go all out and not let the water go. Jedi knights are not omnipotent."

Everyone looked at each other, and felt that what they said made sense, and it would be good to work hard, so Xie Zhi nodded in agreement.

A consensus was reached, and with the sworn endorsement of all Jedi elders, the transaction could proceed.

Not long after, a small spaceship flew out of Coruscant and entered the C-type battleship.

The two who came were Yoda and Windu, and there was a box floating in the air with them.

According to Wu Neng's understanding, they are the two strongest Jedi knights.

But as soon as they met, the two of them looked stunned and glanced at everyone with surprise in their eyes.

Xie Zhi folded his arms and said, "What? Is there a problem?"

Windu's face was gloomy: "I saw the darkness contained in your force..."

Before Windu finished speaking, Yoda interrupted: "They are the coexistence of darkness and light, not Sith, not only Sith can't do it, we can't do it either."

Windu glanced at Yoda in surprise, but Yoda shook his head without responding, and then looked at Xiaoyu: "There is a big prophecy with a long history, and there is a person who will bring balance to the force. I didn't expect that, Will meet in my lifetime."

Windu was even more surprised, and turned to look at Xiao Yu: "Master Yoda, do you think she is the one in the prophecy?"

The conversation between the two surprised Xie Zhi and the did they predict drizzle? On the contrary, Wu Neng was very calm, as if he already knew it.

And Yoda said again: "The force in them is balanced. Although I don't know how you can make darkness and light coexist, I can also see that you don't practice long, and you have nothing in the force. Unable to control, I sincerely invite you all to join the Jedi Order, we are willing to share the secrets of Jedi martial arts, ma'am, what do you want?"

Xiao Yu smiled and shook her head: "You asked the wrong person, if you have something to do, tell my husband."

Yoda said in surprise: "Your way of cultivation... can you get married?!"

Xie Zhi said unhappily: "We can still have children, we can also have grandchildren, and children and grandchildren are inexhaustible! You think we don't know about the Jedi, and you still trick us into joining the Jedi Bachelors? What's the matter, you want us to divorce You can’t be too shameless, don’t you know that you will be struck by lightning if you destroy someone’s family!”

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