Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Very rewarding

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It is inevitable for Naboo to engage in armed construction. It is not yet known how much support the Republic Council will ultimately provide.

Therefore, both the C-shaped battleship and the vulture robot can be used, and the Destroyer is also good. As for the B1, I will use it for the time being.

So Padmé didn't hesitate at all, and informed her hometown that she was going to make a payment, and she ate it all.

It's just limited by the post-war economic conditions of the Naboo Kingdom. At present, one-third of the payment can only be paid first, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the country, but this is still a huge sum of money, enough to buy many good things.

The pockets were bulging, so the soldiers were divided into two groups, and the buying, buying, and buying action began.

Xie Zhi and Bucky formed their own way, taking R2 with them.

And Rogge's team followed Wu Neng, a local, to other places.

But what Xie Zhi and Bucky did first was to find a planet with a high enough level of civilization, and release the dormant Mandalorians in the wilderness.

There is no nonsense, and I directly showed the Adamantium alloy to the other party, and let him verify it by himself. The result can be imagined, as a Mandalorian, it is clear whether it is really Mandalorian iron.

It must be a misunderstanding, this guy is also a bachelor, he is not reluctant, but very depressed.

As for whether he was captured because of frustration, or if he shaved his head when he was seen, it is unknown. (Note 1)

Xie Zhi wasn't interested in comforting him either, so let's admit his bad luck and part ways, if he doesn't accept it, then continue working.

Afterwards, Xie Zhi and Bucky went to famous companies in the Milky Way, mainly to purchase hyperspace thrusters and core elements.

Indispensably, according to the requirements of Youde and Howard, they proposed to order special equipment, that is... plug-in hyperspace thrusters.

And this kind of thing is not the original of the two, but a special equipment of the Jedi Order, and this kind of equipment is public information, precisely because it is not confidential, so people really did not find out in the past, after all, there is a lot of public information Go, this is only known to Wu Neng when he inadvertently mentioned the special vehicle of the Jedi Knight.

The so-called special fighters of the Jedi Knights are called Jedi star fighters. This fighter itself does not have the ability to jump into hyperspace, so people have come up with an external propeller. After being equipped, the fighter can jump into hyperspace and reach the destination After that, just separate.

It can be said that it is a very comprehensive design concept, and the old Xie family has Pym particles, this flexible method is more suitable for them.

The various types of spaceships at home are inherently complicated. If you use the plug-in design, there is no need for major changes. As long as you make a small change and design a special plug-in, then all of them can jump into hyperspace, and the problem will be solved.

So Youde and Howard only need to produce the design drawings, and the rest can be handed over to professional manufacturers.

Is that all? No, the old Xie family discovered some good things that are ordinary in this world, but have a profound impact on other universes, and from the perspective of life, they even exceed all their accumulation! That is a real treasure!

This is thanks to having a super snack at home, Xie Ai.

That's right, it's diet.

You must know that the history of dietary exchanges in this universe is measured in thousands of years, and every food and livestock that have been verified to be safe are real treasures for other worlds. It can be said to completely solve the food problem!

As far as R2 knows, there are many high-yield crops grown under harsh conditions, as well as high-value crops with super high nutritional value. Similarly, delicious ingredients that satisfy the appetite are indispensable.

Of course, the harmfulness of the invasion of alien species must also be considered, so not only must strict screening, but also strict observation, this aspect is not a problem at all with the technical conditions of the old Xie family.

And bringing local seeds and livestock creatures, not only thinking about saving the world, but also having huge benefits for the family. The future is stable. If you can get a few unowned planets to be farmers, it seems to be a long-term business.

As for Wu Neng and Rogge's team, the target is the black market. Wu Neng is quite familiar with this aspect, so he is the most suitable one.

Their goal is still the Kyber crystal, as much as they can, and then, according to the information of the Mandalorian, they will search for all the information related to Mandalorian and collect as much as possible.

The operation went smoothly without any accidents, and the basic goals have been achieved in three days, which can be said to be quite fruitful, except for a large number of ordered products, which still have to wait for production.

But they meet again, and the location is Naboo.

Without him, although the Republic Council has elected a new speaker, and the Jedi Knights have also begun lobbying and mediation, but with the efficiency of the Council, just wait.

Padmé had no time to delay with them, the little girl was full of energy now, she felt that staying with Coruscant was a waste of time, she might as well do something practical with this time, so she invited everyone to visit Naboo again.

As for the Mandalorian iron that Wu Neng brought back, there are quite a few, more than two hundred metal ingots, and Wu Neng thinks that he can still get it. Obviously, the national conditions of the Mandalorians are chaotic enough, otherwise they would not There's a lot of Mandalorian iron leaking out.

However, given that it is something that cannot be seen, Wu Neng and Rogge's team still spent some setbacks. Although he said it easily, the faint traces of dried blood on the metal ingots are enough to explain the problem. When it comes to the black market, it is basically not the same as Taiping. detached.

No matter what, it's Xie Zhi's and Bucky's turn to work.

The two of them touched one by one, stopping and stopping, and the return of the original force really paid off.

Not only did the two of them see the smelting process, but they also saw the state of the ore. In addition, there were various conversations with the casters, and the accumulation of backtracking content made up a complete casting process.

According to the notes made by the two while watching, drawing plus text, under the introduction of R2, Youde and Howard think that the process of copying Mandalorian Iron is not a big problem.

It can be said that the secret of Mandalorian iron has been solved, and this also negates a rumor. According to the rumors circulating in the Milky Way, it is said that Mandalorian iron is a unique mineral originating from the Mandalorian planet. That unique mineral is the core secret.

But now it seems that this is a lie. Yes, Mandalorian iron is a special alloy formula.

In fact, from a logical analysis, the possibility is not high, nothing else, because the degree of communication in the Milky Way is like the countries on the earth in the 21st century, and the Milky Way is so big, if there is only one place to produce, the territory of the Mandalorian Judging by its population, population, and long history, this mineral is not enough and should have been consumed long ago.

And if there is more than one planet, it is said that other parts of the Milky Way should also produce something. With the exploration of the Milky Way by the locals, once unknown minerals appear, they must be studied, so Mandalorian Iron will also be in other places. Appear.

In addition, the Mandalorians who are living outside are trying their best to recover it. Maybe the Mandalorians are also worried that some Jedi knights have the ability to trace back the force and will discover this secret.

So everyone is highly rumors were released by the ancestors of the Mandalorians in order to confuse others, and they deliberately did not install them in large quantities to prevent the exposure of unique technologies. (Note 2)

But even so, Youde and Howard believe that it will still take a lot of time to reproduce it, because there is still a difficulty. The smelting of this alloy is not only as simple as high temperature, but also has other high-tech methods.

And that should be the unique technology of the Mandalorian, but through the description of Xie Zhi and Bucky, the two geniuses think that they understand the principle, and it does not exceed the scope of local mainstream technology. This is thanks to the love of learning R2, the little guy knows a lot of things, and he helped the two geniuses solve the problem of looking up information.

So you only need to develop the relevant equipment, and you can start copying.

Then the remaining problem is one, collect as many minerals as possible for the formula, of course, the main ones are not found in other worlds, or have not been discovered.

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