Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 438: The rhythm of a professional player?

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Xie Zhi has confirmed the truth, but he has not researched many details. After all, there are too many contents, so it is better to ask the experts directly.

Rather than doing it, Trinity directly asked the outside operator to load the training program.

The so-called training program is actually nothing more than a program about firearms, fighting, driving and super jumping ability, these are meaningless to Xie Zhi.

But Xie Zhi tried it casually, and shocked the crew from ear to ear. Xie Zhi completed all the difficult challenges at once, broke all the records, and set an unsurpassable benchmark.

"Is that all?"

Trinity could hear the boredom in Xie Zhi's tone, and said, "The only thing left is the scene against the enemy."

"Then we need to experience it." Xie Zhi finally raised a little interest.

The converted scene is the streets of a modern city full of people.

Trinity pointed to the pedestrians and said: "We hope to save everyone, but before saving them, everyone is on the side of the system. In the consciousness of humans in the matrix, we may be criminals, spies, terrorists, so because of ignorance , everyone in the matrix is ​​hostile to us.

The truth is cruel, the human beings in the matrix are not ready to be unplugged, they are addicted to it, and some have even been unable to get rid of their dependence on the system, such as..."

Xie Zhi continued: "Successful people."

"Yes, but our main enemy..."

"It's her, right?" Xie Zhi pointed to a blonde beauty in a red dress in the crowd.

Trinity froze for a moment, and asked in surprise, "How did you see that?"

The crew members in reality were even more surprised, and the crew member named Mouse yelled, "How is it possible? No one can see through the beauty I designed!"

Xie Zhi curled his lips and said: "Everyone is wearing dark formal work clothes, walking in a hurry, surrounded by office buildings, it is obvious that people walking here are busy with work or preparing for work.

But in this kind of crowd, there is a woman dressed in flirtatious clothes who walks the model walk and winks at me. She must have entered the wrong set. This is not a fashion shopping street, nor is it a catwalk.

Who designed this program? It's so uncoordinated, only a fool can be fooled, or have you never seen a beautiful woman?

Then I can only say that I am too inexperienced in the world. Women are very dangerous, especially the more beautiful women, such as my wife. "

Hearing this, the expressions of the real crew members are wonderful, all kinds of embarrassment.

And following Xie Zhi's voice, the face of the woman in the red dress twisted and stretched, like a person made of plasticine being pulled and deformed, and then turned into a man in a suit and leather shoes, and at the same time he drew a pistol and aimed it at Thank you.

Xie Zhi watched silently, without any reaction.

Trinity had no choice but to say: "Freeze frame."

Everyone froze, as if the video was frozen.

"Are you sure he won't shoot?"

Xie Zhi moved his face closer to the man in the sunglasses, and said, "This is a training program, isn't it? Since the consciousness dies, the reality will die, so you wouldn't kill the newcomer directly, would you?"

That being said, Xie Zhixin said, I will hang around for many years, if I can't see it, just find a piece of tofu and kill me.

"Well, it's really just a simulation program, but in the matrix, agents are very dangerous."

"Agent? What exactly?"

"They are monitoring programs, and they can freely enter and exit any program that is connected to the system, that is to say, anyone who has not pulled the plug has the possibility of becoming an agent.

In the matrix, everyone may or may not be, they are also the gatekeepers of the matrix, and the gates of entry and exit are guarded by them.

For us, when encountering agents in the matrix, there are only two options, hide or run. "

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you going to fight?"

Trinity said indifferently: "When the battle starts, it means that death is not far away. No one has ever defeated the agents. They can smash the concrete with one punch, and the bullets run out, but they can't hurt them. No one can kill them. them."

"Well, there are bonuses for local combat?"

"Yes, can beat them."

"Then I'm really flattered, just because of the prophecy?"

Trinity nodded: "Murphys believes in prophecy, I believe in Murphys, and if you are really the savior, then you must be able to deal with agents, not to mention, the strength and speed of agents are still bound by the rules of the matrix, so they Can't do...what you do."

Xie Zhi raised his hand solemnly: "I'm sorry, after much deliberation, you should stop calling me the savior, it doesn't feel very auspicious."


"Anyway, this is my insistence."

After that, Xie Zhi asked some other questions, such as how to help people in the matrix to plug in, such as their precautions in fighting in the matrix, and so on.

Instead, during the inquiry, I got a piece of information that interested Xie Zhi, about technology.

Murphys and others are quite capable of fighting in the program world, but the reason is not that there are any powerful instructors, but the knowledge of fighting, firearms, driving, etc. directly from the program, especially fighting, almost any player in the world They know all genres of fighting.

Xie Zhi is not interested in fighting ability, but in the way of acquiring knowledge, which is poured into his head! This way of learning really doesn't talk about martial arts.

However, after careful questioning, Trinity's answer was that in reality their fighting abilities had shrunk severely, and they simply couldn't do what they could do in the matrix. The main reason was the mismatch in physical fitness.

Furthermore, they don't practice in reality, they mainly practice virtual combat power, and this makes Xie Zhi feel that they are... the rhythm of professional players?

"So it's like having a concept in your head, but it's not really mastered. So if what you learn is not fighting, but... such as a foreign language, won't it affect the use in reality?"

Trinity replied with a look of puzzlement: "Of course it is possible, but few people do it. At most, it is used to directly learn computer technology."

"That's right, that's right, learning knowledge is the key point, good news for parents, you don't have to worry about your children's learning anymore."

In Xie Zhi's opinion, it is a waste to use this technology to learn fighting. Of course, who made his whole family a master of fighting, but if it is used to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, how much learning time will be saved, Xie Ai must like it very much.

But after thinking about it, the homework can also distract the little girl's incomparably vigorous vitality. If the learning process is gone, the brat will really go to heaven.

Moreover, with the experience of acquiring true linguistics from Yumanji, and the fact that Murphys and others are not masters in reality, he also understands that this technology has limitations, that is, the understanding of knowledge is definitely not thorough enough.

However, this is still a very remarkable technology. It does not need to be used to settle down, but a lot of knowledge that is not commonly used but is also useful can be obtained through this method.

For example, astronomy and geography, advanced mathematics, quantum mechanics, Jingdong drums, fancy knitting, beauty salons, auto repair cooking, etc.

In short ~ ~ technology is good, but you have to selectively filter the knowledge to be instilled.

I understand everything I need to know, and Xie Zhi doesn't ask any more.

When Trinity left the digital space, Xie Zhi also left without any accidents, indicating that this method of smuggling in and out is no problem.

However, Xie Zhi still had to leave a set of related equipment, and asked Murphys to make a copy of the information on this technology. There is no harm in having another choice.

And Xie Zhi discovered the flaw of stowaway entry, that is, if the follower dies, wouldn't the stowaway be trapped in the virtual space, so it is necessary to build another set of equipment.

Murphys didn't hesitate at all, and he would give it if he wanted it. Now he looks at Xie Zhi with more eager eyes, just like looking at rare treasures.

Enthusiasm made Xie Zhi instantly understand the distress of the idol star: "Then about I sign your autograph?"

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