Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Do you have a dog?

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Murphys said: "How should I put it... You need to think carefully every time you talk to the prophet, because the words of the prophet are very profound. So far, there are only predictions about you, which are simple, clear, and precise.

So I don't know what will happen to the original savior. In fact... I just firmly believe that Neo is the savior, but I have no evidence, just my intuition. "

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "Except for me? Hehe, let me ask you a question, is it because the Prophet has a different expression when he mentions me?"

Murphys thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's really a lot more serious."

The corners of Xie Zhi's mouth curled up, was it just serious? Not afraid?

On the other side, three police explosion-proof vehicles drove through a street intersection one after another while roaring.

In one of the cars, a young man of mixed race was being escorted. He was very handsome, and he could be considered a handsome guy wherever he went.

Besides him, there were three other agents in the car.

One of the agents squatted in front of the mixed-race man and said, "Mr. Neo, this is the second time we've met. I'm curious. How much do you know about the name Xie Zhi?"

Neo looked at each other with some disgust: "Mr. Smith, I don't understand what you mean."

"Well, I believe you, after all, you haven't left with those criminals, so you shouldn't know much.

But what makes me strange is that the so-called savior is really powerful. For the first time in history, someone can kill the agent.

But the question is... why did I have to come to rescue you after killing two of my colleagues? What is so special about you? You know, I can kill you right now, but they don't have time to stop it in terms of time. "

Neo looked at Agent Smith angrily, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said, "Don't you know everything about me, you can still keep my mouth shut, and you can install a bug robot on me, so why don't you ask?" What am I doing?"

Smith opened his mouth slightly: "Ah... I think what you said is very reasonable, why should I ask?"

As he said that, an electric current appeared on Smith's body surface, and then he returned to the appearance of a special policeman, but the next moment, a distortion occurred on Neo's body. Yes, Smith chose to possess Neo! (Note 1)

In an instant, Neo became Smith, and he adjusted his tie calmly, with a mysterious smile on his face: "Mr. Neo... is really special."

"What did you find?" asked one of the agents.

Smith said indifferently: "Well, this is very complicated, but if it is simply summarized, I think it is... the key to freedom."

Another agent asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that I don't want to die at the hands of that savior. It takes time to grow up, and it takes time to think, so my dear colleagues, I have to take a leave of absence first and see you later."

As soon as he finished speaking, electric current flickered on his body again, leaving only Neo with a dazed expression on his face.

At this moment, three police cars slowed down one after another and stopped.

Without him, on the road ahead, several utility poles piled up became roadblocks, and there was a helicopter in the sky.

Xie Zhi approached from the air, looking down at the police car.

He raised his hand slightly, and the steel plate on the top of the explosion-proof car creaked, and the iron sheet rolled up like opening a can, and the cover was gone.

Seeing that there was no prisoner in the compartment, Xie Zhi waved his hand, and the explosion-proof car rolled to the side of the road, light as a toy car.

The second car was made in the same way. After lifting the top cover, Xie Zhi saw the handcuffed man. His appearance fit Murphys' description of Neo, a handsome man of mixed race from East to West.

As for the special agents and special police inside the car, Xie Zhi slapped them all **** the wall of the car with one hand, and they couldn't get off, as if they were stained.

"It looks familiar..." As he said that, Xie Zhi waved his hand casually, and the third police car at the end of the line did a backflip, turned around a few times and fell to the ground, upside down.

Then Xie Zhi hooked his fingers with his backhand, and Neo was controlled to float up.

Xie Zhi smiled at Neo and said, "Hello, Mr. Neo, don't worry, you are safe now."

After saying that, Xie Zhi opened his fingers, and there was a crisp sound of metal breaking, and Neo's handcuffs broke directly.

This didn't relieve Neo's nervousness, his Adam's apple moved a few times: "Who are you?"

"You can ask Murphys about this, I still have to deal with these two agents."

Neo, who was at a loss, was sent to the helicopter by Xie Zhi.

At the same time, a special police officer next to the two agents appeared distorted.

Just when the two agents thought it was their own people who had arrived, the special police turned into a monster they had never seen before! Its size is so huge that it forcibly cracked the car body!

Yes, that is the Alien Empress.

We must know that the alien's racial strength is to obtain the other's gene after parasitism, so as to evolve itself, and the alien born from the agent naturally has various abilities of the agent, of course, including the physical ability of possessing and ordinary people.

But at this moment, the alien queen did not eat the two agents, but spit out a lot of saliva towards the two agents, and the saliva gradually became thicker, sticking the two agents to the car body.

Afterwards, the huge abdomen of the Alien Empress began to wriggle, and she wanted to... lay eggs.

The subsequent process is naturally a one-stop process of face huggers, parasites, and broken bodies.

While Xie Zhi was waiting, Murphys had already landed the helicopter on the roof of a building, and had a brief exchange with Neo for a while.

The general content is to ask Neo if he wants to know the truth, but he can choose to forget everything and continue to live, or to know what the matrix is, blah blah blah.

In short, it was to show that he just wanted to help him, and he decided how to choose.

Having experienced so many things beyond common sense at this time, Neo did not hesitate much and chose to know the truth.

So Murphys called Xie Zhi: "Mr. Xie Zhi, there is still a problem, I have to trouble you."

"You're welcome, now we are on one side, let's talk."

"It's like this, our safe house has been exposed, and to rescue people, we need to prepare a lot of equipment, and we need to divide the work and cooperate to locate Neo's location, so there must be a safe enough place.

Now it is not suitable here, not only will there be agents who will come to make trouble, but if the matrix gives orders to the military, it will be more troublesome than agents. Therefore, you have to find a safe place for Neo first, and wait for a while before you can Complete the rescue process. "

Xie Zhi floated up to the top of the building and said, "Understood, it's a small matter, you can leave first, I will take Neo to find a safe house, and then we will continue."

Helping people to the end, Xie Zhi escorted Murphys for a while until he disappeared from the public phone booth.

And this scene of a great transformation of a living person made Neo feel confused for a while.

Xie Zhi smiled: "How about it, buddy, today is exciting enough."

"It's exciting enough."

"Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

Xie Zhi walked ahead, took out his mobile phone and said, "R2, study the maps of these blocks, Ninth Avenue, Fifteenth Street..."

The areas Xie Zhi mentioned are all safe areas screened by agents. That’s right, what the agents know now, and the aliens also know, means that Xie Zhi also knows.

Because the alien's parasitism not only acquires the ability of the other party, but also includes the memory of the agent.

To be precise, the current alien is a freak, not only a program, but also Xie Zhi's subconscious defender, a combination of the two.

And the area where the agent thought there was no problem was naturally where Xie Zhi chose the safe house.

Going around Xie Zhi took Neo to the destination, an office building.

The unleased floors in the building are currently safe.

Neo was about to speak, Xie Zhi raised a finger to indicate silence, took out his mobile phone and said, "R2, I need a stun gun."

Seeing Xie Zhi pull out a stun gun from his windbreaker, Neo asked puzzled, "Are there any enemies?"

"It's not about the enemy, Neo, do you have a dog?"


"Very good, I think you must have a good temper."

boom! zzz!

Neo twitches and dances messily.

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