Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 444: try and die

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At this time, the Nebuchadnezzar had begun to evacuate to Yumanji.

When gradually approaching Yumanji, with the arrival of Qinglong, the attack of the squid robot completely failed.

Now Xie Zhi has also returned to reality, in the spaceship, and Neo is also on board.

After accurate positioning, Xie Zhi asked the Terminator to drive a big knife to rescue it. It is much more convenient than the Nebuchadnezzar, with high speed and stealth, and the efficiency is extremely high.

Looking at Neo on the hospital bed, Xie Zhi shook his head and sighed: "Tsk tsk, being a humanoid battery is really miserable, with muscle atrophy, wrinkled skin, malnutrition, kidney do you usually save it?"

Everyone around is busy, Murphys explained: "We will use electrode acupuncture to stimulate nerve firing in muscle tissue and promote muscle recovery..."

"Just tell me how long it will take."

"It will take at least half a month to recover."

Xie Zhi began to roll up his sleeves: "Forget it, seeing how miserable he is, the doctor's parents are so concerned, let me do it, and I will do the surgery! Well, since he is already miserable enough... let's not bother, do you have an anesthesiologist? "

Murphys wondered: "We have doctors, but why do we need surgery?"

"Pull off these implanted sockets on his body, and then... in short, he will recover in minutes."

Trinity frowned and said: "But without a socket, you can't enter the matrix."

Xie Zhi pointed at his equipment and said with a smile: "You don't need to beat around the bush. You know my equipment. I'll give you the technology. It's a trivial matter."

Anyway, after many years, Xie Zhi finally got over his addiction to surgery, and he is quite satisfied. Although he lacks some embellishments in sound effects and is a little unaccustomed, he is still satisfied.

The operation was actually quite rough, and everyone who watched it was terrified. Removing the implanted device is a delicate job, but Xie knew that regardless of the procedure, he felt more like a bold chef than a doctor.

But anyway, the operation is performed on a black-tech medical bed, and it is cured at the cellular level, so it is pulled out and cured at will, and the efficiency is very high.

After the operation, Neo also fully recovered.

Xie Zhi held up his hands full of blood, and nodded in satisfaction: "Come on, come back while I'm in a good state, next one."

Although everyone wanted to get rid of the joints on their bodies, but with Xie Zhi's unrestrained surgical style, everyone felt the urge to pick the ground with their toes, and their heads shook like rattles.

"I know you guys are timid. I mean that so-and-so, that... traitor, bring him here and continue the operation. This time, you don't need to use anesthesia."

At this moment, Cypher, who was being held by the Terminator, already had a bruised nose and a swollen face, which his own mother could not recognize. Obviously, he had been beaten a lot before.

Hearing Xie Zhi's words, he wailed immediately: "No! I've already confessed everything! Murphys, you said that as long as I fully confess, you will spare my life!"

Xie Zhi tilted his head: "Murphys said to spare your life? Did I say that? Besides, I didn't say I was going to kill you. It's just a cleansing operation. It's similar to circumcision. It doesn't hurt at all. Believe it I, darling...coward! I was scared to pee, throw it out and throw it out! Disappointing."

Seeing that Cypher was thrown into the forest, the tank pouted: "It's cheap for him! I'm afraid the squid won't kill him."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "You think too much, oh, you have never seen a live wild animal when you are so old, right? Reminder, don't be too enthusiastic when you meet in the future, some animals generally only consider whether you can eat them or not."

And Murphys shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, except here, there are almost no animals on the earth, and the plants are almost gone."

"There will be, it's not too difficult, well, how did that scumbag explain to me, tell me."

Murphys briefly talked about it. In fact, things are not complicated. In fact, after Cypher was rescued from the matrix, he regretted it. Day, also enjoy the false life in the matrix.

Without knowing the truth, cannibalism is forced and unconscious, but if you know the truth and choose to cannibalize, then it is really inhumane.

Therefore, this guy has already hooked up with the secret agent a long time ago, just waiting for the right time to sell everyone in exchange for a chance to play a virtual game.

Yes, everyone, because what the agents want is the access password and password to enter the host computer of the human gathering place. At that time, the only 200,000 human beings left in reality will all be finished.

It's a pity that Xie Zhi's powerful combat power after his arrival made Cypher feel that the robot might lose, but this guy didn't think about the benefits of human victory, and would rather have a virtual glory and wealth than help the robot win.

Therefore, the matrix also knows about Xie Zhi's information.

After listening to Xie Zhi, he was not angry, but rather emotional: "Frankly speaking, this scum surprised me. All kinds of villains are not uncommon, and they are well-informed, but so... I can't describe it, I can only Say, there is no worst and stupidest, only worse and stupider."

Afterwards, Xie Zhi did not stay in the spaceship any longer, and went home to see the children.

In fact, the matrix cannot be continuously entered. Unlike dreams, the time of the matrix is ​​synchronized with reality, so people have to eat, drink, and sleep, even if they have liver, they must be restrained.

But Xie Zhi and Bucky discussed it. Although there are hostages in the matrix, they can't just take the initiative in the matrix, and should also take the initiative in reality.

Without him, there are thousand-day thieves, but there is no thousand-day anti-thief. It is annoying enough for squid robots to come here from time to time, not to mention that I don’t know if there are robots with cards in the matrix.

So it is necessary to show off its muscles again, and it is not expected to scare the matrix into surrender. This is unlikely, but it must be weighed and considered, considering what kind of price it will pay for a sneak attack in reality.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the robot, as the winning side, has created the matrix world. Obviously, it is not an idiot. It should be able to understand that sometimes hostages may not be useful, because some people are not to be messed with. If they are upset, it is not good do it.

Ever since, Xie Zhi released the C-type battleship in the sky.

At present, they have brought two of these huge ships, one for Xie Zhi and one for Bucky's emergency kit.

And what the battleship has to do is not complicated, it sinks under the clouds, and there is a wave of global parade in the air.

The battleship did not roar with artillery fire, and did not shout threats, but just flew silently over the robot site, but the battleship also marked four Chinese characters in the air through the holographic image—Heaven’s New King!

Yes, Xie Zhi is just declaring, as for the matrix, believe it or not, you can try it.

The matrix also responded, the same old way, still sending a large number of squid into the air, and carried out a tentative attack.

And in the end, to try is to die.

Crackling and hitting the energy shield, staged a large-scale suicide collision.

Nothing was achieved except to add some fireworks to the giant ship.

It seems that at the initial stage, the enemy group has not planned to give is estimated that they want to test the strength of the energy shield, but they think too much. Since it is an emergency kit, Youde told Xie that the energy reserves they equipped, use If you have more than ten years to spare, you can bump into it casually.

Although the battleship didn't make any counterattacks, this move alone is enough to prove what is called a dimensionality reduction strike, and it can't even break through the defense. Just ask if you are afraid.

And the effect is really remarkable.

After Xie Zhi and Murphys entered the matrix for the second time, a video was continuously played on large and small advertising screens in the bustling city.

The content is very simple: "Mr. Xie Zhi, we look forward to increasing understanding and peaceful coexistence with you, and hope to carry out friendly and pragmatic negotiations."

PS: I just learned the news that the country has also sent New Year gifts! Vaccines are free! Our country is really arrogant in launching welfare! Domineering!

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