Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Gain knowledge

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A congressman hurriedly walked up to the two of them: "Gentlemen, the matter was negotiated, we can talk about it..."

Xie Zhi wondered: "What are you discussing? We are here to listen to cross talk... No, we are here to learn advanced experience, but the content you have spoken is too little. After listening, what are you talking about?"

Bucky smiled and said, "Why don't you tell me something new?"

"If the two of you are not satisfied with this plan, we... actually have a second plan, but it didn't pass."

Xie Zhi looked at Bucky: "It didn't pass...listen again?"

"Listen, I guess the porridge in the pot is still a while away from drying up."

The two sat down again, and the councilor wiped his sweat, and continued: "The plan is this. The city of Zion will form a large number of advance teams to go to all parts of the world and save the world at the same time. It is only in the form of a small group, and we can't act too hastily. Take it easy."

Xie knew: "Oh, it's over? What about the details?"

"Yes, yes, in fact, we have thought about the catastrophe of today's human beings. We have thought about it for a long time. The problem is not with robots or artificial intelligence, but with too many human beings without faith, and there are too many big countries, which has caused serious disasters. Internal friction.

Therefore, our advance team, each led by a priest, must ensure that every rescued person understands the power of faith and is no longer confused.

Secondly, combine the matrix world with the real world, start a color revolution at the same time, and give all those who have not been nourished in the matrix world a chance to establish their own real country with the supremacy of human rights. It does not need to be too big, but it will definitely nourish Oil.

And there is another advantage, in case there is a human rights problem in a small country, the international community can jointly crusade and overthrow the tyranny, which will become very easy.

As for those whose servility is hard to get rid of, they can live in the matrix and continue their miserable fate, because we are willing to give them the opportunity to choose.

Then all human beings will get what they want, and those who don’t want to nourish themselves will continue to live a false life, and the faith of the awakened people will make the real human beings unite as a whole. The people in the light of God. "

Xie Zhi smiled and applauded: "It's pretty good, why didn't you pass?"

The congressman sighed: "Zion's beliefs have not yet been unified. Although many believe in the only true god, there are also false gods, so...but this plan is still feasible.

We are preparing for the next round of public speeches to make the church speak louder and awaken more citizens to truly understand that there is only one God and only one truth.

In fact, priests have judged robots more than once in the name of God!

We have a plan to let the public know that the appearance of the two of you is God's arrangement in the near future. (Note 1)

So next time we vote, we have a good chance of winning. "

Xie Zhilai became interested, and hurriedly said: "Let's not talk about anything else, how did that pastor jump...I mean, um, trial, can you repeat it? Mainly I haven't seen it before."

The congressman bowed slightly, looking very honored: "I happened to be there at the time, and I still remember a little bit, the pastor judged like this at that time..."

The councilman's tone became agitated, and he blew suddenly: "Puff! I will blow the wind of God! To you! Robot! You will never be able to stand up again! Never try to do it all over again!

thank God! Almighty God! Almighty God! Power! South wind! hot! Burn it! In the name of God! Get on your knees! Kneel down and beg for mercy! "

Then the congressman patted the table, grinned, and put away the smile: "Demon robot! Puff! Puff!"

Xie Zhi clapped his hands: "Amazing, amazing!"

Bucky scratched his head in embarrassment, and pointed to the congressmen present: "So you all believe in the only God, do you believe that other gods are not here? By the way, do you believe in science?"

Some councilors said: "They just happen to have other jobs, so it is inconvenient to receive the two of you, please forgive them.

And as for the's the science that unleashed these demonic robots! We are sure that this is the conspiracy made by some scientists back then! Science must serve politics, otherwise it will be a disaster! "

Xie Zhizhi: "Good advice! Is there anything else? Other shows...I mean the plan?"

At this time, the female speaker stood up and said, "Two gentlemen, let's just say it. The plan can be revised and studied, but human beings need your support. You can discuss what kind of return you want."

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Then what do you think we were doing before? Fighting robots is idle, and subverting the matrix is ​​because of boredom? Isn't this the most practical support for human beings.

As for the negotiation, it’s actually not necessary. You can tell how great it is just by the name of your place. Zion, the place where Laoye lives, isn’t it awesome.

Therefore, we firmly believe that if you have true faith, true nourishment, and true devotion, what can be difficult for you? Just throw yourself off your shoulders and be confident that you can handle everything without support.

On the contrary, those human beings whose understanding of truth, belief, nourishment and democracy are different from yours, they are...according to your statement, they are slaves, so slaves have no human rights, so they need more practical support .

For example, you have to eat, you have to have clothes to wear, you have to have a place to live, you have to have transportation, you have to live a good life, and you have to have masks.

Besides, I have been working as a battery for many years. I am weak and can’t do work for the time being, so I need the help of robot labor. As for everyone, you look healthy. I also told my daughter, you are not full and warm, I was wrong to teach her to be diligent and thrifty. It is enough for you to have faith and nourishment.

The most important thing is that you all characterize the robot, obviously there is no need for it.

After all, even if I send some actual supplies..."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi looked at Bucky, and Bucky shrugged: "It's okay, those weird things our ancestors did are facts, denying and covering up can only show that future generations are worthless, and they don't know how to reflect on themselves. The deeper it is, now it seems that many people...even after eight hundred years, they will still be the same.

Forget it, everyone, no matter how enthusiastic we are to help, I'm afraid the best situation is to be scolded. If it's serious, it might cost you your life, because there is a logic that is too powerful.

No matter how much aid is sent by well-meaning people in times of crisis, it is also appointed by God and has nothing to do with people. After all, the last master who was hospitable and sent turkeys was scalped when he turned his head, because logically No problem, the turkey was arranged by God for them to send, there is nothing wrong with stabbing them to death, just be grateful to God.

So everyone, I'm sorry, we have different understandings of beliefs, and we don't think that only religious beliefs are beliefs, such as him..."

Bucky pointed to Xie and knew: "He believes in his wife and is worthless, so we still have to learn. The point is, we really haven't heard God's revelation, so when we hear the oracle, we will definitely support you with all our strength. I You can swear."

Xie Zhi agreed: "I also swear As long as God arranges it, do it right away, God will bless the city of Zion, please have faith in God."

The congressman hurriedly said: "You have misunderstood, how could we attribute everything to God's blessing, this is just... well, a coincidence, just a coincidence.

In fact, we are also very difficult, really, before Murphys said to show the most authentic side, we have seriously considered it, but respect for you is the minimum etiquette..."

The two got up, Xie Zhi smiled and said: "You are polite, we feel your respect, although you have said too little content, but we are still very happy.

If you all come up with some more... more constructive operations, let Murphys inform us quickly, so that we can gain more knowledge. "

PS: I've been crazy busy recently, causing the update time to be unstable, sorry sorry.

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