Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 4 Chapter 524: Met a colleague

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This has already involved a lot of common sense issues, and it really can't be blamed on the workers.

After all, building this wall is pure waste of time and sick.

If it wasn't for the sake of making a living, who would want to do such a stupid job.

On the contrary, Xie Zhi patted Bucky on the shoulder, and said in relief: "It's not worth getting angry about the New Year's Eve, isn't there someone who is reliable, just the general of the mech unit.

Old acquaintance, hehe, this looks like the captain of the Prometheus, not to mention, he is still reliable, he did not disband the mecha unit, and still maintains it at the Hong Kong base, without official support, he thinks Method. "

Bucky breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "It's a shame that there is still shame, or I'll be really mad."

"Say something interesting." Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows, his eyes lit up: "What do you think of the super mecha? Anyway, I think it is... This thing is the romance of soldiers. If you don't open it once, I'm sorry we play tanks and airplanes. experience."

This topic made Bucky's eyes brighten: "Must! I feel that my life is incomplete without mechs as a soldier! This is what soldiers should play! Let's also experience the feeling of Transformers."

That's right, although the old Xie's family has more and more abilities, Xie Zhi and Bucky, after all, used guns, drove tanks, and piloted fighter planes back then. These combat experiences have been deeply rooted in their bones, and later they have a cosmic version. Fighter, the two of them also had a great time.

So even though his strength is so strong that he doesn't need a mecha at all, the heat in his heart cannot be suppressed. To put it bluntly, he is a greedy body.

What's more, in the world of Transformers, Xie Zhi is planning to build a drivable Transformers mecha, which can be said to be good in his bones.

It's just that I didn't expect that there was a ready-made mecha in this world, so the two brothers focused their attention on the super mecha.

Not only are the reports in this area also public, but in this world, mechas and their pilots are like big stars.

In fact, the entertainment industry is completely incomparable. He is the real superstar and the global fan.

So there is no secret about everything about mechs.

The local official name for mecha is called mecha hunter.

And the mechas in this world are still very advanced in terms of operability, and they are controlled by neuron connections.

To put it simply, the driver and the mecha are combined, as long as the driver makes actions in the cockpit, the mecha will also make the same actions.

Of course, on the contrary, the attack on the mecha will also be fed back to the driver. Although the driver will not suffer the same damage, the balance and reaction of the mecha are common to both.

It sounds good, the two are completely in sync, but there is a problem, not two, but three.

Yes, the mecha cannot be controlled by one person at all. If a person cannot withstand the neuron pressure of the mecha, the nervous tissue will be severely damaged, and there is even a possibility of sudden death.

So local scientists came up with another invention, the floating link.

Connecting the consciousness of two people to drive the mecha together is equivalent to acting as the left and right brains respectively.

But this technology also has a problem, that is, in the floating connection, the consciousness of the two is completely shared, not only knowing what each other is thinking, but also seeing each other's memory.

Therefore, the requirements for tacit understanding are very high. Generally, twins are the best, and father and son are also fine. But if there is no blood relationship at all, then the other party must be regarded as the most trusted person. It can be said that after the connection, it is indeed the person who understands each other the most. people.

In fact, this kind of technology, the old Xie’s family has similar technology, such as the technology of Skrulls to explore memory, such as the technology of matrix connection consciousness, but it is local, it is directly connected to the brains of both parties, not one-way, but two-way. No one can hide their secrets.

Bucky shook his head: "Can't bear it? You have to drive it with two people. Look, there is also a three-person version, the infrastructure square mecha, and the storm red.

Hiss...the two of them are driving together, and they can still see each other's memories...this is not very good. "

When it comes to these two people looking at each other, they both understand what each other means, not to mention other secrets, they are both married people, can the action scenes of their own couple be made public casually? I'm sick, I'm just looking for trouble.

Xie Zhi nodded, and his tone was very firm: "Absolutely not! Floating connections are impossible, not possible in this lifetime!

But... these two may not be able to drive alone, not to mention that we are not comparable to ordinary people in all aspects, and our family has a technology that should be able to solve this problem. "

Bucky understood when he heard the words: "Oh...Understood, you mean Professor X's brain wave enhancer, this is a way."

"However, the local technology does have its merits. I think we can use the Transformers version of the mecha. We don't need to build a new version of the matrix. It seems more convenient to connect the neurons directly."

Baki said: "The way is right, but the two of us can't help with this matter, we can only leave it to R2, and the Decepticon doctor, professional things.

Speaking of which, Anakin of our family can do a good job, and we are really incomparable in this respect. "

"That's right. Youde and Howard are very optimistic about that kid. He has potential...huh?"

Xie Zhi's expression changed suddenly, and Bucky asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

Xie Zhi passed a message to Bucky with a serious expression: "Look at this."

After Bucky looked at it, his expression also became solemn.

Without him, it was an investigation report on the source of the monster, and the conclusion of the report made the two of them attach great importance to it.

But where did the monster come from? Deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, there is a large crack in the plate, but the monster did not crawl out of the crack, but a space portal appeared in the crack.

In the years of war with monsters, human beings have not failed to investigate there. Countless top scientists have come to a conclusion that the space portal leads to... a parallel world!

Yes, according to the judgment of local experts, the other side of the portal is not this universe, but other universes.

And the space door is highly suspected not to be formed naturally, but man-made!

This conclusion, the two couldn't help but not take it seriously, after all, the daily life of Lao Xie's family is to travel through parallel worlds.

Xie Zhi couldn't help squinting his eyes: "If this scientific conclusion is true...the nature of the matter has changed, we are not the only time travelers, UU Reading has met our peers.

Not to mention this, the crux of the problem is that no matter who is on the other end, assuming that this space door is really a technological creation, it is too useful for our family, in this world, we must go all out to create it. "

Bucky licked his lips: "That's right! If this technology can be obtained and used, our settlement plan will have one more option."

Yes, both of them have thought of it, even if Xie Ai doesn't learn from Gu Yi in the future, as long as he has this technology, settlement may not be impossible.

It's very simple, if you set an anchor point in a world, then no matter which world you travel to, you can open the door of time and space again, and return to the world you settled in, which is equivalent to going out and entering the door once time travelling.

But the premise is that the application of this technology is really as they guessed.

But no matter what the truth is, we must do our best to get this technology. After all, whether it is successful or not, you must first have it before you can study it.

So even though he just came to this world not long ago, the importance of this world has already surpassed all the previous worlds based on this one.

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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