Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 4 Chapter 537: adventure

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"Of course there is."

Speaking of which, Xie Zhi waved to the dangerous homeless, and with the help of the mecha manipulator as an elevator, Xie Zhi entered the storm red again.

At the same time, he responded: "The second good news is that the pioneers don't pay attention to human beings, and their consistent victories really make them quite arrogant, so they are not guarded against us, and they don't think... Hehe, our brothers will do it. them."

The general was surprised: "You want to counterattack? Now?"

Xie Zhizhi: "Yes, as I said before, if we want to know more secrets of wormholes, we need to catch a pioneer. We need more and more detailed information, maybe there will be surprises.

But today is a chance, the door of the wormhole will not be open for a long time, so hurry up. "

Bucky is too familiar with Xie Zhi. Hearing that familiar tone, he knew that Lao Xie was not telling the truth, and what he really wanted to do must be something else.

The general said in a serious tone: "Going deep into the enemy's territory hastily, have you thought about the consequences? If you are captured, the so-called gaining time is just a dream!"

Xie Zhi's tone was also more serious: "General, the war opportunity is fleeting. As a commander, you don't understand this truth, right? Since it is war, it is always inseparable from adventure.

Frankly speaking, small robots are indeed more effective against giant beasts, but I found that with the pioneer's technical background, this method is not impossible for others to crack, why do they have to build giant beasts? You can also make little monsters.

I'm afraid it will be... more troublesome.

Advantages are always temporary, and if you want not to perish, you must take risks.

What's more, general, it turns out that without the new information obtained from the behemoth, the plan to explode the wormhole is doomed to fail, and the end of the world is today. "

The communication was silent for a while, and the general said solemnly: "You are right, but you can't go, two, it is more important for human beings that you are scientists.

I admit that it is cold-blooded to say this, and sacrifice is measured by value, but the fact is that it is more useful for you to live! "

Xie Zhile: "Actually, General, do you know my real ideal?"

"Being a hero?"

"Wrong! My ideal is to eat and wait to die. Scientists, soldiers, soldiers, heroes, etc., how can they drink, play, and brag? People, in fact, are all forced out.

So you don't need to persuade me about this matter, because I know what the pioneers are like best, I am the most suitable person, and it is useless to replace others.

So what, nuclear bombs are you ready? I'll take it with me, and this time it's just the two of us, so the others don't have to follow, it's cumbersome.

Don't worry, we don't need both of us this time, as soon as the new monsters come out, the little robot will kill them, and this time we won't catch them alive. "

Speaking of this, the general is also helpless. As a commander, he should have ordered and banned them, but these two are too special, let alone their abilities, and the achievements they have made in a short period of time cannot be overestimated.

Therefore, people have the qualifications and weight to make decisions.

In fact, the general understands better that these two people can get rid of them and do it alone. Although they don't know what the truth is, the result is that they have to accept this favor, which is countless.

When the preparations were in progress, Bucky asked, "Old Xie, what's going on?"

Of course my brother Xie Zhi would not hide it, and sighed: "This time it's a big trouble, this damned race is like the bee clan, it's very intelligent, but the fuck's three views are not right, no, their three views are not the same as ours. It's different, seeing whoever destroys whoever, let alone without any psychological barriers, people take it for granted and should be punished.

The problem is... but they can also travel through, and their potential for war is unlimited, but now I have no good way to deal with the pioneers once and for all.

Even using a time machine is useless, because I don't know what world my hometown is or even the sub-base is in.

So after much deliberation, I can only take a risk, and my plan is this..."

Following Xie Zhi's narration, Bucky's face also turned ugly: "You are not taking an ordinary adventure! If something happens, not only you will be finished, but the whole family will be finished! I think it's better to catch a job!"

Xie Zhi said helplessly: "Do you have a better way? If we don't solve the pioneer, our family will never be safe.

This is to put it in a small way, but in a big way, Pioneer is not a good person. I am afraid that not only our family will be destroyed. All parallel universes are dangerous. Thinking about the places we have been to, if Pioneer goes there one by one, how terrifying it will be ?

What if I went to an even more awesome place and got an even more awesome baby? "

Bucky frowned and said, "But... this matter is completely uncertain."

"It can't be said that I'm not sure at all..." Xie Zhi said in a mysterious tone: "Do you still remember the accident caused by the researcher of the bee family in the world of force, that thing is super powerful.

And the new ability I induced because of the Force is a perfect match with that thing. Frankly speaking, although it is a big killer in the hole, you have to use it to know the effect. You have to try it sooner or later.

So now, is a very suitable opportunity. "

"But after all, you haven't really used it. If you use it, the time machine can't bring you back! Isn't it because you are afraid that your new ability won't work..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "You know the worst outcome, and it's not too bad... Well, it's quite disgusting, but the future my wife foresaw, when we go back, it's intact, so it's insured , what are you afraid of?"

"You know what I'm afraid of."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Isn't this a plan, there is still time on the way, and I will know whether it will work or not.

I can't really do it, and I don't need to deliver food. Don't you know me about this? Be careful and be afraid of dying. If it doesn't work, just hide from the pioneers and find a way later. "

"I hope you count!"

The preparations were completed, and Xie Zhi and Bucky also started to act.

During this period, the corpses of the two giant beasts were also transported away by Xie Zhi's private Decepticons, so they could not be thrown away casually.

On the way, the two mechs were still transported by air.

After arriving at the destination, the two sank directly into the sea after falling, and this time they had to work underwater.

At this time, just as Xie Zhi said, two fourth-level behemoths have already come out of the wormhole, and their names have been determined, one is called Abomination, and the other is called Thunder Beast.

However, the two did not leave, and were active near the wormhole.

As for its purpose, Xie Zhi is of course clear, it is to wait for the fifth-level behemoth to come over, and to kill humans together.

Under the deep sea, the visibility is very low, and it also interferes with the detection system. Normally, mechs do not have an advantage in fighting monsters here.

However, the sentinel troops hidden near the wormhole made it impossible for the two giant beasts to hide, and they were all stared at.

But now because of intelligence, the nature of the situation has changed, so Xie Zhi and Bucky don't plan to play battle.

As a result, around the storm crimson, many manifestations of will appeared continuously, such as swimming fish.

This time it's not a flying sword, but a high-speed spinning... flying drill bit!

After all, the giant beast's skin is too thick, and although the flying sword is sharp, it is easy to be caught, affecting its penetration.

As a result, when the giant beast "Abomination" swam over quietly to prepare for a sneak attack, countless flying drills rushed over, like a school of piranhas, and instantly pounced on the head of Abomination.

The drill bits of Edman alloy grade, under the crazy drilling, the bones and skin of the giant beast can't stop it at all, not to mention some of them are going for the eyes, so soft.

As a result, countless small holes were drilled into the beast's head.

And the violent struggle of the giant beast, the underwater undercurrent driven by it, made the two mechs also feel it, this thing is obviously not an ordinary pain.

But it was useless to struggle. The big man was really helpless when he met the small killer. Although he was not a small robot, the flying drill also proved the power of this tactic to a certain extent.

It's just that the elephant fell into the piranha's activity area, its size and tonnage have no effect.

After a while, the giant beast turned its stomach like a dead fish.

The behemoth that caused headaches and fear to countless human beings did not last a minute.

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