Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 542: better kill me

Bucky said, "Of course I'm curious, how are you going to test it?"

"Well, brother, please step back." Xie Zhi looked at the poisonous woman pretending to be a good dog again: "Dog, move my mecha, be careful, don't scratch it.

Also, use your body to protect these captives. "

After the dangerous wanderer took two steps back, the poisonous woman hugged the storm crimson, with three giant tails entangled to block the green ball and the captives in the green ball behind her.

And Xie Zhi said "a bit further back", which made the dangerous wanderer tilt his head, and said with his hands on his hips, "Is it necessary?"

"Hey, well, frankly speaking, I'm not sure, so let's start."

Following the voice, Xie Zhi didn't make any movements, but it could be seen that he seemed to be tensing his muscles.

And in this process, out-of-phase appeared.

I saw that the seawater around Xie Zhi's body fluctuated obviously, and it became more and more violent. With the change of the water flow, the originally transparent seawater formed a white track because of the rapid flow.

And the trajectories formed a spiral shape, which was obviously caused by Xie Zhi, but it was impossible to determine what caused it.

Bucky couldn't help asking: "Old Xie, what kind of energy are you releasing?"

"No, it's just physical power, very pure... Hehe, I'm about to move."

Immediately following the voice, there was a loud bang! Deafening!

What happened at the same time was that the area where Xie Zhi was located seemed to be bombed by depth charges, and the sea water was blasted out of a spherical area by violent force, and there was not a drop of water in that area!

This scene also caused a violent underwater shock wave, which actually shook the body of the dangerous 2,000-ton homeless person, which shows how powerful this force is.

On the contrary, the poisonous woman didn't react too much, after all, its tonnage is even more exaggerated.

At the same time as the power erupted, a water line suddenly appeared, extended into the darkness, and disappeared.

Bucky stared blankly at this scene, he knew what the waterline was, it was the water left over from Xie Zhi's sudden flight, but it was...too fast!

Bucky would not be surprised if he used the aircraft or the battle suit, but Xie Zhi was testing his own strength, that is to say, it was not an external force!

"Old Xie, where have you been?"

"Haha, I don't know, I'm flying in a straight line now! It's so cool! Dude is now a super human! Superman for short!

Um? Why does the word Superman feel familiar? Well, I must have seen my future self, well, yes. "

Xie Zhi was indeed flying in a straight line, but he was indeed flying underwater at a supersonic speed. As a result, the phenomenon of sonic booms, that is, the phenomenon of supercavitation, continued to occur under the sea water.

Not long after flying, Xie Zhi changed direction and flew upwards until it broke through the sea, like a missile launched underwater, straight into the sky.

Similarly, there is still a sound barrier around the body. Xie Zhi is no stranger to this, and he can do it with the full power of the suit, but now he relies on his own strength.

Even though it was only using physical strength, it was able to fly!

Xie Zhi didn't understand why, but this unprecedented feeling was really cool.

In the communication, Bucky yelled: "You said let me see, but you have disappeared yourself, what a fart I am!"

"Ah, sorry, let me take a look... I seem to be in Africa now, so let me find an uninhabited island and open the door for you to come over."

Not long after, Bucky saw the wormhole gate reappeared on the bottom of the sea, and then Xie Zhi passed through, beckoning: "Let's go."

The two mechas, as well as the poisonous woman and the prisoner, all passed through, but on the other side, it was still the bottom of the sea.

Nothing else, now Xie Zhi does not want the satellite to discover the existence of the fifth-level behemoth. Although the behemoth can be detected on the seabed, the conventional method is to detect the wormhole area and then track the behemoth's route.

So if the behemoth does not appear in the wormhole area, the monitoring will not be enough.

Bucky said: "Knowing that you can fly by yourself now, what else is there to test?"

Xie Zhi flew up and looked around: "Well... you can try your strength and defense, find a target to hit it... see that mountain, that's it."

"You're crazy!"

It was too late for Bucky to shout. With Xie Zhi's current speed, it was a cannonball. Once it turned around, it hit the mountain peak in the blink of an eye!

Immediately, the mountain collapsed, and countless huge boulders flew up, just like an internal explosion!

And Bucky also saw a black shadow pass through the mountain and hit the ground heavily. Yes, Xie Zhi smashed through the mountain abruptly!

It was another bombardment-like visual effect, and a big hole was smashed into the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Bucky's call received no response.

Bucky rushed out of the mech and was about to pass, when the smoke and dust were blown away by a gust of air, and a hand stretched out from the hole, grabbing on the edge of the hole.

Bucky said angrily, "I can't say a word!"

"I'm sorry... mainly..." Xie Zhi stood up unsteadily, rubbing his head as if he was drunk, and said, "I'm careless... my head is buzzing... so dizzy..."

"Should! Let you wave!"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "It's just a little dizzy... In fact, I'm really dizzy now."

As he spoke, he showed a mirror, Xie Zhi patted his bald head, and said with a smile: "Look, there's not even a scratch, it's really an iron head.

And this collision reminded me of a few lines of the lyrics, I can't remember them all, how did I sing them? Hmm... Shaolin Kung Fu is great, really good, Shaolin Kung Fu is great, really good, I am Iron Head Kung Fu, invincible Iron Head Kung Fu..."

Bucky sighed, and said, "Sometimes I don't understand whether you two are fathers influencing your daughter, or whether your daughter is influencing your father."

"Hey, it doesn't matter, it's just a pity why the family is so clearly divided..."

Xie Zhi shook his head, and said in a melancholy tone, "It's not to the point where we can smash through the Earth, otherwise we wouldn't need Star Destroyer weapons, buddies just hit them one by one."

Bucky couldn't help thinking: "Hiss... Don't say it, the picture is quite exciting, what to test next?"

"It just so happens that you are here, as a reference, to see if you can react..."

Before the words finished Xie Zhi suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Bucky, almost hitting his nose.

"I rely on it!"

Bucky was startled, and took a few steps back. Before he could speak, Xie Zhi disappeared again, and Xie Zhi patted Bucky on the shoulder after following Bucky.

Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed: "Don't try it, I know you're here, the force prediction is useless, this speed, if I really do it, I'm already dead."

Xie Zhi was about to laugh, but suddenly he was taken aback, hesitatingly said: "Are you sure, the original force prediction is not working anymore?"

"It's not that it's not easy, but it happened almost at the same time, and there was no time to deal with it." Then Bucky also understood Xie Zhi's meaning, frowned and said: "Are you worried that you will encounter an enemy with the same strength as you now? Is it possible? Forget it Stop talking, your mouth is unlucky."

"Then let me put it another way, will the disappearing civilization that created the mysterious stone have the same strength as me?"

Bucky shook his head: "Not necessarily, you are already very strong, and you have swallowed a few kyber crystals, and you have all sorts of bonuses. The bee researcher didn't have such a foundation."

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "No one can say for sure in the future, but the opportunity is rare, I have no chance to experience it, but you have a ready-made partner, even if it does appear...Anyway, you understand what I mean, at least you can have some experience.

If you can find a way to deal with me, the value is immeasurable, preferably the one that can kill me. "

Bucky's eyes lit up: "It makes sense! It's always good to be prepared. Don't just me, call all the children. Our children are not ordinary, and children's ideas are not restricted. Maybe they can inspire us."

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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