Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 544: This is the lucky plus duck

Day by day, apart from the daily boss fights, the two adults are also paying attention to the world and the movements of the pioneers.

After all, the matter is not over yet. Although there is no follow-up help, the Pioneer cannot be allowed to move the situation back. From any angle, helping the locals is helping oneself, at least it can attract the attention of the Pioneer.

So Xie Zhi secretly provided a lot of technical support, the method is to quietly send things to scientific research departments in reliable countries, and then use mind-controlling methods to make scientific researchers think that they have researched it by themselves.

Of course, the plan to swarm drones in the sea has already begun to be implemented. With this line of defense, it will be very easy to deal with giant beasts before the pioneers crack them.

And the one who took the lead also cured the general's terminal illness, and a reliable person deserves to lend a hand.

As for the movement of Pioneer, Xie Zhimen cleared it through the undercover report from time to time.

What's not so wonderful is that Pioneer's attitude towards earthlings has become more serious. It's no wonder that Pioneer was blown up badly by someone in his hometown. Pioneer has never encountered such a blow.

Therefore, Pioneer's plan is to open three wormholes at the same time in the next attack, blooming on three sides, and destroying the human world in one fell swoop.

With the change, Xie Zhi can only help one more time, letting humans know this information by controlling their minds. The reason is naturally the information obtained before the hero's heroism.

With precautions, this plan will naturally be useless, otherwise, the locals will not be wronged if they are extinct, it is too wasteful.

As for letting the undercover do the damage? Xie Zhi didn't do that. Now is not the time to arouse the suspicion of the pioneers too early, and the loss outweighs the gain.

At least you have to wait for the second invasion of the wormhole to be blown up again, and put a long line before you can catch big fish.

During this period, the inspector, the poisonous woman, the captive, and the cub of the tailed mouse were taken into the world of Yumanji, where they will live and work.

The portable space that belongs to Xie Zhi is the best isolation, if you want to contact across borders, unless Xie Zhi allows it.

The original small-tailed standing mouse was used as a floating connection candidate just in case. After the transformation, Xie Zhi can control the poisonous woman, so naturally he can't use it.

But it's been saved, so there's no need to kill it, it's good to be King Kong's companion, it's old Xie's pet... pet.

As for the poisonous woman, although she is a level-five behemoth and has completely abused the existence of King Kong, but judging from King Kong's potential, now she is a child, and after a few years of nuclear bombs, it is hard to say who will be stronger in the future. After all, the poisonous woman is a man-made biological weapon. Born as a king, but has no stamina.

The captured pioneer experts naturally began to work, and with the assistance of the Decepticons, they began the research and development of bioengineering wormholes.

And a month later, with the advent of a new piece of equipment, and practicing against Xie Zhi again, the scene has changed a lot.

What equipment? Mech, the Transformers version of the mech.

Yes, the official research and development was successful.

In fact, the entire development process was very smooth, because all the required technologies were readily available.

The source of fire, which was completely controlled by Xie Zhi, solved the problems caused by the brainless Transformers.

However, the dormant matrix cabin plan that was originally envisioned is completely unnecessary. It directly uses the neuron connection of the local mech and adds a brain wave enhancer.

The specific compatibility issue is due to the doctor. As a technical Decepticon, his ability is worthy of recognition.

And there are more than one types of finished products, super giant, like Storm Crimson, giant, similar to King Kong, medium, like regular Transformers, and small, slightly bigger than regular suits.

And the most interesting thing about this new type of mecha is that it can also be transformed into a means of transportation, not to mention whether it is practical or not, anyway, the whole family thinks it is quite fun.

Especially when switching back and forth, from the vehicle to the mecha, and then from the mecha back to the vehicle, it is visually cool and handsome, and the process is smooth and smooth.

Even a small mech can be turned into a mini car or a heavy motorcycle.

Among other things, this way of appearing on the stage is definitely superior to the enemy in the platoon.

In a fight, one should also pay attention to being the first to win.

When fighting with Xie Zhi, he used a small mecha, because it was too big to be useful and cumbersome, but the small mecha was the most suitable.

The reason why the battle situation has changed is because of the collection of Xie Zhi's speed data and the addition of a large number of reduced supercomputers. Even if Laifu is not here, it is really not difficult. Doctors, R2 and a group of digital beings can also complete the task. Related work, design a targeted program.

As a result, when it comes to hands-on, in terms of reaction speed, it can really keep up with Xie Zhi's speed!

Of course, this is not entirely due to the performance of an individual mecha. It can only be achieved by deploying a large number of micro-drones and sharing the data of multiple mechas. After all, the data obtained by a single mecha is not enough to cover the battlefield, especially the battlefield. spacious case.

But when the "reaction" can keep up, the effect is completely different.

Although the users in the mecha still can't keep up, with the instant buffer time assisted by the mecha, there is much that can be done, because the old Xie's family really has a lot of tricks.

Energy of will, energy of fear, force, each of these three abilities can generate more means, not to mention the situation where all three are present.

Coupled with the potential of the new version of the mecha as a Transformer, it simulates the sentinel robot and simulates high-end materials, which can hold up in terms of defense.

So the final result of the group beating the goblin version of Xie Zhi was...for a minute without being beaten to death.

Faced with this result, Xie Ai was the most disappointed. In the extreme of frustration, he accidentally told the truth: "Dad, do you want to be so dedicated when you play the big boss? Is there a limit to cheating?"

Xie Zhile said: "Silly girl, if your father and I didn't release the water, it means our family has already won.

I didn't fight back in the past, but now I can last for a minute if I fight back, do you know what it means if you don't get killed in seconds? It means that your father has time to crush another stone, and it means that your mother has summoned lightning to strike each other for a minute.

If we can't do this, our family won't be wronged if we lose. "

In fact, Xie Zhi still didn’t tell the truth. This time, he was really afraid of undermining his enthusiasm. In fact... Xie Zhi only used 70% of his strength, and he didn’t use the enhanced abilities related to time and According to him This level is indeed enough. Is it really an enemy as powerful as his transformation? Even if there is, the probability of encountering it is not high. From the perspective of appearance, I shouldn't be unlucky.

Bucky also nodded and said, "Indeed, one minute is enough to do a lot of things."

Xie Ai tilted his head and thought about it, and said unconvinced: "I can win the duck! The premise is that the big boss is not dad! Dad, you restrain me!"

Xie Zhi fondly rubbed her daughter's head: "That is, my daughter's quantum phase transition will not work if anyone comes. When my daughter grows up, your father and I can retire."

Xie Ai nodded triumphantly: "Yes! I think that if there are more resources for spicy noodles, this day will come soon."

Xie Zhi sighed: "I think with your unremarkable virtue, this day may take a long time."

"Father, you have to have confidence in me! Foodies are just my appearance."

"What is the truth?"

"As the saying goes, being able to eat is a blessing. The more I can eat, the more blessed I am. What does this mean? This is a lucky plus duck! It can hit critical strikes."


As time goes by, in order to squeeze out the value of the super-strengthening, I stayed in the local area for a long enough time, but I have to face the arrival of time travel after all.

And before leaving, there is no need to continue to maintain the transformed monster appearance, Xie Zhi is indeed tired of being a monster.

So Xie Zhi is going to use the ability to go back in time to return to his past self.

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

(In addition, I'm working overtime. I'm not sure if I can update after midnight, so try my best.)

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