Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 547: drop by

Xie Ai asked: "Daddy, who is he?"

"he is…"

Before he finished speaking, Xie Zhi frowned. Without him, the man in sunglasses began to flirt with a beautiful woman beside him. To be precise, it was the beauty who took the initiative to flirt with her. Of course, the man in sunglasses didn't refuse, and he enjoyed it.

Xie Zhi and Bucky reacted quickly, directly showing a few hands blocking the children's eyes, this picture is not suitable for children to watch.

Xie Zhi said in a bad mood: "No wonder my hands itch when I see him, and there is an unpleasant energy all over my body, let's leave here first."

After leaving the casino, the children finally knew who the man was.

Xie Zhi glanced at the casino and said, "That guy has something to do with our family, in fact... your Uncle Howard's son."

Yes, that man is Tony Stark.

There is no way I am not familiar with this guy. Not only did I see this guy's arrogant posture in the newspaper news, but Xie Zhi and Bucky even ran to his house and beat up the young version of Tony in the face of the Howards.

So don't they look alike? After all, the world has seen people who look exactly the same in the past.

No, because within a few seconds of coming here, Xie Zhi sensed something he made, without him, the communication version of the green light ring given to Valkyrie and the Skrulls.

It's an exclusive product, there's no way to copy it, so...they're back to Bucky's old home once again.

At this time, Xie Ai said: "Dad, according to seniority, we have to call him brother."

Xie Zhi was taken aback: "According to seniority...that's true, but we know dad well, but we don't know him well, so what do you like to call.

Now, let's stop contacting him, he is... not a good boy, don't follow him, it will be bad luck, especially you two. "

Anakin and Chirrut look innocent, what does it matter to us?

"But someone..."

Xie Zhi looked around, and smiled slightly: "It's what you say, this time I'm not in front of you, um...then let's go drop by first."

"Shipping around? Whose house are you going to?"

"Your future teacher."

Yes, go find Gu Yi.

But Xie Zhi still secretly scolded the old fox in his heart, last time he said that he would go to her for tea for the second time, obviously this guy knew at that time that when he came to this world again, Old Xie's family would not be complete.

So Xie Ai's teacher is of course still a future teacher. Now that he settles down, it means that he doesn't have a daughter-in-law.

But now that we are here, the teaching environment still needs to be inspected. Of course, Xie Zhi also wants to ask her something.

And Xie Zhi is really not afraid of Gu Yi now, not that he is better than others, but mainly because he has more confidence in Gu Yi's two methods.

That is, time and space.

Although Xie Zhi is no longer the transformed him, but the strengthened power is gone, but the perception and experience at that time have not disappeared, it is still his own.

So it's not as fruitless as expected, Xie Zhi's transformation is not only rewarding, but also huge.

What's more, the strength of the family now is quite different from when they came last time. The worst thing is that there is still a killer stone that can be crushed.

But the most important thing is that his trust in Gu Yi is increasing day by day. From his past experience, he knows this person well. Although he doesn't like her peeping, he has to admit that Gu Yi is a reliable person.

But said that the family flew to New York and landed in front of a building.

This building is Gu Yi's territory. When I introduced the little kid Quill to school last time, I naturally knew where the mage's office was.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened by itself, and Gu Yi, who was wearing a robe, stood at the door and said with a smile: "Your guest is coming, so I am far away to welcome you."

Xie Zhi cupped his hands: "Long time no see, Principal Gu is still handsome."

Gu Yi smiled: "Your family is not what it used to be, and their strength has improved to a higher level. Congratulations."

"It's still far away, I'm overwhelmed."


The family members are not surprised by Gu Yi's behavior that he knew in advance, only Qilu and Anakin didn't understand the characteristics of this man, and looked at Gu Yi curiously.

Stepping into the living room, they all sat down.

But Gu Yi waved his hand slightly, and the tea set flew over, as well as children's drinks, which were fully prepared.

Xie Zhi also waved, and the gift box appeared enlarged: "A little souvenir from other worlds, be careful."

After all, it is impolite to come to the door empty-handed, Xie Zhi is ready on the way.

Gu Yi looked at the gift with a smile: "Thank you, I have been looking forward to it for many years."

Xie Zhi smiled: "Just like it."

In fact, it is nothing special, some exotic delicacies, and drinks like tea, come from the world of force.

As far as the strength of both parties is concerned, it is more appropriate to give this kind of gift. Xie Zhi wants to give a spaceship, but he is definitely not happy, and he made it clear that he is looking for work for him.

Following Xie Zhi to taste the tea, he praised: "The tea is really good."

"I cultivated it myself. It's a pity that the two ladies are not here this time, but I have prepared some, and you can take them back for the two ladies to taste."

Facing this kind of character who knows everything, it does save a lot of communication and can go straight to the point.

Bucky glanced at the indoor environment, wondering: "You don't look like a school, and you haven't seen any students."

Gu Yidao: "Oh, this is only the branch temple in New York. The school is located in Karma Taj, and you can go there anytime."

Then Gu Yi turned his head to look at Qilu, and said with a smile, "Son, I can't answer your question."

Qilu has been staring at her with strange eyes, but Gu Yi's words made Qilu stunned.

Xie Zhi patted Qilu on the shoulder: "This lady can see the future, what do you want to say? Just say it."

"Oh, uncle, I'm sure she's a good person, but I don't understand why she has... very dark power."

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "It's not easy to ask about privacy, but the power of darkness, isn't the dark force also dark, don't be influenced by power, but guide the power, obviously Principal Gu has already done this."

"Well, I understand Master Uncle."

Gu Yi continued with a smile: "Although I can't say what kind of power it is, I still want to thank Master Xiaoyu. Her insights are also helpful to me. After all, it is not easy to fight against some powerful forces, and I am also annoyed a lot. Year."

Xie knew: "You're welcome, that's a **** kid from another timeline... Forget it, let's be Principal Gu obviously knows the purpose of our trip."

Gu nodded and said: "Of course, before visiting the teaching environment of the school building, I can answer your questions first.

This world does have weapons that can destroy planets, but regardless of other reasons, it is impossible to obtain them based on the time you stay here. "

Yes, Xie Zhi wanted to ask about the Star Destroyer weapon, after all, this is the first condition to solve the pioneer.

However, Xie Zhi also got a taste of Gu Yi’s words. This is a euphemistic way of saying it. I’m afraid the real reason is that the old Xie’s family has not obtained the strength of the local Star Destroyer Weapon. Thinking about it, the power of such a weapon must be not to be trifled.


"It didn't help much, you're welcome."

Gu Yi got up and was about to open the portal, when he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Qilu again, and said with a smile, "I almost forgot, kid, you have the ability to see through good and evil, and you will see a bad person later, don't tell me you can see through."

Qilu turned to look at Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi nodded: "Just know what's in your heart."

Then Gu pinched Fa Jue with one hand and drew a circle with two fingers, and the portal with special effects of fireworks appeared.

Seeing Xie Zhi's thoughtful eyes, Gu Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Xie Zhi's current strength, I can't see it anymore."

Xie Zhi also responded with a smile: "Principal Gu is too famous, all methods are unified, although the details are different, but the mystery is still endless."

Xie Zhi is really qualified to comment. After all, when he transformed before, he opened a cross-boundary wormhole, which is higher-end than the space gate on the same plane.

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