Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 549: responsible attitude

Xie Zhi sighed: "It's over, I can't blame me for this matter. If I remember correctly, when I came last time, the deepest impression was that he told the reporter that he also felt a headache for his perfect life..."

Bucky nodded: "Yes, I also remember, you said at the time, sooner or later bad luck will come to those who smell shameless."

Xie Zhi scratched his cheek and said awkwardly: "Okay, okay, I said it, I admit it.

However, as an arms dealer, he is super rich, and he speaks wildly. It is not surprising that he offends people. Didn’t he hear the news that all the accompanying US soldiers were killed in battle, and they were protected by soldiers.

So whether I say it or not, people have already planned to deal with him. We have been here for less than 24 hours, so it is impossible for those people to decide to deal with him just because of a word from me, right? "

Bucky tilted his head in thought, and murmured: "That's the reason, people have a plan, but...the plan may not necessarily be successful, the key depends on whether there is a mysterious power bonus, curse this thing is amazing of."

Xie Zhi rolled his eyes, and raised his hands helplessly: "Okay, let's count it as ours, let's eat."

Anakin couldn't help but said: "Uncle, he is Aunt Maria's son, don't you care?"

The Howards were very kind to their children, especially Maria, so the children were very close to Maria, and Anakin, who had been a slave, cherished any kindness very much.

Bucky rubbed Anakin's head with a smile, and said: "Of course it doesn't matter, that kid is also a junior of your uncles, and his parents were rescued by us. Don't worry, Tony won't die, eat and eat."

Xie Ai looked proud: "What are you worried about, even if he dies, my father can still bring him back to life, right?"

"Uh... You're embarrassing Dad, usually a good spirit but not a bad spirit."

After eating and drinking enough, the family continued shopping to find a house.

It's not that Xie Zhi and Bucky don't care, it's impossible for Howard and his wife to ignore Tony's life and death.

So when eating, some mosquito-sized private Decepticons flew out, went to the uninhabited area, and then enlarged the size by themselves, started to act, and conducted various investigations.

However, both brothers felt that Tony would not be able to do anything big, without him, the last time Gu Yi asked them not to deal with Hydra, the reason included that the butterfly effect would affect Tony, and they also said that it would be fine to do whatever they want when they come back in the future, and This time Gu Yi didn't mention it, and explained in a disguised way that Tony couldn't die.

It's fine if you can't die, and you can save him if you have the breath. It's just a few days of bad luck. Back then, the two brothers beat him in mixed doubles. Is that a big deal?

The results of the investigation were sent back quickly. It wasn't that Tony found it, but the direction the two brothers asked for the investigation, not only to find people, but also to other aspects, such as the business of Stark Industries, such as what Tony offended people.

And the information received made Xie Zhi and Bucky's faces look bad.

Especially Bucky, while shopping, he directly turned on the secret communication mode, obviously not wanting the children to hear it.

"This little **** is nothing!"

The first sentence of Bucky brought out the anger, without him, all the dirty things Stark Corporation did were investigated. It can be said that the shadow of Stark Corporation is almost behind the wars in the world today. The real war dealer!

It is not difficult for the Decepticons to investigate these secrets, especially under the command of Merowinga, intelligence is his strong point.

Of course, he was not a good bird. Although the matrix was fake, the behavior pattern of the arms dealer was real. He had never seen any routines, so he could see the problem with a quick glance at the surface information.

Afterwards, he just needed to rely on his professional sense of smell to dig down. What's more, with the ability of sound waves, he was even more powerful in intelligence investigation.

At this time, Xie Zhi replied: "In order to sell weapons, provoke conflicts, wars, support rebels, engage in color revolutions, etc., eating human blood steamed buns is a routine operation. It is not surprising for arms dealers. After all, the world is peaceful. make money?

But looking at the information, it seems that Tony is just a rich second generation who has never been beaten by the society. Of course, it cannot be denied that he is a genius, but I think maybe he doesn't know it. After all, he is only responsible for developing weapons, and he doesn't care about the company's business. Favorite thing to do is... sleeping with supermodels. "

Bucky shook his head and said: "But he is the CEO after all, and the company is owned by his family, with absolute control, even if he doesn't know it, he is also responsible for his poor supervision.

What's more, he is also enjoying the dirty money stained with blood, and he can't justify it no matter what. "

"That's true." Xie Zhi glanced at the children: "You... use silent communication, what is your idea?"

Bucky scratched his brow bone: "Although Howard failed to teach his son, but... I think I am also responsible for this matter. Alas, the death of Howard and his wife must have affected him. Even if we were rescued, he didn't know , nothing in history has changed for him.

So from the perspective of the elders, I can't evade my responsibility. If the child grows crooked, he should be educated. "

Xie Zhi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smirk: "I absolutely agree. His hands were itchy when I saw him, which shows that he has a lack of education. Tell me, what do you do?"

"Uh... this matter has to trouble you, you have a lot of tricks, you have to let the **** grow up."

"Do you have no idea about cooperating?"

"My brother, why are you seeing outsiders?"

"If you want me to say that it's okay to smoke once, if you can't do it, you can smoke twice, and if you don't learn well, you can continue to smoke. You are already thirty-seven, and you are not a child. Who will coax him."

"But you have to save some face for Howard, right? The most important thing is that this time, the Stark family owes us two brothers. It's different, right?"

"Well... okay, I'll think about it."

That night, the children rested, and the two adults were still reading the investigation materials, after all, there were quite a lot of content.

Looking at the documents, Bucky shook his head and said, "Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Eastern Europe... Tsk tsk, Stark's arms are sold all over the world, and they are selling well enough."

And Xie Zhi was staring at a photo in the holographic image. It was two children under the ruins. They were twelve or thirteen years old. The expressions on those two little faces were worth a thousand words.

Bucky raised his and was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "This is war, a crime... The problem is, if this war has something to do with right and wrong, it's fine, but the f*cking truth is because of money." .”

Xie Zhi also sighed: "The appearance of these two children... I guess, our family's hammer was also like this back then. They are both living in hell."

At this time, new information came back, and Tony found it.

The way to find it is actually not complicated. In Transformers, there are not only robot dogs that can search for pheromones, but also robot bugs the size of flying insects. Therefore, based on the scent information left on the battlefield, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

That is to say, there are many mountains and caves in Afghanistan, so it took a little more work.

At this moment, Tony in the monitoring screen is quite miserable. He is going through the operation, and he has reached the second half of the operation, and it is almost over.

"Yo, this is my specialty." Xie Zhi gestured and said, "He was affected by the close-range explosion of the bomb, and there were a lot of shrapnel in his body, so the doctor was right to use a magnet, which can absorb the shrapnel, but his method It’s not as good as me, how long has it been before I finish it.”

Bucky agreed: "I absolutely agree with this. In fact, I think you should operate on Tony. You don't know anesthesia."

"It's ok. If there's no difficulty, create a difficulty. Besides, the sanitary conditions in the cave are too poor, and the risk of infection after surgery is very high. I can do another surgery."

"You are taking a responsible attitude. No matter how you say it, you are the younger generation of your own family. As elders, we have to take care of health issues."

Following the tacit agreement of the two brothers, they raised their hands and clapped their hands.

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