Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 561: Star Destroyer Weapon

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Hank looked at Hope, his eyes were a little dazed, and then he smiled and said, "Thank you, you are putting money on my face, Hope, just like her mother."

Hope shrugged his shoulders: "So, Dad..."

Hank nodded and said with emotion: "Maybe I'm old, well, I'm still very conceited, but Hope is right, we live in this world, whether we want to or not, we will get involved in some things , and even many times, I was involved, and I didn't know it yet.

So thank you, count me in. "

Hope smiled, and looked at Xie Zhi again.

Xie Zhi said with a look of hesitation: "It's not impossible for you to participate... but I have something to say first, we are not a university interest club, nor an elite club.

What we are dealing with is war, or interstellar war, it is war, this is not a joke.

And getting involved is equivalent to joining the army. Although there are not many of us, we are just a team, but many aspects are the same.

Then you have to understand the rules of the army, which is about discipline and cooperation, which is different from your past life.

Therefore, we would rather have fewer people than internal disunity caused by discord.

Hope, Hank, I suggest you think about it for a few days, think it through, this is not a trivial matter, join, you will completely bid farewell to the past way of life. "

This time Hank was very straightforward: "I don't have to think about it, I figured it out, I owe you too much, and fact, I hope I owe you more.

But I'm getting old, I really don't want to take the debt of favor, and I'm done with joining the gang.

Anyway, at my age, you have the nerve to let me go to the battlefield? I'm in charge of science.

But Hope... I was young too, you were born to me, and I know your temper, so I'm afraid I can't stop it.

But you still have to think about it, some things can't just be passionate, your father and I were soldiers, I understand the rules of the army, but you don't.

I know you've learned martial arts and are very good at fighting, but being in the army is a different matter, if you really want to get involved, why don't you experience it in the disciplined forces first..."

At this time, Xie knew: "Let me interrupt, the idea is good, but don't join the modern old American army, you are a cheating girl."

Bucky nodded approvingly: "That's right, military discipline is rotten, it's incomparable to ours, probably know those dirty things from the news, old American troops are not suitable for female soldiers ,too disgusting.

My daughter-in-law has the most say in this matter, otherwise she would not have switched careers to become a mercenary. Back then she just couldn't understand some **** before leaving the army. Note 1)

Hank said unhappily: "Of course I know! I'm talking about the disciplined forces, not the army. Anyway, the training there is still okay."

And Hope couldn't help asking: "Is it really necessary? I ask myself that I'm not the anti-intellectual youth that is common in the old American society. I don't know right from wrong and priorities."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "It is necessary, in fact, you can think about it from another angle, this is equivalent to your chief, now you are given a training task, do you obey the order?

Not only is it out of the consideration of cultivating discipline and team awareness, but it also involves professionalism. If you don’t want to participate, just be a tea girl, right? "

These words motivated Hope: "Of course not, Uncle Xie, no, sir! I won't let you down!"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "You can just call him uncle, after all, there is still a difference with the army. It happens that you also take advantage of the training time to think about it, but Hank, where do you plan to send your child to train? Is that place reliable?"

A little embarrassment appeared on Hanke's face: "I know someone...but I haven't contacted him for many years. She has a place to train, and the trainees are all elites."

"What's the matter with your expression?"

"Well, I admit, I had a falling out with her too, yes, I had a falling out with every friend, I have a personality problem, I am conceited."

"Then you are sure they will accept Hope."

Hank smiled: "She still has to accept it, because Hydra is also involved in this matter. You say I am blind, but there are people who are blinder than me. She is also from S.H.I.E.L.D. As a legendary agent, I Now I want to see her face knowing the truth."

Hope couldn't help but said, "Dad, is the member of S.H.I.E.L.D. trustworthy?"

"You can rest assured that although there are contradictions, she is credible. Even if anyone would take refuge in Hydra, she would not, because she has a personal grudge with Hydra."

Bucky couldn't help but said, "You keep saying 'her', so it can't be... Peggy Carter?"

Hank nodded and said: "Yes, it's her, I forgot, you knew each other back then and are old friends, she also told me about you before.

So others don't know, Bucky, you should know that she and Hydra are at odds. "

The two brothers couldn't help but look at each other, and they both understood what the other meant, and it had something to do with a certain stubborn donkey.

Xie Zhi smiled: "This is interesting, but the place where Carter trains has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Hank proudly said: "I'm really sure about this, it's her own training base, in fact, it's still a secret, I also found out with the help of Ant-Man, her niece was sent there for training at a young age... "

Speaking of this, Hank was stunned, and frowned: "Hiss...Speaking of which, she had that secret training base many years ago, so she must have noticed something wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Is this the layout?"

Bucky looked at Xie Zhi: "See you?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "See you, a certain stubborn donkey said not to touch such and such a stubborn donkey, and he didn't say that he couldn't touch such and such a stubborn donkey's wife, hey, you said that the instructor of the training base, could it be so and so stubborn donkey?"

"Well, it's possible."

Hank wondered: "What kind of donkey? You said tongue twister?"

"It's okay, by the way, Hank, you said that you joined the group and were in charge of science, then I will take it seriously, and I won't talk nonsense with you, I still have a job now."

"The arrangement is fast, let's talk."

"We have been dealing with aliens for a long time. After much deliberation, if we want to have peace, we have to learn from a model on the earth, which is... nuclear deterrence.

Although the existence of nuclear weapons has not brought complete peace, it can indeed avoid wars among major powers to a certain extent. UU Reading If a major country is stable, the earth will be stable.

When it comes to the cosmic level, if people on earth want to live a stable life, they must have star-killing weapons! "

As he said that, Xie Zhi stretched out his hand, picked up an apple from the fruit plate on the coffee table, and crushed it with a bang: "Not only do we have it, but most importantly, we have to let the alien enemies know that we have it.

Of course, local conflicts and species confrontation will still exist, but with Star Destroyer Weapons, at least a red line can be drawn, and people on earth should not be pushed into a hurry. "

Hank nodded: "I agree, but I'm curious, why do you think I can come up with a star-killing weapon?"

"I didn't think you would be able to do it, but..." Xie Zhi picked up an apple again: "We have conceived a plan to destroy the planet, which involves Pym particles, but if this method is to be implemented, there are fatal flaw.

Our plan is like this... and then this... You are an expert in this area, it is theoretically possible, right? "

Hank was silent for a while, and sighed: "This method is indeed feasible, so, I must not let the secret of Pym particles be known by the second...well, I mean the third person, because theoretically, Pym particles Particles destroyers."

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