Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 563: Bottom line

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The next day, a hospital.

Xie Zhi, Bucky, and Hank's father and daughter looked at the old woman on the hospital bed with different attitudes, which can only be said to be complicated.

Yes, the old lady on the hospital bed was Peggy Carter.

At this time, Xie Zhi and Bucky were wearing baseball caps, masks and sunglasses.

Xie Zhi is a simple disguise, although it is not a problem to have a wanted warrant, but the boring little troubles can be saved.

As for Bucky, he just didn't want to irritate the old lady too much, nothing else. Today's Peggy Carter is not in good health, so it's no wonder that he is in his nineties, and his physical condition can be imagined.

In fact, no one thought that Carter's health was very bad, and Hank only knew this information when he contacted the other party.

As for why there were no doctors and nurses present, it was a matter of small tricks and tricks.

But the old woman smiled and said slowly, "You really surprised me, Hank, I never thought you would still contact me after so many years."

Hank scratched his eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to be in the hospital either. In my impression, you seem to be made of iron."

"No matter how hard I try, I'm still an old lady in her 80s. Unfortunately, my memory is not very good now, and I may have to start over later."

Hank opened his mouth: "Uh...Alzheimer's disease?"

"Hmm, I often forget things now, so... well, it's like a repeater.

So even though you are younger than me, you have to pay attention.

Oh, look how old I am, this is Hope, I hugged her when she was little, but she was too young then, I'm afraid she doesn't remember me.

So who are these two? Hank, why don't you introduce yourself? "

Hank was about to speak, but Bucky raised his hand: "Wait a minute, thank you, I think I understand what a certain donkey means, what he said before, there is a circle between us and such-and-such a donkey Favor."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Looks like it's today...Ms. Carter, since you're sick, it's better to get some treatment before communicating."

Carter shook his head slightly: "Hank hasn't contacted me for many years, it must be no small matter to come to me this time, let's talk about it before I forget.

Treatment or something, huh, huh, Alzheimer's is the problem of the century. "

"piece of cake."

Saying thank you, a medical bed was released. Since Carter also knew the secret of the Pym particles and was a super old agent, he probably wouldn't be too surprised.

The fact is the same, the old lady was quite calm, and said with great interest: "Hank, is this your new invention?"

"This time you misjudged, I haven't seen their things, thank you, what is this?"

"For medical treatment, Ms. Carter, this is called a medical bed. It can treat all injuries known to mankind. In addition, considering your age, I don't want to scare you. There are some supernatural phenomena... Forget it, Hope, I'd better trouble you Come on, take the lady to the hospital bed."


Hope was young and strong, and easily hugged Carter.

The start of the medical bed was naturally done in minutes. Not only did Carter's various illnesses be cured in a short period of time, but it also made her look much younger, at least twenty years old.

And Carter even sat up straight away, not like an old man in his eighties.

This scene amazed Hank's father and daughter, and Hank's eyes were even brighter: "This is too fast! I said, can this make people younger?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "It is true that regular use will make you look younger, but for the elderly, the appearance can be restored to the middle age at most. If you want to look young again, you still have to rely on plastic surgery, but the physical fitness can reach adulthood."

And Carter was a little stunned at first, but then he looked at Xie Zhi and Bucky thoughtfully, as if thinking of something.

Xie Zhi saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help saying: "Ma'am, you don't seem very surprised."

Carter smiled and said, "Don't call me Ms., call me Peggy, both of you... How could I not be surprised, but after all, I have been in a special profession all my life, and I can control my emotions to some extent.

And I'm even more surprised...otherwise, I think you know what I mean. "

Xie Zhi, Bucky understands that the other Steve must have said something to Peggy, even if Steve is extremely stubborn, he has to say, nothing else, at least he has to admit that he is from the future Come back, or can't explain where he came from.

However, the two also believed that Steve did not reveal the details of the future, otherwise the world would not be what it is now.

Of course, Steve who married Peggy didn't know about using the medical bed for Peggy today.

Knowing that the favor owed to the old Xie family must have been told by the remarried version of Steve, so this future owed favor, the former original partner Steve used a hammer to pay back.

So Bucky said, "So Peggy, you actually don't know what's going to happen."

Peggy answered irrelevantly: "Your Excellency's voice is a little familiar to me, where have we met?"

Bucky didn't hide it anymore, took off his mask and sunglasses: "Long time no see, Peggy."

Even though Peggy had been an agent all her life, her eyes widened when she saw Bucky's face.

"Whoa, whoa... whoa."

Peggy clutched her chest and sighed: "Fortunately... your medical bed is really amazing, otherwise I might not be able to bear the current heart rate, Bucky, I really didn't expect to see you again, you... you Where did the year go?"

Bucky smiled and said, "Didn't he say that?"

"Hehe." Peggy smiled wryly and shook her head: "You understand his temper, not to mention that many things cannot be revealed, I understand that.

Like you just asked, yeah, I don't know what's going to happen, the old man just said he'd owe a big favor.

By the way, is this gentleman an old friend too? "

Xie Zhi took off his sunglasses: "This is the first time we meet, my name is Xie Zhi."

Peggy couldn't help shrinking her pupils, and said with a smile: "It's another accident, we are indeed meeting for the first time, but I have seen Mr. Xie Zhi's photo.

Back then, you made a big news in Argentina, causing all parties to gather there, but unexpectedly, you mysteriously disappeared under the eyes of the elites of all parties. "

After finishing speaking, Peggy glanced at Hank again: "Oh, if you two are together, then it makes sense."

In just a few words, Xie Zhi understood that this woman was not simple. Among other things, she had just been cured, and she could quickly remember the face of the wanted criminal more than ten years ago. She was indeed professional.

Hanke's expression was a little unnatural: "I remember that you retired early at that time, and the news is still very well-informed."

Peggy sighed: "It's still not well-informed, so I didn't find out that there was your character in that play. After all, it's quite difficult to investigate an ant.

Well, Hank, I think everyone is here today, not just to give benefits to me, an old lady, but to have a business, right? "

Hank raised his There was a little trepidation in his tone: "Of course it's business, and I really want to hear your advice from the Queen of Agents, about... SHIELD being infiltrated by Hydra, you Any thoughts?"

"Oh, this matter..." Peggy's expression became serious: "I think it's better not to touch them for the time being."

"Huh?" Hank blinked his eyes, a little confused: "You... know everything?"

Peggy spread her hands: "Yes, I knew it twenty years ago, please, I have been an agent all my life, so I can't see any abnormalities."

Before Hank could ask, Bucky raised his thumb: "You can really bear it, you haven't dealt with them for twenty years, why?"

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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