Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 565: commander

However, the two brothers definitely agree with Peggy's evaluation. My daughter-in-law is indeed terrible, in all aspects. When I think about it, it is full of flaws...

In the end, it was Bucky who spoke: "Well, is there anything more powerful? It's nothing else, it's all for dealing with Hydra."

Peggy said: "There are some special ones, but the degree of exaggeration varies greatly. The most powerful one must be the woman with the hammer. According to what I learned, she had the upper hand at that time.

So I don't agree with the direct attack on Hydra, and I still need a deeper understanding.

Because what I know is just the tip of the iceberg. We don't know how many tricks and killers are hidden by Hydra.

At least, I don't believe that they haven't reached out to the economic field and the people's livelihood field. "

In fact, Peggy didn't need to emphasize that Xie Zhi and Bucky didn't plan to do it right away. It was very simple. In the eyes of the two brothers, Hydra was already on the chopping block.

What needs to be considered is how to deal with the ingredients, whether it is braised snake meat, boiled snake soup, or grilled snake skewers.

And I have to admit that Hydra is still a little troublesome, because this is not a confrontation between two armies, and the fight is over. Bar.

Although the old Xie family is fully capable of finding them out one by one, as long as they use the force to control the mind or enter the dream to obtain the list of personnel from the core high-level, there is a problem here, that is, when they act, they must be absolutely synchronized. .

Otherwise, there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net, and the revenge will not be smooth, and you have to worry about it all the time. This is like knowing that there are cockroaches in the house, and you are not at ease if you trample a few to death. .

In addition, there is actually another important reason. The two brothers have no intention of giving Hydra's assets to others cheaply. At least those assets involving important fields must be confiscated, and other people with ulterior motives cannot be controlled.

If you live in a settled place, you have to clean your house.

And the two brothers counted the time, and the stay this time would not exceed three months. It was too hasty to use this time to kill Hydra.

So when the two of them came to see Peggy this time, apart from Bucky's purpose of seeing old friends, the rest was to see if there was anything that could be arranged by Peggy's side.

So Bucky took up the conversation with a smile: "Peggy, although I'm not an agent, are soldiers so reckless in your eyes? You know me.

Don't worry, we have a plan, and that's why we're here today. Of course, the most important thing is to see old friends. "

"I'm very happy that you can come, and it feels so good to be young, thank you, and I don't despise being a soldier, that stubborn old man is a soldier, I almost forgot..."

Peggy rubbed her forehead: "Look at my memory, I should call the stubborn old man, you..."

Bucky stopped: "No, he can't see me, didn't he tell you this?"

"Ah?" Peggy was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly realized: "So...he mentioned it, but he only said that he couldn't see certain people. As for the specific people, I will know when the time comes.

I said, you two have a good understanding of each other, what are you planning?

Forget it, don't say it, I know I can't know. "

The ones who feel more mysterious are naturally Hank and his daughter, but I can see that there must be some issues that cannot be explained in detail.

"So... what's your plan?"

"Increasing manpower is for sure, you don't have enough people, we will send the elite here." Bucky tilted his head slightly at Hope: "You are the chief of the secret service, I believe that Hope's resume does not need to be specially transferred to you. "

"Of course not." Peggy took Hope's hand: "I know Hope, she's a great girl, but have you thought about it? The instructors at the training base are old-fashioned, and you will have a hard time."

Hope smiled and said, "Aunt Peggy, will you be more rigid than my father?"

"Well... more stubborn than your father in some respects, but since you have endured your father for so many years, you must be immune."

Hank: "Ahem."

Bucky continued: "That's what we think. There are indeed many reasons why we can't do it right away, but we can't let Hydra sit idle. Although we don't know what is wrong with Hydra, if there is no opponent, they hope The time will come.

And they will clean up those who get in the way one by one, such as Hank, sooner or later.

So instead of letting Hydra keep its eyes on certain people, it is better to create a new enemy for them, especially the kind that involves energy. "

Peggy nodded: "I also thought about this method, but I don't have enough strength to realize it, and there is no suitable candidate, so... are you two going to actively expose it to Hydra?"

Bucky shook his head: "Originally, the two of us are the most suitable, but unfortunately, we have to leave for a while, and we have very important things to do, yes, much more important than Hydra.

And if it wasn't for some delays, in fact, this method would be superfluous, and the two of us can just do it directly.

Therefore, we need a suitable executor. We have solutions in this regard, but the executor also needs a commander. "

"Oh..." Peggy smiled slightly: "So you guys have taken a fancy to me, the retired chief agent."

Bucky smiled and said, "No one knows S.H.I.E.L.D. better than you. You are the best way to attract their attention."

"Although it's a compliment..." Peggy smiled wryly, "But it's really ironic.

Well, although I didn't have enough rights after the end of World War II, it was my responsibility that Hydra was not cleaned up and turned against customers.

But is the executor you arranged reliable? Can you follow my command? "

Baki said: "Absolutely reliable, on the premise of not violating the core order, I will definitely listen to you."

Peggy narrowed her eyes: "Core orders?"

"Yes." Bucky spread his hands, "They're not humans, they're robots."

That's right, this is the arrangement of Xie Zhi and Bucky. It is enough to give Peggy some terminators and eye drops for Hydra.

As for the Skrulls, it's inappropriate for aliens to get involved, and Xie Zhi didn't intend to let them return favors in this way.

Transformers can't do either~ is too high-end, and this world is not simple, the two brothers don't want to let some eyes see it when they are not here.

When Peggy heard this, her eyes were a little weird, and she shook her head and said, "Robots can't do it."

"Don't worry, it's intelligent, it's very powerful, and it's quite reliable. And we've thought about it. Intelligent robots still have limitations, so you need to be the brain."

"No, I insist." Peggy said seriously: "I'm not a scientist, and I haven't seen your robots, but even if I'm in command, they are the ones on the front line, and they still need to adapt to the situation. Don't trust robots.

Believe me, I have been an agent all my life, and one of the things I am most sure of is that accidents always appear in every plan, without exception, and you don’t want robotic technology to be acquired by Hydra because of accidents, right? .

So robots can be used, but the main front-line executors must be humans, because the specific plan is made by me, which is definitely different from what you think. "

Bucky looked at Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi couldn't help thinking and said: "What you said also makes sense, the problem is that there is no suitable candidate now.

Hank is old and has very important things to do now, Hope is inexperienced, and as for your man, Peggy, you may be comfortable with it, but we don't know.

Frankly speaking, we have a way to make a person strong enough, but only if we trust this person. "

Peggy smiled: "I understand, in fact...the candidate is ready."

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Shan Xinyu" and the book friend "The Handsome Guy in the Countryside" for their generous rewards! Thank you for your support! 666.

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