Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 567: cause

Steve opened his eyes, was a little puzzled, and suddenly turned over alertly, and quickly rolled over from the medical bed.

And looking at the two people standing in front of him, Steve was stunned for a moment.

Yes, in front of him are two Schmidts, the Red Skulls.

Exactly the same, no difference.

And Bucky's version of Red Skull spread his hands: "Is it unexpected?"

Xie Zhi also had a tacit understanding: "Surprised or not?"

"No difference." Steve was very calm, raised his fists and put on a fighting posture: "It just takes a little more time, I can fight all day."

Xie Zhi and Bucky pointed at Steve at the same time, as if they had discovered something interesting, they said in unison: "Say it! He said it!"

Steve squinted his eyes, and when he was about to strike, Bucky raised his hand: "Wait a minute! What are you going to do? Fight? Why are you so violent?"

Xie Zhi nodded in agreement: "That's right, it's unreasonable and lacks quality."


Bucky pointed back and forth at himself and Xie Zhi: "You are not surprised, why the Hydra boss Schmidt is not dead, but turned into two?"

Steve said in a deep voice, "It's nothing more than your… your conspiracy again, it doesn't matter."

Xie Zhi said exaggeratedly: "Of course it is important! Do you know what you did? You did something evil, you brought big trouble to the world."

Bucky followed: "Don't say that everything is a conspiracy. You are clearly responsible for the current situation."

Steve sneered: "Don't waste your time, I don't believe a word you say."

Xie Zhi: "You are cold-blooded."

Bucky: "You're heartless."

The two said in unison: "You are making trouble for no reason."

Then the two brothers clapped hands.


After a moment of silence, Steve's eyes finally changed: "No, you... are different from Schmidt, he doesn't talk like this, and you had a chance to kill me just now, why didn't you do it?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "It's not easy, you finally realized it, of course we are different."

"Do you know why?" Bucky made a gesture of cutting things with the palm of his hand: "Chop off one head and grow two heads, you know the slogan of Hydra.

Frankly speaking, we didn't expect it to be true, look, if one Schmidt dies, it becomes two Schmidts, and you said that if you kill another one, it will become four..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "No, you miscalculated, it is three, and killing one is four."

Bucky nodded: "Yes, you have inherited a talent for mathematics, and I am good at literature."

Steve became more and more confused: "What the **** are you trying to do?"

"You are responsible." The two brothers said in unison, and then clapped hands.

"Responsible for what?"

Xie Zhi sighed: "The problem is very serious now, we have become two, but there are many disagreements, which will delay the big event.

For example... the logo of the Hydra, Steve, you have seen it, a few tentacles and a skull, it is too unsightly, it will scare children, and it is not conducive to our promotion of ideas.

So my opinion is that it is much cuter and more friendly to the people if it is replaced with a husky head. "

Bucky shook his head violently: "No, no, no, huskies are too stupid. People will think Hydra is a stupid organization. I think the head of a turtle should be used to represent longevity and have a good meaning."

"Don't be funny, people will think Hydra is a green organization!"

"That's better than being Erha!"

Following the two of them, they turned their heads to look at Steve: "Look! It's all your fault for disagreement! What do you think we should do now?"

Steve blinked his eyes: "You two... did you hurt your brain in the process of becoming two?"

"Maybe." Xie Zhi curled his lips: "But our original intention of destroying the world remains the same, and we will remain determined."

Bucky thumped his chest: "Same dream, same love."

Xie Zhi followed with a smirk and said, "So the question now is, do you want to kill us? If you kill us, more Schmidts will be born."

"Ah, I came up with an idea." Bucky snapped his fingers: "Why don't we commit suicide, the more we die, the more we will split, and if we split into billions, the earth will be ours."

"It's a good idea, and if we don't agree, we will quarrel, and the quarrel will disturb the people, and eventually all mankind will be annoyed to death."

"Just do it!"

Bucky suddenly pulled out his pistol and exploded his own head, followed by the green light, the red skull was split into two, and it really became two.

Of course, this is a phantom illusion that has manifested, and it is not even considered alive, so naturally there is no need to fear energy.

But Steve hadn't seen this before, he hadn't even seen TV, so he was dumbfounded at the time.

When Steve was shocked, Xie Zhi also shot himself, so the four red skulls stood on the spot.

This scene made Steve's scalp tingle and goosebumps throbbing. Even if he was as stubborn as him, Steve was afraid at this moment.

Although it is not the fear of losing courage, but when I think of Schmidt who is dying more and more, the sense of picture is the rhythm that will drive the intensive phobia crazy.

This is not over yet, the four red skulls shook hands and interacted enthusiastically with each other.

"Hello brother."

"I think you're so handsome."

"Look at what you said, I'm not as handsome as you."

"No, I think your eye sockets are deeper, with a kind of poetic melancholy."

"Really? I think your nostrils are more three-dimensional, which is a deep masculinity."

"But there are only four brothers. It's not lively enough. We can only play mahjong. I also want to play basketball."

"I agree with you on this point, but there are still few basketball players, let's play football."

"Wonderful! Dominating the world starts with dominating the World Cup!"

"Then continue to die, I have grenades..."

"Stop!" Steve finally showed a look of panic, trembling: "Don't die! Don't die, okay? Enough!"

Bucky smirked and said, "Why don't you die? You can play for a whole day, what a boring day, we let you play for 365 days, change one every day, to ensure that you will feel fresh every day, no, Change one every hour."

Steve raised his hand and said, "Calm down, calm down, didn't you say I'm violent and unreasonable, I agree, let's be reasonable, shall we?"

"Okay, tell me."

Steve didn't do the same thing. To be reasonable, it's nothing more than preventing suicide first.

I have no choice but to think while talking, Steve said: "I think so, that...Schmidt, we are old rivals, I know you well in the past, but now your personality has obviously changed Yes... yes!

So what I don't understand is why do you still insist on destroying the world? Have no other pursuits? "

The four red skulls shook their heads in unison: "No."


Steve really wants to kill these four, this is more disgusting than Schmidt in the past!

Reluctantly, Steve said again: "Well, you can actually think about it, life is very long, especially everyone, it seems that not only will you not die, but there will be more and more people.

So... there must be something to pass the time, assuming that you have completed your goal, what are you going to do for the rest of the day? "

The four red skulls looked at each other, and all started talking.

"Kick the ball."



"Schmidt came to find fault."

Although he has never played Let's Find The Fault, literally, with the exact same red skull, Steve also guessed what it was about.

Even so, Steve still had to suppress his anger, and said with a dry smile: "It sounds interesting, but entertainment, don't you plan to build a career? Constructive."

"Engage in a football league."

"Parade around the world."

"Draft, Schmidt, good voice."

"There is a prize quiz, and Schmidt is here to find fault."

Steve covered his face: "Fack!"

And Bucky's eyes lit up immediately, pointing at Steve and excitedly saying: "Oh, Steve Rogers swears too! I heard it!"

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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