Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 569: Hit and hit

On the ice sheet, it was cold and windy, but there were three men sitting around the campfire, grilling skewers, drinking and chatting.

Yes, the three of them had already come out from under the ice, and the bad weather didn't have much effect on the three of them.

Steve shook the beer in his hand: "It's a waste of me to drink this now, I won't get drunk."

Bucky shook his head and said, "You've always been boring, the atmosphere, you know, the key is the atmosphere."

But Xie Zhi felt very strange at this time.

After all, this way of making friends across the future and the present is really special.

When I first met the old version of Steve, his attitude was that he treated Xie Zhi like a brother, but Xie Zhi was very strange to him.

Now it is the young Steve who is unfamiliar with him, but Xie Zhi is very familiar with him. After all, both Bucky and Howard have already explained Steve's character clearly. Xie Zhimenqing.

Of course, no matter what their character is, it doesn't prevent the two brothers from being unhappy with Steve because of their eldest granddaughter.

At this time Steve wondered: "According to what you said, I caused you two a lot of trouble, but I still can't tell me the reason, because if I tell it, it will lead to more serious consequences, even disasters.

But I don't understand, what kind of logic is this? "

Bucky curled his lips: "You can't blame us for this, and you are not stupid, you will be able to guess why in the future, it's okay for you to guess it yourself, but if we say it, something will happen.

In short, in a word, if you believe me, don't ask why. "

Steve smiled wryly: "You've said that, what else can I say, Bucky, you know, I suspect that no one will doubt you."

Speaking of this, Steve looked at Xie Zhi, and said seriously: "Xie Zhi, you are Bucky's brother, that is my brother, I am sorry to trouble you."

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Hey, you've already said that you're brothers, so don't see anyone else, although it's...the first contact with you, but I don't want to see you anymore, so don't be sorry, just take care of the child. "


Bucky proudly said: "My brother is now a grandfather, so the children of our two brothers, that is, your children, when you come back, it is your responsibility and obligation to take care of the third generation."

Steve couldn't help being moved: "You are a grandfather!? Have your children given birth?"

Bucky said, "Just say you want to do it or not?"

Steve frowned: "I understand taking care of children, and of course I am very willing to do it, but the problem is... I am not married yet, so I have no experience in taking care of children."

Bucky waved his hand: "The child is not that young, he just passed his seventeenth birthday recently.

Moreover, the child is very sensible, and he is also very good at beating, beating you is like playing, but it is a bit too... Honestly, let alone, some aspects are a bit similar to your personality.

We don't worry about anything else about the child. He is underage in the first place, and the child's mental age is still a bit low. The key point is that he is very beautiful. We can't let the bad boy fool us. We don't have a reliable elder by our side, so we don't worry..."

"Wait a minute, seventeen-year-old granddaughter!? Are you kidding me?"

"This question is very complicated, and it will take a long time to talk about it. Come on, let's go, talk while drinking..."

Xie Zhi, Bucky, you talk to each other, like a duet, telling the past experience.

Of course, it has been screened, and the order of the narrative is jumpy, and there is no revealing too much at one time. After all, Steve just woke up from a deep sleep, and he thought he was in World War II, and there were too many stimuli to face. Take it easy.

So the process of narration is always talking and stopping, and Steve has to be given a buffer time.

Fortunately, there is enough time, and the three of them are also in extraordinary physique, so they can afford it.

As a result, it went from day to night, and from night to day.

And Steve's performance is also in line with Xie Zhi's expectations. The willpower is indeed extraordinary. Things that are too exciting for ordinary people, from shock, to acceptance, to calmness, Steve's performance in this process is faster.

And as he got more and more used to it, Steve became more and more interested in listening. When the two stopped narrating, he was still unsatisfied: "Why don't you talk about it, what about the mutants?"

Xie Zhi sighed: "Come here first, there are many things to do, but I have to talk about you, you still have things to do."

"What's the matter with me?"

Baki said: "Actually, you've also discovered it. All these things we said avoided a concept, time. We didn't describe the time clearly, including...the time when Lao Xie and I left here."

Not only was Steve not stupid, but he was also very smart. He immediately thought of something and said, "So, after the plane crashed, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Nearly...seventy years."

Steve was silent for a while, and shook his head: "That's why you told me about those miraculous experiences? Indeed, compared with your experiences, being comatose for seventy years is nothing surprising.

It's just a pity... well, I won't mention it. "

Bucky smirked and said, "Don't forget to mention it. I know you miss Peggy. Let me tell you some news. Peggy is still alive. Do you want to meet?"

Yes, the two brothers have already thought about it, just to stab again and bully honest people.

But there's a strong, innocuous reason behind it, none other than Steve's future happiness.

In fact, it wasn't just the two of them who really played tricks on Steve, there were two other people, and that was Steve himself, the two himself.

It's very simple. Will Steve not inquire about Peggy when he wakes up? It is necessary, and the meeting is also sooner or later, so the stimulation is certain, but the source of this stimulation is still Steve, who is to blame?

And the two old version of Steve, of course, knew that this meeting was inevitable, so they had to find a way to calculate themselves, so the two brothers felt... Steve is a tragedy, but why is it so fun?

Steve hesitated slightly, and said, "Is she... okay?"

Bucky grinned: "Okay, great."

"Your expression...are you trying to mess with me again?"

"No, it's not that we want to punish you, and...hehe, you will still be grateful to us in the future."

"Really?" Steve looked at the two suspiciously, and began to wonder if he had made friends with each other?

"Of course, can we still cheat brothers?"

"You've been tricked just now."

"That's a joke, UU Reading Don't you say you're not stingy."

"Okay." Steve didn't bother to care about it anymore, and shook the bottle: "Then how long are we going to drink here?"

Bucky smiled and said, "What's the hurry, the matter is not over yet, you need to make up too many lessons, come on, continue."

At the same moment, on the other side of the earth.

Xie Tiehammer looked at Tony Stark curiously, and pointed to the slap marks on his face: "Uncle, you've made people slap your lips again."

"What do you mean again? Besides, it's not a twitch. It's a shy lady's implicit expression."

Followed by Tony and sighed: "Hammer, I have no problem with disguise, but there is no need to make me so ugly, it looks very wretched, not like a normal person, otherwise the ladies wouldn't be so... shy, uncle's The charm is completely lacking."

"Uncle, didn't you say you were going to help that widow fix the bed? What does that have to do with charm?"

"Of course it has something to do, charm can solve the barriers to in-depth communication... Cough cough, you are still young and don't understand.

In short, only if there is no misunderstanding, will I accept my enthusiastic help, so Hammer, uncle does not ask to be too handsome, at least let my eyes look normal, besides, is there anyone who looks like this? "

"Yes, his name is Da Conghui. In the past, I used to put his picture in my bedroom to exercise my mind."

When Xie Tiehammer said this, his expression suddenly changed, he turned to look at the woman who was walking, and said in wonder, "Uncle, why did you provoke her? She is carrying a gun."

Tony rubbed his cheeks: "I hit it too, flirting... No, it's just a joke, as for shooting?"

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