Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 571: You lied to me!

At this moment, the red-haired woman's performance in the enemy camp is really good. Not only is her marksmanship accurate, but she can always enter a relatively safe position when she moves around.

And Tony's fighting consciousness has been completely reborn. Although it was only a short two hours, it was reality. He stayed in the dream for several months. He also went through countless actual battles, and his vision improved.

So you can see how powerful that woman is, she is a real master.

It’s not surprising that Tony is still a little shy about the real battlefield. He’s not a fool. Of course, he can distinguish between dreams and reality. No matter how good the dream is, in reality he is still a rookie who has never been on the battlefield. The experience of being attacked before is purely pure. abused.

But Tony said in admiration: "I didn't see it before, this woman is... special."

Following him, he touched his face proudly: "It's so powerful, it shows how gentle the slap on me is, otherwise my teeth would have fallen out, well, she is shy, hammer, this shows that uncle's charm has not diminished in the slightest!"

Xie Tiechui wondered, "Uncle, should your teeth be taken out? What did you do?"

Tony was speechless, and then slapped his mouth: "I owe you!"

"Oh, uncle, reflect on yourself, I'm going to help that sister."

"Ah? Why, she is very powerful, these mobs are no match for her at all."

Xie Tiehammer shook his head: "She is running for her life, she seems to be afraid of something, there may be something more powerful, I have passed."

"More powerful? Then you leave uncle alone..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Tiehammer had already flown out, and Tony finished the second half of the sentence dumbfounded: "Is it suitable?"

Before Xie Tiehammer arrived, the red-haired girl suddenly swayed and fell to the ground. She was shot!

Immediately afterwards, a man walked out of the darkness unhurriedly, dressed in a black combat uniform, with a mask on his face, his face could not be seen, and an assault rifle in his hand.

But this person's combat uniform made Xie Tiehammer very familiar. Without him, it was in the same style as the second grandfather's back then. In the dream, Xie Tiehammer had seen the Winter Soldier version of Bucky.

And not only the combat uniform, this person has another similarity with Bucky, that is, he also has a mechanical arm!

The design style of the mechanical arm is the same as that of the Winter Soldier, with only a little difference, maybe an upgraded version.

Moreover, this one is not one mechanical arm, but two.

However, after the red-haired girl was shot, the other militants also ceased fire, hula-la surrounded them, and the man in black also walked towards the red-haired girl with a step of denying her relatives.

And Xie Tiehammer, who floated invisibly above the red-haired girl, had to admit that her uncle had good eyesight, and this sister was so beautiful, even with the painful expression caused by the gunshot wound in the abdomen, she still looked beautiful.

At this moment, the red-haired woman lying on the ground struggling to back up, clutching her stomach and smiling wryly, "Damn, the former Soviet bullets have no trajectory... Goodbye, bikinis."

Facing the masked man approaching, the red-haired woman said again: "I finally see you, the mysterious Winter Soldier."

A little leader asked, "What should I do with this woman?"

The masked man said without emotion: "Catch her, don't let her die, someone will come to interrogate her."

The red-haired girl's face was pale, and she tried her best to smile and said, "Have you never heard of poison in your teeth? Don't touch me, I will bite."

As she said this, the red-haired girl quietly took out a small object from her hand hidden in her waist.

Just at this moment, a shrill...pig cry suddenly sounded!

Following the man in the mask, he was blown away by a huge force! And it was embedded in the cement wall abruptly!

Yes, Xie Tiehammer made a move, and the girl didn't turn the piggy hammer to the maximum, otherwise the masked man would be killed directly. She also wanted to find out whether this had anything to do with the second grandpa.

But the red-haired girl who was fooled by the pig cry didn't understand what was going on, the pig cry of different styles reappeared, and the militants around were flickering and glowing, and even the bones under the flesh could be seen. They were all shocked and lay down, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

But this was not over yet, pigs blew one after another, all sentry positions and firepower points were hit hard, and explosions without flames continued to occur. Obviously, the explosion scene was caused by the high-speed collision of hard objects.

"Oh oh oh!" Tony looked excitedly: "It's amazing! Let's see who will dare to kidnap me in the future. Our Stark family has capable people! Tony's super niece, I just ask you if you are afraid!"

Although it was an armed force, it didn't take much effort for Xie Tiehammer, and it was quickly cleaned up.

Following Xie Tiechui, he came to the red-haired girl with a pink piggy hammer in his hand, and said, "Don't worry, you can still meet the person you care about."

The red-haired girl looked at the woman in the chic green battle suit and the mask covering her face in front of her, wondering, "Do you know who I care about?"

"Yeah, bikini, what you just said."

The red-haired girl laughed when she heard the words: "Oh, yes, I care about bikinis very much...By the way, sister, can I trouble you?"

"you say."

Following Xie Tiechui, he squatted down and stretched out his hand to pull away the red-haired girl's hand covering her abdomen.

"Hiss...don't worry, that's what I'm talking about, they should have a medical kit here, please help me find it, I need..."

Xie Tiehammer shook his head, and put his hand on the red-haired woman's abdomen: "No, I'll treat it for you. This is a penetrating wound, so you don't need to take the bullet."


Amid the red-haired girl's astonishment, she clearly felt that the wound in her abdomen was healing, and when Xie Tiehammer's hand was removed, the bullet hole disappeared, and the flesh had miraculously grown back.

"Wow, you have... superpowers?"

At this time, Tony also ran over in a hurry, didn't see the healing process, and wondered why this woman was fine, wearing a bulletproof vest?

But he was not idle: "Listen, you figure out the situation, now we are in control of the situation, and report your name, identity, and measurements! Immediately!"

The red-haired girl didn't even look at Tony, and took Xie Tiehammer's hand: "Thank you, little girl, it's a pity, you have an uncle who is out of tune, is it tiring to take him with you?"

"You're welcome, sister, how do you know he is my uncle?"

Tony said angrily: "She's cheating on you! Don't listen to her! She's an agent and she's the best at clichés!"

The red-haired girl flicked her hair charmingly: "Sister is not a cliché You and your uncle's personalities are too obvious, and you can't hide them even if you cover your face.

By the way, girl, many bases of rebels, warlords, and terrorists have been wiped out recently. You did it, right? "

Tony's reminder still had some effect, Xie Tiehammer didn't want to be stereotyped, so he said, "I won't tell you."

Tony covered his face, this kid is too honest, doesn't that mean he admits it.

"Hehe, what a lovely girl, my sister likes you so much, look at me, I haven't introduced myself yet, it's too rude, my sister's name is Natasha Romanov..."

Just as Xie Tiechui was about to speak, Tony stopped him in a deep voice: "Don't talk! Remember, child, this girl is very bad, don't answer what she says!"

Following Tony, he glared at Natasha, stopped smiling, and said coldly, "Enough is enough for you! Stop playing tricks on the child, or I will make your life worse than death! I... do what I say!"

Natasha couldn't help showing admiring eyes, and said with a smile: "Well, it's not bad, he looks like an uncle now.

I really didn't expect that you still have such a side, which is rare.

I guess you can't imagine that one day you will become more responsible, right? Mr Stark. "

Tony was taken aback by these words, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the corner of Natasha's raised mouth, Tony understood that the reaction caused by his name had confirmed the other party's confirmation, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth and said, "Damn it! You lied to me!"

Natasha shrugged slightly: "Yes, I lied to you. Anyway, it doesn't cost you any money to do it. Who knew it would make big news."

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