Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 577: 3 Battle Hulk

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"Okay." Banner scratched his head: "At least I understand that none of you are extreme people, that's enough."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Hey, you are the one who owes the debt, don't say it like you are the boss, no matter how idle we are, we still have children to raise, so give me an accurate word."

Banner raised his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I also want to feel a little bit safe, but if it's a fight... I have to tell you something, the Hulk is not only extremely powerful, but also runs super fast and can jump very far.

So even if you find a no man's land in Brazil, if you can't restrain Hulk, it won't take long for him to run to the city. "

"I'm looking for a place, right? It's easy to handle. How about Antarctica? We're open."

Thirty minutes later, the Antarctic continent.

The four of them walked out of the big knife reform, and Banner shrank his neck from the cold wind: "If it goes well, have you prepared the clothes for me? I have no clothes to wear after every transformation. This place is too cold, hiss... Ah Choo!"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can't do without you, hang out with us, not to mention the other benefits, I will definitely match you with big unbreakable pants, or every time you transform... Tsk tsk, thinking about it makes your eyes hurt .

By the way, you will transform in a while... you won't be dangling that thing, right? "

"I'm not that shameless! All I bought were high-elastic underpants with top-notch stretchability." Banner turned around and looked at Da Dao Kai again: "There is this must have thought of more than one way to kill me, right? ?”

Bucky said: "That's right, launching you into a star should also turn you into ashes."

"Good idea...but hurry up, it's too cold, I'm too frozen to get angry."

"Hold on."

Following the voice, Xie Zhi and the three of them threw out the same thing, and when it was zoomed in instantly, it turned out to be three miniature cars.

Immediately following the rattling sound of the car, it began to deform, wrapping the three of them smoothly, forming a metal battle armor.

Yes, it is the Transformers version of the mecha, small.

Now let's look at the three of them, they are about three meters tall, and their appearance and painting are different.

Xie Zhi's mecha is painted in red and gold (not the Iron Man kind, refer to the national flag.), Bucky's is painted in black and gray, and Steve's is painted in blue and white.

And Steve's mech has an additional plug-in, his shield, which had been invisible before, now floats on his right arm, but it is a little smaller as a shield at the moment, and can only be regarded as an arm guard.

"Wow." Banner said tremblingly, "You have so many tricks, can you start?"

"Of course, um, should I slap you?"

"Thanks, there's no need. It's hard not to get angry, but it's... easy."

Banner lowered his head, let out a low growl of pain, his muscles tensed, and his skin color began to turn green.

With the sound of hissing, Banner's muscles tore his clothes, and his limbs and torso were rapidly expanding.

The change process was very fast, within a few seconds, a big green man about 2.5 meters appeared.

At this time, the big man had only one expression, glaring and gnashing his teeth, obviously angry.

And even though they have seen the video data before, when they actually faced the Hulk, the three of them couldn't help but feel a twitch, which was really scary.

Without him, such a thing as aura does exist, and Hulk also has it, and what he represents is fury!

Baki said: "Compared to the size, we are still taller. He is a head shorter now. Is it because of this that he is angry?"

Xie Zhi's focus is even lower: "The quality of these pants is really good, I'll ask Banner what brand it is... Hey! You're so stupid!"

With the lingering sound, Xie Zhifei flew, yes, Hulk rushed to Xie Zhi first, and punched him!

However, Xie Zhi was not sent flying, but dodged and flew away, and avoided this punch.

At this moment, Xie Zhi and Bucky have already counted them. The speed of this one is completely beyond their prediction and reaction ability. They can dodge. Thanks to the data collected by Xie Zhi before turning into a monster. Come in handy.

And Bucky was not idle: "Haha, Lao Xie, people are upset when you lift your pants, eh! Why are you still running towards me! Go beat up the shield holder!"

Bucky also flew some distance away, dodging Hulk's attack.

Steve sighed, "Can you two be serious?"

While speaking, Steve raised his right arm, and the shield blocked Hulk's punch just right, but the huge force directly sent Steve flying!

What's more, it was rolling and flying, and when it landed on the ice sheet and shattered the solid ice, it kept bouncing up, as if it was floating in water.

The shield made of shock gold was not damaged, but it couldn't dispel Hulk's ferocious strength at all.

Seeing this scene, the two bad friends laughed in the sky.

"Stupid, who told you to call the supercomputer to choose the hard top."

"Hide away, stubborn."

Steve got up from the crushed ice and said, "Didn't you guys say to test attack and defense before! Hide around and test shit!"

"You swear."

"Bah! I'll just say it! You two are kidding me, right! Where's the agreed-upon three heroes fighting the Hulk!?"

Then Steve didn't bother to answer, because the Hulk had already fallen from the sky, and the big foot ran to Steve's head and stepped on it!

Stamping with one foot was like a bombardment, triggering countless shards of ice to fly.

But this time the mech chose to roll and dodge, Steve couldn't react, but the supercomputer made the best judgment.

Following the mecha, he fought with the Hulk, fighting with each other, but the two fought back and forth.

However, Hulk obviously has the upper hand. Without him, although the mecha can also knock Hulk into the air, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him, but Hulk's attack will cause the shell of the mecha to be damaged and parts to fly randomly.

Only then did Steve gasp and say: "I don't understand, what do we need for this kind of battle, it's completely automatic, and the computer has taken care of it."

Bucky said, "Brother, why did I give you the ring? Use it."

"Let me do it."

Following Xie Zhi's voice, a huge green shackle suddenly shackled Hulk's legs.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for half a second before it completely collapsed!

Xie Zhi yelled loudly: "This strength...abnormal!"

However, this half second also gave Steve a buffer time. Remembering the usage of the ring taught earlier, a huge fist materialized and knocked Hulk down from top to bottom.

Immediately after, countless chains appeared, tying Hulk to the ground. This one was released by Xie Zhi, and it was constantly increasing. Even if it broke, new chains would appear immediately.

And Bucky fired bursts of artillery fire in the air, each shot hitting Hulk's head.

Steve was not idle either, he wrapped his arms around one of Hulk's arms, and cut back.

At this moment, it finally looks like a bit of a siege.

But in just a few seconds, with a deafening and violent roar, Steve... flew again, this time flying into the sky, or rolling.

At the same time, all the chains Xie Zhi manifested were also snapped neatly!

And Hulk soared into the sky like a cannonball! The target is the flying Steve.

Bucky couldn't help admiring: "Why is this fight getting more and more violent, didn't you try your best before?"

Seeing that Hulk's fists were about to hit Steve, he was suddenly pulled away by a force, his body moved sideways, and his fists missed.

Yes, Xie Zhi used the force to control things. UU Reading Although the Hulk's strength is amazing, but the weight is not exaggerated enough, it is easy to pull away.

At the same time, Xie Zhi replied: "No way? Seeing that his IQ doesn't look like a thoughtful one now, he's just a fool. Could it be that the fat green man just gets stronger the more he gets beaten?"

Steve's mecha also stabilized his figure in the air, and he said angrily: "You two don't fight close to each other, do you? Then I won't go either. Is there any strength in bullying honest people!"

"How can this be called bullying? It's called tactics."

"You are good at using shields. Attracting firepower is already in line with your profession."

"Shame on you! Is the shield in front of this fat green man useful!?"

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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