Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 579: retribution

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Hulk finally got his feet on the ground, looking at Xie Zhi who landed, his eyes almost popped out.


The violent roar resounded through the sky, and then, Hulk made a move that the three of them had never expected...

Turn around, let go of your big feet, and run away.

Xie Zhi was dumbfounded: "No... is he running away?"

Bucky was also taken aback, looking at the Tai Chi ring: "No fear, why is this kid running? Besides, he is intact and uninjured."

Steve smiled: "He doesn't look smart, but he's not so stupid that he doesn't know we're in the same group, Bucky, you've been beating him like a ping-pong ball for a long time, how stupid you have to be to do it again. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well, it's Bucky's fault, he played too much, and the big guy hurt his self-esteem."

"Hey, old Xie, what do you call that? How much better would it be if you were replaced by you."

During the quarrel, the three of them were already flying at a very high speed, and soon surpassed Hulk. After all, no matter how much they can run, they can't compare to those who can fly.

Xie Zhi landed in front of Hulk, opened his arms and said, "Big guy, don't worry, I'll fight you hard this time."

Hulk panted heavily, walked around, and suddenly yelled at Xie Zhi: "Ah! I hate it!"

Xie Zhi was taken aback: "Yo, don't you know how to speak?"

"Hulk! I hate it!" Hulk hammered his chest and pointed to the sky: "Fly! I hate it!"

"Okay, I won't fly, and I won't let you fly, is that okay? Come on, fight, don't you like it?"

Hulk pointed to Xie Zhi: "Not flying?"

"Not flying."


Hulk rushed forward like lightning, in the blink of an eye.

And Xie Zhi really didn't dodge, but the energy of will spread, spread all over the outer layer of the mecha, forming another layer of armor, which is equipped with a plug-in.

Facing the fist that Hulk swung at high speed, Xie Zhi chose to retaliate with the same punch.

The two giant fists collided together, and there was a loud noise like thunder!

At the same time, a shock wave visible to the naked eye actually formed in the air! The rapid spread of snow blew away an area comparable to a football field.

Looking at the two again, they didn't move at all, they were evenly matched!

In fact, it should be that Xie Zhi is slightly stronger. Without him, Xie Zhi is hard-pressed on the spot, but Hulk still has the inertia of charging.

Steve couldn't help but exclaimed: "Will energy can achieve this level? It actually blocked it!"

"Ah~" Bucky shook his head: "Frankly speaking, I was also a little surprised, but I suggest you not to use Lao Xie as a reference. He is a wrong demonstration and belongs to the category of non-human beings."

Steve gestured: "Is there such a big difference between us and him? We are not ordinary people."

Bucky curled his lips: "He is more perverted. Let's put it this way, both of us have been frozen, and he has the same experience, but he jumped into the liquid nitrogen pool by himself."

Steve was speechless for a moment, then asked, "Is he sick?"

"Hehe, I was seriously ill at that time, so I'll tell you about it later."

However, Xie Zhi was not surprised by the result of the fist fight. Although Xie Zhi was not part of the sparring last time, after all, people can't compete with themselves, but the feeling of being extremely powerful is also a gain, and it is a huge gain.

Without him, after transforming, Xie Zhi was ridiculously strong, and with that kind of strength as a reference, Xie Zhi knew his limits in the past, just like every adult knows what kind of virtue he was in adolescence.

And that leapfrog strength also gave Xie Zhi a lot of experience in using willpower. Changing from a master to a low hand does not mean completely returning to the original shape, because the consciousness is already different.

It's like a recruit suddenly became a soldier king, and after a few months of tossing around with the strength of a soldier king, even if his strength returned to the state of a recruit, he became a veteran in his bones.

Therefore, Xie Zhi chose to try his best to punch hard, and the result was better than Hulk, but he was not sure whether Hulk had tried his best in this punch.

However, Hulk did not attack again after the punch was ineffective. He took two steps back in astonishment, looked Xie Zhi up and down, and pointed at Xie Zhi: "You! Green!"

Indeed, at the moment the mecha's plug-in is completely green.

Xie Zhi in the mech turned dark: "Bah! You are the green one!"

Hulk nodded heavily: "Hulk! Green!"

Xie Zhi laughed at himself: "Okay, what am I talking about with a big fool... Hulk, are you still going to fight?"

Hulk's eyes widened again: "Fight! Hulk! Win!"

So the two big guys fought together again, and this time, unlike Bucky, Xie Zhi chose to go head-to-head, yes, he didn't even hide.

Xie Zhi just wanted to test whether he could survive with all his efforts.

As a result, they were evenly matched for a while, evenly matched.

It's just that the destructive power caused by this violent attack is indeed exaggerated, and deep grooves and large holes continue to appear on the ice sheet.

The frenzied battle of equal strength lasted for about five minutes, and suddenly, Xie Zhi was punched far away by the Hulk!

Immediately after jumping over, Hulk rode on Xie Zhi's body, swung his fists left and right, and hit Xie Zhi's head hard!

The power of that big fist smashed the mecha's head into the ice, and it was no longer visible.

Steve couldn't help but wondered: "What's going on? Is Lao Xie careless?"

"It shouldn't be." Bucky frowned slightly, and immediately said in surprise: "I'll go! This guy has an old problem!"

"What's the meaning?"

"He should have...turned off the supercomputing assistance." Bucky's mecha fingers drew a circle around his head.

Yes, Xie Zhi really turned off the supercomputing support, nothing else, he felt that this level of competition was nothing like a training partner, it was meaningless.

Steve was surprised: "Is he still ill?"

Bucky smiled wryly: "Good morning, believe me, he's not crazy now, a long time ago, he was even more crazy, but... that madness doesn't seem to have no effect on him at all."

"Got to help him." Said Steve raised his arms, and the arms deformed out of the muzzle.

Bucky dodges to stop Steve: "Don't, don't, it's not too late. I really can't handle it. He has enough time to ask for help. He didn't suffer so much from the hard work just now."

"Are you all right?"

"Well... Actually, if possible, I would like to try it. After all, it is very important to train the reaction speed. Unfortunately, I don't have his strength."

"Okay, but now I start to sympathize with Banner. It seems that he will be a training partner for a long time."

Just as I was talking, there was a bang! Hulk was sent flying with a fist!

Xie Zhi then jumped out of the ice pit and rushed over, but after beating Hulk a few times, Hulk knocked him down again, another burst of violent hammer.

After a while, Hulk flew again, Xie Zhi chased and hit him, got beaten back, countered again, got beaten again...and so on.

Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "Look, I'll just say it's okay, it's a sparring partner, take your time."

"Old Xie is really strong, but you are right, he is a wrong example, it is better not to learn."

So Bucky and Steve watched the excitement and chatted Xie Zhi, and Hulk were ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong causing destruction.

This dozen took nearly two hours, and even spanned one-tenth of the Antarctic continent.

In the process, Bucky and the two also understood that Xie Zhi's progress was visible to the naked eye. Although he was still beaten a lot, he was obviously approaching Hulk's speed, and Xie Zhi's reaction was getting faster and faster.

Just after Hulk was sent flying by Xie Zhi again, Xie Zhi was about to pursue him when he stopped suddenly and sighed: "It seems that this is the end of the day."

Bucky and Steve nodded in agreement.

"Banner must be paired with durable pants, otherwise this sparring partner is too... eye-catching! It's over, I can't forget it!"

"Oh, me too, this is probably... the retribution for bullying a fool."

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