Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 583: how amazing

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Qilu said: "Senior Sister, Master said that you can't bully the weak..."

Fury couldn't help being moved, this little boy is exquisite, but weak... Well, compared to these three little ancestors, I am indeed weak.

Who knew that Qilu had something else to say after that: "So, there must be a reason, it's reasonable, and if you beat him up, you'll get beaten up."

Fury rolled his eyes, this kid is even worse!

Anakin also said: "That's right, how much more do you have to cut? If it's too much, the uncle will be angry. Don't forget that our **** got hurt last time."

Xie Ai took it for granted: "You guys are right to remind me that my **** can't suffer any more. I almost committed a heinous crime... Forget it, let's not say idioms, and don't need to make up the reason. My parents know that SHIELD bullied me back then, beat them up It should be!

Hmph, back in the day, I almost peed my pants! Can't bear to look back! It's all S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fault! I have nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.! Well, Second Junior Brother, this idiom is used, right? "


"Wait a minute!" Fury said anxiously: "What's the matter with S.H.I.E.L.D.? At least tell me some more serious reason..."

"More serious? Well, you S.H.I.E.L.D...."

Qilu interrupted: "Senior sister, don't talk, this old man is trying to trick you."

"Haha, if you tell me, he is really not a good person! Elimination of tyranny is here! Cut it! Cut it to him... it doesn't taste good! Ah, fight!"

The eldest sister made a move, and the younger brothers naturally had to cooperate, so, crackling, the three children punched and kicked Fury.

The dignified Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was beaten by a child in the street.

But he said that it was a car crash, a gun battle, and magic, which really attracted the attention of many people. The bold ones have already started to take pictures with their mobile phones. Although the pixels of smartphones these days are not good enough, they can still shoot videos. .

And it seems that someone notified the media that a media helicopter had already flown over to shoot in the air.

Anakin said: "Senior sister, we seem to have been exposed again, what should we do?"

With a bang, a panda headgear appeared on Xie Ai's head: "Idiot, Yi Rong Duck."

"But it's already been photographed."

"What are you afraid of? It will be different when we grow up. Haven't you heard of the Eighteenth Change of Women's University? We will change."

"But we are men."

Qilu rolled his eyes: "You don't care, just change, anyway, we obey the leader."

Xie Ai proudly said: "That's right! The eldest sister is loyal, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Ever since, the heads of the three children turned into panda heads.

At this time, the siren sounded from far to near.

Fury's eyes moved, and he struggled: "Let's vent our anger, can you take me to a place where no one is around to beat me? I'm getting old, and I want to save face. Besides, if things get serious, aren't you afraid that your adults will take care of you? "

Xie Ai stopped his little feet that were about to be stepped on, and thought for a while: "What do you say?"

Anakin said: "Why don't we stop here and let's go?"

Qilu said: "It makes sense, and it's convenient to take it to a place where no one will see it."

"Okay, Ba Boba, Ba Boben, you two are right, let's go."

Qilu rolled his eyes: "Don't make random nicknames!"

As a result, the three children and one adult suddenly disappeared under the eyes of everyone. Of course, it also included a group of militants sealed in jelly, leaving only a mess.

And all of this was filmed, and it immediately became big news.

Hank didn't know how much trouble the three children caused until he watched the news. Although the picture was not very clear, he recognized it at a glance. The one-eyed dragon was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The three children not only beat up one of the most powerful people in the world in the street, but also took him away. This is too serious!

As for the armed attack reported in the news, he didn't know what was going on, so he could only release ants to track and investigate as soon as possible, and at the same time notify Xie Zhi.

But the three children did not fly too far, they were on the roof of a nearby building.

Xie Ai rubbed his hands: "Go ahead!"

Fu Rui hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, let me take a breath, say a few words, and then you will take revenge for holding back your urine, okay?"

"Well... I'm a reasonable and good kid, let's talk."

Do you have any misunderstanding about good children?

Fury shook his head and pointed to the militants around him: "Can you make them deaf? I suspect that they have wiretapping and surveillance devices on them. Our conversations will be seen and heard by bad guys.

And I suggest that we change to another place, so that you will not be disturbed when you vent your anger. "

As soon as this remark came out, a certain bald man who was watching everything through the screen suddenly flew into a rage: "Damn one-eyed dragon! He's too cunning! What should we do? If he doesn't die... bastard, you keep ordering me around, you should help! This kind of supernatural power is beyond me!"

And Xie Ai in the picture wrinkled his little nose: "What a troublesome duck... well, but as Bingxue's smart leader, I don't rub nails in my eyes, I have thought of all these, Ba Boben, I leave it to you .”

Seeing that Anakin didn't respond, Chirrut sighed, "It's about you."

"Oh." Anakin started, he is best at science, combined with the Tai Chi ring, this is a trivial matter.

Then the screen went black, and the bald head couldn't see anything.

After arriving at the top of another building, Fury was a little speechless, so he changed to an adjacent building. Are you three serious?

But he stopped picking, and said: "Three little heroes, first of all thank you for saving my life..."

"Three lives!" Xie Ai raised three fingers.

Fury was stunned: "When did you get another life?"

"The revenge of holding back urine didn't kill you! Isn't it right?"

"Yes, Sanming, thank you little hero for your generosity, anyway, I promise, no matter how you vent your anger, I will never report to your mother, I swear."

"Yeah, a child can be taught."

Fu Rui smiled and said: "But can I ask the three heroes for one thing? Can you let me follow you these few days? You have also seen that I am being hunted down."

Xie Ai became anxious immediately: "No, no, we... still have to do homework, it's inconvenient to take you with you! Delay... study, right!"

Fu Rui tilted his head and said with a smile: "Little hero, I know your mother, so we are not outsiders.

You watched me get killed, if your mother found out, it would be hard to explain, right? Don't worry, with me, it's you who act bravely for righteousness, and this is a heroic feat! Your mom must be proud of it! Will praise you!

And... I can help you with your homework, don't worry, imitating handwriting is my strong point, and I'm a senior agent. "

Hearing this, Xie Ai couldn't help sneering contemptuously: "Hmph, you are too naive, there is no one in the world who can imitate this lady's handwriting!

Let me tell you, what I wrote one second ago, I can't even write the same words the next second! How amazing!

Hmph, never repeating yourself is the profound meaning of this lady's uniqueness in the world! "

Anakin: "Senior sister, isn't this something to be proud of?"

"Why not? Come here if you have the Anakin thought about it, shook his head and said: "I really can't. "

Qilu also sighed: "Of course this is something to be proud of, no one can imitate is also a unique skill."

Xie Ai put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly: "Ah ha ha ha ~ a genius like me, ask the boundless world, who is not convinced! Who is not afraid!"

"Really? What about your father and me?"

Xie Zhi's voice suddenly appeared, and Xie Ai was so shocked that he looked around for a while, but didn't see his father, and then realized that the voice came from the Tai Chi ring.

Xie Ai hurriedly raised his little hand and said to the ring: "Dad, please speak up, the signal here is not good, hello? Hey duck, my willpower must be exhausted!"

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