Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 585: fate

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Fury smiled wryly: "I am under too much pressure to change careers at this age, it is better to be a proficient.

In my mind, the biggest suspects are... Stark Industries, Obaday Stein. "

"Well, what's the reason?"

Fury spread his hands slightly: "It's very simple. Stark's accident was abnormal at the time, and Tony died. Who is in the best interest? Of course that old guy.

I know Tony. Although he is a genius, he is also an irresponsible second-generation ancestor. The gray industry is all created by Opadry. In fact, Tony is a mascot who can lay golden eggs. The real right of Stark Corporation It's all in Obaday's hands.

The problem is, no one knows what's going on in Tony's mind. As soon as he thinks about it, he thinks about it. With Obaday's unwavering desire to control, sooner or later he can't stand it.

And the clients suffer one after another, he will also investigate, but the problem is, the Winter Soldier also appeared, that kind of super killer, if he can really listen to Opadry's assignment, there will be no need for militants to attack the military convoy, Tony would have died 10,000 years ago time.

Therefore, the third party must have a certain relationship with Opadry. If they want to kill me, but don't want to use people from S.H.I.E.L.D., or their own people, then Opadry is a good target to use.

And the behavior pattern of people like Opadry is too easy to analyze. A typical capitalist ranks values ​​and wealth always comes first. Whoever interferes with his wealth gains will have to get out.

So Obaday's action only needs a simple motive. Some people can say that I have found evidence that he planned to attack Tony.

With the information on my whereabouts, Obaday is capable of arranging an urban attack. Those bombs also show that he knows what kind of strength is needed to murder the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But I suspect that Obaday may be dead now, and everything is pushed to his head. Even if I return to S.H.I.E.L.D., I have nothing to say, at least on the surface, there is no evidence for death.

As for whether there will be another attack on me, it depends on their mood. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "The analysis is almost inseparable, but there is one thing you guessed wrong. Obaday is still alive and well."

Fury was stunned, and then nodded: "Yes, you can't keep your mouth shut, it will appear to be self-defeating, and by observing my response to Opadry, you can also analyze how much I know and how firm my attitude is.

And it doesn’t matter if an attack fails. It’s also good to put me in sight for the time being. At least the other party will know what I do. They will also know who is loyal to me. Maybe... they can also judge whether Nick Fury can accept it. For my own use, at least if I choose not to expand the situation, it means that it is still valuable to keep me.

Well, one assassination, regardless of success or failure, can gain a lot, what an old fox. "

Xie Zhi smiled crookedly: "You don't have to be modest about this."

Fury shrugged: "At least it can prove that my old man is still somewhat useful. It's not very cost-effective to throw it on the street, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The key is that I know what kind of person you are. You know what is right and what is wrong, what is the priority, and you will compromise when it is time to compromise. But there is one thing, you are too right-minded and like to hold the initiative in your hands. .”

Fury hurriedly raised his hands: "Don't jump to conclusions, Mr. Xie Zhi, I am now a polished commander.

Except for Natasha, I can't trust anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. This is because Natasha was almost killed.

Do you really think that I will be so idiotic that I can't see the situation clearly?

Those people, the number of cards in their hands must be terrifying, at least I would do this.

Believe me, I will not act rashly. As a senior veteran agent, keeping a clear head is the basic professional quality. "

"not enough."

Fu Rui was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "At that time, Madam Madam said that she would not accept people, otherwise, I would still be serving Your Excellency now. Times have changed now, you see..."

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "My wife's words are my words, so I still don't accept them. Besides, although you are cunning enough and know a lot of secrets, I still don't see what use you are to me. To tell you the truth, I have no one under my command. There is a shortage of spy chiefs, and positions are full.

But the reality is, even though he took a casual move, as long as you appear on the street, it is a luxury to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. If you can't protect yourself, what else can you do? "

"Then... consider humanitarianism? It's nothing to you to leave me an old man for a few days."

"The problem is that although you are not an absolute bad person, you are not a good person either. At least you are not popular."

Fu Rui stared at Xie Zhi for a while, but Xie Zhi didn't care.

Finally Fury sighed: "Understood, Mr. Xie Zhi's plan is great, what you want is not me, but the entire SHIELD."

"Hehe, the picture is big?" Xie Zhi glanced at Fu Rui with disdain: "Tsk tsk, how can you say that you have seen aliens back then, a SHIELD family is nothing.

Although you guessed a part of it, the layout is only that big. One S.H.I.E.L.D. is not enough, at least you have to add Hydra's family background. Although it's nothing special, it can barely let you realize your ideals. , live to retire. "

Fu Rui's pupils couldn't help shrinking: "Hydra!? No wonder... This makes sense, and many things that are wrong can be explained."

Follow Fury with a wry smile: "Mr. Xie Zhi, although I have confidence in my abilities, I only have Natasha under my command. This kind of thing... Do you think I can do it?"

"Then there's no other way. What's the use of keeping you? Don't say I don't talk about humanitarianism at all. I can send you to the streets of Africa. It's much safer."

"Then you might as well send me to Ji Jianguo."

"It's okay, it's safer to go there. Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. can't reach in. Maybe they will give you a job."

Fu Rui said helplessly: "Mr. Xie Zhi, of course I know that your family is very capable, and your focus is on the cosmic level.

But since you know about my Avengers plan, then you know that I put the safety of the earth first. Although the team has not been built yet, but for this purpose, there is no credit, but hard work.

I don't ask for anything else, at least give me some means of self-protection, right? Otherwise, what's the point of sacrificing my job if I don't get the job done? "

"It's already given to you, don't worry, from now on, as long as you don't pretend to be smart, Hydra can't kill you. Of course, others can't."

Fury was stunned, subconsciously touched his body, but found nothing: "Sorry, I don't understand, what is the method?"

Xie Zhi snapped his fingers: "Come on, say hello to Chief Fury."

There was a sudden clicking sound, and Fury's whole body clothes were deformed. After detaching from his body, he turned into a robot as tall as a man in the blink of an eye, and Fury was left with pants and a But it's not over yet , the robot showed signs of liquefaction again, and soon turned into a fat man shaking a fan.

The fat man glanced at Fu Rui with a disgusted look on his face: "You can call me very smart, and warn you, today is the end, and you have to wear sweat-absorbing underwear in the future, I hate rust, and besides, you pay for the waxing, otherwise ...Hmph, be careful!"

Yes, it is Xiaoqiang 008, but this is a new version. Xie Zhi withdrew Xiaoqiang 008's intelligent program first, and then turned his body into an unconscious Transformer with the help of the fire source. After retransmitting the program, it is equivalent to Made an upgrade.

Fu Rui stared at Xiaoqiang's face with his eyes wide open, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "I know my situation, I have no choice, but I am sure of one thing, people must have past lives and present lives, and I owe you all the past lives !"

Xie Zhi nodded: "Actually, I'm also wondering, our family rarely come one by one, hiss...fate."

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