Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 588: deal

"Amnesia in the Movie World Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

Potts looked a little dumbfounded as one large and one small ate hamburgers in the car.

She can still understand Tony. After being missing for more than a month, he must be hungry for the taste of his hometown.

But this Miss Hammer... is too edible, right? This has wiped out eight! The boy must have suffered a lot.

Potts couldn't help but kindly persuaded: "Miss Hammer, I'm hungry...don't eat too much, it will hurt your health."

Tony waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't know, our Hammer eats a lot, this is just a trivial matter, it's just a pad for the stomach."

Xie Tiehammer nodded again and again: "Well, it's nothing to me, my mother can eat it, and she doesn't stop talking all day long."

Potts couldn't help being dazed, and subconsciously looked at Xie Tiehammer's figure... so edible, and so slender, how can this make sense? !

Before the special car stopped at the venue, many people were already applauding. The leader was a bald bearded old man wearing sunglasses, who was Obaday Stan.

He walked towards the special car first and opened the door, with a smile on his face and enthusiasm: "Look! Tony!"

Tony got out of the car with half a hamburger in one hand and a long handbag in the other.

After hugging Tony, Obaday said excitedly, "I thought I was going to see you in the hospital."

Tony wiped his mouth: "I'm fine, but you, wow, there are so many blisters on your mouth, you have to pay attention to your body at your age."

Obaday sighed: "It's not because of you, Tony, don't scare me anymore, my old bones can't stand being scared."

"Oh, I can't guarantee this. You know me. I'm afraid of myself if I become self-willed."

"You'd better spare me Tony, I won't be able to last for a few years if this goes on." Obady's smile remained unchanged, but a cold light flashed in his eyes under the sunglasses.

At this moment, Xie Tiehammer, who was holding a big bag of hamburgers, got out of the car. While eating, he stared at Obadai, chewing something and mumbled, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Obaday was taken aback: "What?"

Tony took out a hamburger and said: "By the way, I just wanted to ask you something. My dad has a daughter. You know about it. Let me introduce you. This super beautiful girl is my sister's child, my niece. Honey."

Obaday approached Tony and whispered in a low voice: "Tony, you have been cheated. Believe me, your father is your only child. Don't worry, I will deal with this liar."

Tony grinned: "Hehe, Uncle Obaday, I've always 'trusted' you. It's been...too long to think about it."

Obaday heard that there was something in Tony's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that this kid knew everything? It's rare for me to tell the truth once, Nima! This **** can't believe it!

Stepping into the venue, the flashing lights kept flickering, Xie Tiehammer chewed on the hamburger and said, "It's so noisy."

"Uncles are annoying too, but sometimes they are useful."

Leading Xie Tiehammer to the podium, Tony coughed dryly: "Everyone, it's been a long time, I still miss you, oh, don't rush to raise your hands to ask questions, believe me, I'm going to give you big news today.

I know, everyone is very curious, the cutest, kindest, most beautiful, and..."

Tony waved his fist and said with high spirits: "The bravest one! The one who can fight the most! Little angel, who is it?

That's right, the first thing I want to announce is... the long-lost little princess of the Stark family has been found! She is my niece! Thank you Miss Hammer! applaud. "

The silence lasted for less than a second, and there was a lot of noise.

Obadai sullenly thought, what does this kid mean? Is it possible to arrange new members on the board of directors to disperse my rights? Hmph, childish.

Tony opened his hand: "Quiet, I haven't finished yet.

Since I am not married, let alone have children, I declare that Xie Tiehammer will be my sole legal heir!

If I die, all property under my name will be inherited by Xie Tiehammer, yes, including becoming the largest shareholder of Stark Corporation.

As I said, everyone sitting in front of the TV is the witness. "

Before the reporters could cry out in surprise, Xie Tiehammer spoke first: "Uncle, even if this is the case, I won't teach you science."

The exclamation came to an abrupt end, and everyone was wondering what the girl was saying. Just one kick from Tony Stark and you're the richest girl in the world! But just don't teach Tony Stark... science? ! Are you serious?

Potts and Rhodes standing in the distance were also dumbfounded, and Potts couldn't help muttering: "Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, you know that girl..."

Rhodes sighed: "Don't ask me, I'm blindfolded too."

Obadi squinted his eyes and sneered, so he was telling me, so what if you know? What's the use of having a fake heir? Just kill one more person.

And Tony couldn't help being embarrassed, turned sideways to Xie Tiehammer and whispered: "For the sake of Grandma Maria, can you save some face for Uncle? Let's go home and talk about scientific issues."


They also planned to see what Tony was up to, as well as Xie Zhi and others who were watching the live broadcast.

Bucky sneered: "What are you thinking, I really think our family is yours, bah! Steve, you have to take good care of the child, and you can't let Tony kid fool our child with sugar-coated cannonballs." , It’s just a broken company, our family’s hammer will inherit the planet, no! It’s the galaxy!”

Xie Zhi nodded and said: "That's right, our hammer has been a savior and saved the world. A mere arms company wants to get close? Blind his dog's eyes."

Steve smiled: "You two care about it, but I can see the temper of this kid, she doesn't care about that.

And from another perspective, this may be Tony's way of expressing love. He really treats Hammer as his own child. After all, Tony is our junior, so don't be so stingy. "

"Stingy? Ha, he said we were stingy!"

"Ha! Ha! How funny!"

But Tony said loudly: "Yes, I know you have a lot of questions to ask, but this is just an announcement, it's our family business, it's settled.

Also, I have something to announce, and I…”

Tony paused, and said: "I haven't said goodbye to my dad. I still have questions that I haven't had time to ask him. I want to ask him what he thinks about this company, whether he has had conflicts or doubts in his heart, maybe he doesn't Not what we've seen in the news in the past.

With my own eyes... I saw young men killed by the weapons I designed to protect them.

And I found that I became part of a completely irresponsible system, very irresponsible! "

Speaking of which, Tony pulled open his handbag and pulled out a... cannonball!

This scene caused countless screams.

Tony rolled his eyes: "Calm down, do you think the world's richest man plans to die with you?"

These words worked somewhat, and the reporters finally stopped shouting.

And Obadai, who was going to come over, was glared at by Xie Tiehammer, and even took a few steps back, UU reading www. In the eyes of others, seemed to be afraid of the girl, but Obaday knew that he was pushed by an invisible force.

Xie Tiehammer also said: "Don't get so close, I don't like you."

Tony ignored Obaday's embarrassment, stroked the cannonball and said, "About this cannonball, there is a story in Sokovia..."

After Tony told the story of the twins, facing the camera, he said solemnly: "I, Tony Stark, solemnly apologize to you, I'm sorry, Wanda, Pietro, I owe you, if you plan to beat me, you are welcome at any time .

But please try not to kill me, I admit, I am really afraid of death, but I also want to spend the rest of my life atone for my sins, make up for past mistakes, do something right for the world, for society, instead of blowing him up.

For example, right now, I'm going to shut down Stark Corporation's arms manufacturing department. "

(Note 1.)

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