Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 591: don't be afraid

Tony frowned and watched the breaking news on TV, Obaday, dead.

Yes, the biggest news of the day.

Obadai's death will be remembered by the whole world, not only because he is a well-known rich man, the key is... His death method is too special, it can be said that there is no one before or after, and he has created various firsts. was recorded in history.

The process is like this. When Obady was traveling in a private jet, the plane had a serious malfunction and was about to explode. In order to survive, he had to choose to parachute.

The problem was when he jumped out of the sky, and it happened to be the ultimate coincidence. After Obaday jumped out of the plane, he was hit by another civil aviation plane that flew over...

Of course, the matter is not over. A bird can crash a plane, let alone a person. Fortunately, civil aviation was not seriously damaged, and Opadi was not killed at the time.

The reason is that the angle of the collision was very tricky. Opadry mainly rolled and slipped on the outer shell of the fuselage, and was not involved in the engine. The injury is certain, but not fatal.

Just as he was about to leave the plane, Opadry's parachute bag was opened. Yes, the parachute was hung on the tail of the civil aviation. Until the plane landed, Opadry was dragged all the way...

But this was still not the cause of death. Even though he was kited by the plane, when the civil aviation landed at the airport, Opadry still survived. It can be called a miracle among miracles!

However, when the rescuers were about to rescue him, the parachute rope broke, and Obadai was head down, and his neck was broken after touching the ground, and the height of the fall was 1.5 meters.

There is no way for such a bizarre cause of death not to be recorded in the annals of history.

Although the cause of Obaday's death was so outrageous, as an assistant, Potts still had to say: "Boss, please...sorry, I will help arrange the funeral..."

Tony waved his hand listlessly: "You arrange it."

"Okay, but the problem now is that the stock price will fall sharply again. Although it seems cruel to say so, this is indeed an opportunity to acquire the shares held by Opadry, because others will definitely do it, and it is better for us to do it..."

"You can figure it out." Tony sighed, "I'm... not very energetic right now."

Xie Tiechui wondered, "Why are you so depressed? Obaday is going to kill you. Are you sad that he died?"

puff! Potts, who had just taken a sip of water, sprayed directly, and wiped his mouth in a panic: "Miss Hammer, are you joking? Boss, is this true!?"

"It's true, he arranged for people to attack me, to kill me, but the hammer..."

Tony scratched his head: "Uncle is not sad, but a disappointment. I just came up with something good, designed a plan, and was about to deal with Opadry. In the end, he died, although the process of his really special."

Potts said anxiously: "You want to kill Obaday yourself!? Oh my god, boss, my heart can't take it anymore, I want to resign..."

Tony hurriedly said: "It's not what you think, I plan to send him to prison myself, that's all, of course, by the way, let me be famous."

Potts stared and said, "Aren't you famous enough?"

"No, you don't understand. It's not the reputation of the past, it's... a completely different reputation. Forget it, the plan has to be changed now, so what, you should solve the stock problem first."

"I'm a bit out of my mind, but...I'll work it out."

Potts was about to leave when Xie Tiehammer suddenly said, "Sister Potts, where are you going? If you want stocks, just talk to me."

Both Tony and Potts were stunned, and Potts couldn't help saying: "Miss Hammer, what do you mean..."

Xie Tiehammer still had a natural blank expression: "Obady's stock has been transferred to my name, you finish the agreement, I will sign it directly, and transfer it to uncle."

"Hammer, do you have legal status as an old American?"

"How did Obaday transfer it to you?"

"You killed Opadry?"

"What!? Oh my god…"

"Stop!" Xie Tiehammer roared irritably, and frowned, "It's so noisy for you to talk one by one.

Forget it, I said, Obadai was killed by the deputy director of my family's intelligence department, and he also handled the transfer of property. I now have the legal status of Laomei, and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing it. Is there any problem? "

The two said in unison: "Yes!"

At this time, Xie Zhi sent a message to the eldest granddaughter, and Xie Tiehammer said: "But I don't want to talk about it, I also have problems.

Uncle, you are planning to use the battle armor. It is best to fight in full view, to show how strong your combat power is, and let the whole world know that you are not easy to mess with, right? "

Tony raised his thumb: "The hammer is really smart! That's what uncle planned."

"What? Boss, are you crazy?" Potts couldn't control his emotions, and his tone was very excited.

"Miss Potts, I think it's time for you to wake up."

Xie Tiehammer suddenly changed his title, so that neither of them understood that the girl was dissatisfied with Potts.

"Miss Hammer, I don't understand what you mean."

Xie Tiechui spoke again, but what he said was Xie Zhijiao's: "Maybe you are very talented in business and an excellent assistant, but you are not living in reality, and you have no idea what the world is like.

Know how I see you? You have severe princess disease, you live in what you think is reality, you think the world is what you imagined it to be.

I understand what uncle thinks, but you don't understand. What do you think will be the consequences of closing down the weapon manufacturing department that uncle said a few days ago? Stock price drop? If it's just like this, then the world is simply too beautiful, and your vision is too narrow.

The fact is that now all the rich and powerful in the old America want Tony Stark to die, at least, so that his decision will not come true, because the uncle's decision blocked the way of too many villains.

Uncle wants to be famous because he wants everyone to know that he is not just a billionaire, but a man with strategic deterrence. (Note 1)

And this is to save his life, to save your life, and at the same time, it is also to make me just a harmless little girl in the eyes of others.

So if you don’t appreciate it, or even think it’s hurting you, I suggest you immigrate after resigning, and it’s best to have plastic surgery and hide your name.

Do you know why? Because you are the assistant who has worked with Tony Stark for the longest Don't think that no one will deal with you after you resign. In the eyes of others, you know a lot of secrets.

If you don't know anything, you will be more unlucky, suffer, and even die.

If you know the secret and choose to betray your uncle, you may make a lot of money, but you will also be out of luck, because I am among the people who will deal with you.

So no matter how you look at it, you have to go to the big mold.

Do you think that working for Tony Stark is just a well-paid job with a decent status? If you cut off this relationship, nothing will happen? I must say, you are ten thousand times more naive than my uncle.

Now, do you recognize the reality? "

"Boss... Is what she said really that exaggerated?"

Tony scratched his head: "Well, the world is indeed different from what you think, but you live in a different environment, and you have never experienced many things, so it's not surprising if you don't know, but as long as you are a good assistant, you don't need to think about these things. With me here, no one dares to touch you."

Potts sat down on the sofa with a dull expression: "Boss, I need a glass of wine, strong."


While pouring wine for Potts, Tony winked at Xie Hammer: "Hammer, you scared her, she has never been so... um, exciting in her life."

Xie Tiehammer said: "This is called a slap in the face, she knows too much, if she hasn't counted, she will usually be silenced..."

puff! Potts gulped down the wine in one gulp.

Xie Tiehammer said: "I mean, if it were someone else, I would only kill bad guys, and you are not a bad guy, so don't be afraid."

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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