Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 607: It hurts!

Xie Zhi smacked his lips: "Oh, use it in a hurry?"

Xie Ai nodded seriously: "It's a duck, I'm in a hurry."

"Unfortunately, my dear daughter, daddy also wants to support your career, but now he won't give the baby away as a phone bill, and daddy will definitely occupy a place in the next event." Xie Zhi squeezed out a regretful expression, very happy No sincerity.

Xie Ai drooped his eyelids, and said bitterly: "Father, I am eleven years old, I know that the child was born by the mother."

"Then you have to ask your mother about it."

Xie Ai nodded: "That's right, my mother is in charge of our family."

Bucky laughed, Xie Zhi glared at him, and said angrily: "Didn't you say that you can go back after thinking about it, let's go home and have a look first."


Xie Ai's faith moved, and the light source of the lightning symbol on his chest flourished.

Then, the three of them turned into phantoms and disappeared.

The next moment, he returned to his residence in Antarctica.

Seeing Xie Zhi and Bucky, the waiting family members were relieved, but they were surprised by the strange girl in a red dress with a cloak on her back.

Xie Zhi explained briefly, and immediately Xie Ai made another attempt.

This time Bucky didn't follow, and stayed to explain the details to Howard and others.

The father and daughter reappeared at the Rock of Eternity, and Xie Aide said, "Haha, Dad, I'm amazing."

"I really can go wherever I want..." Xie Zhi scratched his head, looked at Xie Ai in distress, and sighed: "Girl, with this ability, don't be a monster, your father and I don't want to age before we get old. "

Xie Ai patted his chest: "Don't worry, I'm the best kid."

Xie Aiyue said that Xie Zhiyue had no idea, and only felt a toothache.

Nothing else, the bear is like this, the more you don't let her do anything, the more she wants to try.

How did Xie Zhi know? In the memory fragments, I was like this when I was a child, such as winter...

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up. That's right, the kind of thing that almost all children in the Northeast have done is the most suitable for educating children!

So Xie Zhi said solemnly: "Girl, you must keep in mind the principles that your parents taught you, so that you will not suffer. For example, in cold places, such as Antarctica where we live now, don't use your tongue to lick Metal, or the tongue will stick."

"Duck? Really?"

"Of course, dad can still lie to you, don't do that, remember?"

Xie Ai's eyes were shining, and he nodded again and again: "That must be done! Absolutely not!"

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows and smirked: "Very good, this is my father's good girl, let's go, let's see what else is in this place."

The two of them started wandering around the Rock of Eternity, only to find that this place is really not small, and besides the main hall, there are many passages.

This place is like an ant nest. Yes, it is in an unknown cave. It has a large space, but it is mostly composed of caves, and there are many traces of man-made construction, such as walls, stairs, bridges and the like.

And Xie Zhi also released the "Puppy" scouting device, but the result of the scouting, it is true that there is no exit at all here, it is completely closed.

However, the father and father discovered something new. In a cave with no roof visible, there are many...doors layered on top of each other.

Some are placed on flat ground, some are placed on rock walls, and some are suspended in the air. According to a rough estimate, there are about a hundred fans.

"Wow, this is the power of magic."

Xie Ai was about to open a door out of curiosity, but Xie Zhi hurriedly stopped him: "Don't move, girl, step back and use the force to open the door."

As Xie Zhi said, he waved his hand, and the door handle turned in a flash, and the door opened.

The scene after the door was opened made the father and daughter startled. It was not a simple door frame. After opening the door, it actually connected to another world.

There is a room inside the door, the interior decoration is not surprising, human style, a card table, with chips, three people sitting around, playing poker.

Just a card player, in a suit, but with...a crocodile head!

"Duck? Crocodiles can also play cards?"

Xie Zhi sighed, being well-informed is not necessarily a good thing, my daughter is not afraid of anything.

And the three crocodile men also found the two of them, seemed very angry, roared and rushed to the door.

Xie Zhi waved his hand, and the door closed again.

"Open one more! Open another!" Xie Ai was very excited.

Xie Zhi also planned to take a look, and opened another door with force.

This time, the scene of the door is a swamp filled with mist, and a plant-like thing slowly swims out of the mist, with a head like a flower bud.

Suddenly, the flower bud burst open, revealing countless sharp teeth and fangs inside, roaring and rushing out the door!

boom! Xie Zhi blasted that thing's head with a bullet of energy of will, bursting out countless green slurry.

As soon as the door was closed, Xie Ai couldn't help but also opened a small door, and suddenly a severe cold wind blew out!

Xie Zhi waved his hand to close the door and said, "Don't open the door, girl, didn't you notice?"

"Ah? Oh, I found out, this is the big lucky draw duck, hey duck!"

Xie Ai's brain collapsed when he was flicked by the big hand that appeared, and this time he upgraded.

Xie Zhi said weakly: "It's space, the space behind each door is different, it's not this world at all, these doors... are connected to different worlds, and none of them are good places.

Rushing in and out, the consequences will be serious... Forget it, I told you that you don't care about it, so lock it all up. "

As soon as the words fell, a red light flew out of Xie Zhi's body, which was the red crystal that could change reality, that is, the red envelope.

And the red envelope flew directly to the turn lock handle of a door, slipped in, flew out again two seconds later, and flew to another door, and so on, one door after another.

Xie Zhi didn't do anything else, but used his ability to change reality to change the door lock. He also discovered that the material of the door is normal material, and other forces are at work, but the function of the door itself is still there, so the lock was changed. Lock the door and don't give the brat the chance to be a demon.

But if it is just a simple change of reality, Xie Zhi can easily do it now, after all, when he is free, he does not practice the use of "red envelopes".

Xie Ai pouted, but there was nothing wrong with it, Dad didn't give him a chance.

With nothing to see, the duo are back in Antarctica.

On the other side, the battle between Xiaoyu and Diana in the sky also Diana took the initiative to stop, she retreated a distance, frowned and said: "Miss Xiaoyu, are you here?" Take me as a training partner?"

Xiao Yu smiled: "To each other, aren't you also probing my bottom?"

Diana raised her chin slightly: "Why don't you use the power of thunder all the time?"

"Well, I guess you also have cards that are useless."

"Okay." Diana spread her hands: "Why don't you come here today? You know, I'm still at work."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Agreed, we still need to buy some milk powder, cat food and so on, but don't you think it's inappropriate for power to be in the hands of villains?"

"After fighting for so long, even if I don't use special means, I'm not blind. Ms. Xiao Yu is a person with principles, after all..." Diana glanced at Ryan and the others in the distance: "You are not ordinary people, if you really If you want to deal with me, you can attack in groups."

"I take that as a compliment."

"Of course, and...hehe, it was a pleasure to discuss with you, let's meet again next time?"

"Okay, let's meet again."

When Xiaoyu and others rushed back to Antarctica, they suddenly found two sneaky black spots on the pathogen.

After landing, I found that it was Xie Ai and Anakin. Yes, Xie Ai did not transform into an adult at this moment.

But the appearance of the two children directly made Ren and Qilu amused.

Without him, the two children were sticking out their tongues, most of their tongues were stuck to an iron pipe, and they were still pulling, pulling their tongues out for a long time, and then retracting them immediately.

"Wow! (It hurts!

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