Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 615: Regardless

Faced with the unreasonable demands suddenly made by the Kryptonians, an officer of the military expressed strong opposition. It is no wonder that the old Americans have always been bullying and domineering, and they suddenly tasted being bullied, and they were very uncomfortable.

It can only be said that Feng Shui takes turns, and weak countries have no diplomacy.

But Louise is a sensible person, what are you pretending to do at this time, you have to adapt if you don’t adapt, is it really awesome to hand over the alien immigrants? It can explain that I am not confident, and I have no choice.

So she stood up and said that she was willing to go, which can be regarded as avoiding conflicts.

Ryan commented: "This girl is good, not only helped the soldiers present, but also helped us, avoiding an immediate war.

This can be considered meritorious service, boss, as a former president, what do you say? "

Xie Zhi put on a face and said: "Well, she has made outstanding contributions to avoiding conflicts, and played a huge role in establishing diplomatic relations with aliens. I will be awarded a medal to commend her achievements. I hope that Comrade Louise will continue to work hard and make new achievements."

Bucky laughed: "Another meritorious service? Then if she marries an alien, is it considered meritorious service?"

Xie knew: "Of course, this should be considered a marriage, from now on Krypton and Earth will be a family."

While everyone was chattering, Louise and Clark had already boarded the small spaceship.

After entering, Feora ignored the two, left them in the cockpit, and went to other cabins.

At this time, Clark quietly stuffed a small object into Louise's hand.

Louise opened her hand and found that it was a long black object. It looked like it was not a product of the earth, but she didn't know what it was for.

Clark shook his head slightly to signal, don't ask.

In this scene, even if Clark blocked the hand wearing the ring, he did not hide it from Lao Xie's scanning equipment.

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "This thing should be very important, okay, this kid seems to have kept a lot of hands."

Bucky said, "What is it for?"

"Who knows, alien technology doesn't understand."

Xie Ai licked his lips: "It's dark...could it be chocolate from Krypton?"

While talking, Feora came back again, holding a ring-shaped object in his hand, and said: "The air composition on the spaceship is not suitable for human beings. From now on, you have to wear a respirator."

Speaking of which, Feora put a ring around Louise's neck, and then quickly transformed into a transparent helmet, exactly like the one Fiona wore herself.

The old Xie's family didn't care, they solved the internal circulation breathing equipment many years ago, it's a trivial matter.

Not long after, the small spaceship arrived at the flagship.

Feora and several aliens led the two of Clark to a hall, where several aliens also stood, and the one in the main position turned his back to everyone.

Until now, no one has searched, and they seem to be completely indifferent to Clark and Louise.

At this time, the leader turned around and said, "Kal-El, you must know how hard we have been looking for you."

Hearing the voice, he is General Zod, a middle-aged man with a majestic temperament.

Clark said: "You are Zod."

Feora said displeased: "It's General Zod, our commander."

Zod smiled lightly: "It's okay Feora, we can forgive Karl-El for being rude, he doesn't understand our etiquette.

We should celebrate our meeting, not clash, which I don't like. "

After just a few words, Clark seemed unwell and seemed a little dizzy.

"I... feel a little strange, ahem, very... weak..."

Clarke suddenly couldn't stand upright, fell to his knees, coughed violently, and even vomited a mouthful of blood.

Louise hurriedly squatted down to support Clark, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with him?"

Zod said lightly: "He is repelling the gas in our spacecraft, Clark, you have lived in the ecological environment of the earth since you were a child, but you have not adapted to ours."

In the ring cockpit, Ryan looked at everyone: "Do you want me to help him?"

Xie knew: "Well, help, after all, it is a cooperative relationship, we can't watch him die from allergies."

So Ren raised her hand and activated the original force medical treatment, which was her specialty, so she had to do it naturally.

At the same time, Louise outside said, "Hurry up and save him!"

Zod said: "I can't, no matter what happens to him, he has to go with the flow first, he has to adapt..."

Before he could finish speaking, Clark stood up.

Including Zod, all the Kryptonians showed surprise.

Clark stretched his muscles and said with a smile: "It seems that I have adapted quickly."

Zod said with a blank expression, "Soon, you are even better than I imagined, and you are worthy of being the son of Jo Al."

As he spoke, he glanced at a bald Kryptonian, his eyes glanced at the blood that Clark spit out on the ground, and the bald man returned a "understanding" look.

Zod said again: "Since you have adapted quickly enough, we can now talk about the issues between compatriots. As for this Miss Louise, take her down."

Clark stopped in front of Louise and said, "Where are you taking her?"

"Kal-El." Zod took a step closer, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You and I are from Krypton, and she is from Earth. The content of the conversation is different. What do you think I let her on the spaceship? She is a Reporter, yes, I have learned about the civilization of the earth and what kind of job a reporter is."

"It's okay, I'll go, this is a special interview." Louise shook Clark's hand.

Clark looked at her, then glanced at the ring, tapped the ring with his fingers and said, "You have to promise that Louise will not be hurt."

Of course everyone in the old Xie family understood, this was for them to hear.

And Zod raised his chin slightly, and said: "On the contrary, you are the one who can hurt her now, as Kryptonians, I believe you have already experienced how powerful we are.

I invite you with all sincerity, because we took a risk by letting you on board, Kal-El, the Kryptonian forces will wreak havoc, this ship will take a lot of damage, our constitution can last a long time in space , but people on earth are very fragile, understand?

Now, come with me. "

Clark understood Zod's, if the spaceship broke down, Louise would have to play tricks, so she could only follow along helplessly.

After leaving the hall, the bald Kryptonian took out a device and collected the blood on the ground.

And everyone in the ring is also discussing.

Ryan said: "Zod means...Clark can destroy the spaceship? Is the spaceship not strong enough, or the Kryptonians are too powerful? Or is he fooling Clark?"

Xiao Yu said: "There should be all of them, but the abilities of the Kryptonians must not be underestimated. After all, spaceships capable of interstellar voyages are not just paper. We must overestimate the strength of the Kryptonians as much as possible."

But Bucky sneered and said: "I thought the aliens were crushed by technology, and it seemed that they would play tricks. Now that I think about it, it was obviously intentional not to give Clark a respirator, just to make Clark uncomfortable. Something goes wrong, and then it’s easy to fiddle with.”

Xie Zhi continued: "It seems that the method is going to be used on Louise. I'm afraid this is also the purpose of their insistence on letting Louise board the spaceship, double insurance."

Bucky nodded: "That's right, they can hack into global telecommunications equipment, so it's easy to listen to the news that the website owner sold Louise. No wonder, they have to bring Louise instead of others."

Ryan said: "Then the information they want... probably is Clark's two spaceships. After all, Clark was a baby when he came to Earth and didn't know anything. Well, the secret may lie in the spaceship he rode in when he was a child.

But to interrogate Louise... That kid Clark has let go of his words, so we don't care? "

PS: Thanks to the book friend "I come, I see, I record" for your kind reward! Thank you for your support! 666.

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