Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 620: The power of the white tiger

And in the distant sky, Clark's roar came: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

During this time, the red beams also hit many sentinel robots, which exploded in the sky and lost another wave.

However, Xiao Yu's lightning strikes did not stop, so more red light shot towards Xiao Yu.

But they were all avoided by Xiaoyu. After all, after the old Xie's reaction speed has been improved, the force prediction can also play a role. Everyone can dodge a wave of surprise attacks, and now that they are prepared, they can do it even more.

But these red rays did interfere with the rain's thunderstorm washing the ground. After all, the lightning strikes also need to be controlled by the rain, so the frequency of thunderstorms will be stagnant in a short time.

And this Sun Jian gave the other party a chance. In the wind driven by super high speed, six black shadows in the thick smoke rushed towards Xiaoyu.

It was too fast, and there was no time for everyone to help.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was about to suffer severe damage from the siege, a white light shot out from the head of her mech, and at the same time, a majestic roar of a tiger erupted from the sky like thunder!

The sound of the tiger's roar was naturally from Xiao Yu's spiritual totem, the white tiger.

But this roar of a tiger shocked everyone.

Without him, without saying anything, the roar of the tiger sounds different from the roar of a normal tiger, it is mixed with the sound of gold and iron, which is extremely ear-piercing.

More importantly, the roar of the tiger produced practical effects, which would cause everyone pain.

Yes, everyone, not only Kryptonians, but also Xie Zhi and Bucky.

His head was buzzing, his heart seemed to be trembling with the sound waves, he became dizzy, and even had a strong urge to vomit, which affected his concentration and made it difficult to concentrate.

Seeing that everyone except the robot could not help covering their ears and howling in pain, but unfortunately covering their ears didn't seem to have any effect, and the effect was still there.

Among them, the Kryptonians seem to suffer more seriously, and it is no wonder that whoever has good hearing is more unlucky at this time!

At this time, Xie Zhi and Bucky also understood why Xiaoyu never used the white tiger to show off his power. It turned out that his unique move was a sonic attack, or a field control skill with no dead ends! What's more terrible is that this trick is basically indiscriminate between the enemy and the enemy! Too domineering!

With one move to control the field, Xiaoyu solved the crisis by himself, and during this period, Xiaoyu was not idle, another big wave of thunderstorms fell, and six Kryptonians were blasted to the ground again!

It can be seen that although there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, the original owner, Xiao Yu, seems to be immune to this move. No wonder, after all, it is his spiritual totem, so he can't kill a thousand enemies and lose a thousand.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu made the white tiger stop after he made a rescue, otherwise Xie Zhi and Bucky would have been unbearable, but they were not injured, the key is that it was too uncomfortable.

This trick is not about lethality, but about interference, it can interfere with the effect, it can be called the ultimate! At least the Kryptonians have been recruited, and it's miserable.

And even if Immortal Baihu received his magical powers, the two gentlemen still felt a little seasick.

Immediately afterwards, the two saw Clark flying over with a strange flying posture, like a headless fly, or... drunk driving.

Xie Zhi blinked and blinked: "Clark, are you... affecting the navigation system?"

Clark yelled, "What are you talking about? Louder!"

"I'm going, is this directly deaf?"

"What? You speak louder!"

"I said you had bird **** on your face."

"I can not hear clearly!"

Xie Zhi smiled: "Hey, the original force's super hearing is a weakness, it's just deaf."

As soon as the voice fell, Clark patted his ears: "What? What did you mean you were deaf? Oh, it seems to be fine now, go ahead."

Bucky sighed: "Are Kryptonians also so strong in self-healing? It's annoying to have no defects."

After all, Xie Zhi they are not idle, they are still cooperating with the thunderstorm control of the drizzle to limit the Kryptonian's actions as much as possible.

It's just that at this moment, the strength of the Kryptonians has increased significantly, and they are even stronger than before, not to mention, and Clark will, so will others.

As a result, Kryptonians can only be restricted for a while, and sooner or later they will have to get out of trouble.

As a last resort, Baihu would have to roar again whenever he was out of control. Of course, when the Kryptonians were unlucky, Xie Zhi and Bucky would also suffer.

Xiao Yu didn't want to do this either, so she sent information to Ren and Xie Ai to adjust her tactics.

Continental Europe, above the sky.

A woman in cool armor is flying in the sky, yes, it is Diana.

At this moment, she is planning to rush to the North American continent. Of course she has seen the news, and everyone on Earth has seen it.

Diana wants to help, but the problem is, her flying speed is really too slow. (Note 1)

Just as the fire was burning, a cell phone rang in the breastplate, and Diana wondered, "Can this also receive a cell phone signal?"

Reaching out for the phone, I found that it was Ryan calling, and answered the channel: "Hello, this is Diana."

"Where are you?"

"Jogging, what can I do for you?"

"Don't talk about it, Xiaoyu is fighting with aliens, are you coming? Give me a word."

"Of course! I'm flying, but from Europe to America..."

"Report the coordinates, and I will pick you up."

"What coordinates? I don't have a positioning tool."

"Tell me the name of the place, hurry up."

"Oh, I'm..."

"Understood, wait, don't move."

Ryan hung up the phone, Diana was helpless, let's wait and see.

And within a minute, Diana discovered a direction, and a black spot was flying at high speed.

As she approached, Diana found that it was a girl in a red dress and a white cape, so she ate a kind of red stick.

The girl arrived in a blink of an eye, chewing something and said vaguely: "Are you Aunt Diana? I'm Xie Ai, Xiao Yu is my mother, and Ryan is my second aunt. I'm here to pick you up. Do you eat spicy strips? "

With that said, he handed over the hot strip bag.

"Xiaoyu's daughter? Are you this old?" Diana looked at Xie Ai thoughtfully, feeling that the girl was very kind, as if she had a deja vu aura about her.

Seeing that Diana didn't take the spicy Xie Ai withdrew his hand again: "Yes, adults don't eat spicy strips, so I won't be polite to you,'s really delicious."

"Uh... Xie Ai, are you... Protoss?"

Xie Ai narrowed his eyes and said, "Auntie, you have good eyesight! Ahahaha, I am Cucurbit Baby..."

boom! Xie Ai was struck by a bolt of lightning, and the little girl returned to her original shape.

"The God of..." Xie Ai scratched his head: "I forgot, when I said gourd baby..."

boom! A little girl becomes a big girl.

"...that's how it will be."

Diana's eyes lit up: "This feeling of lightning... Do you know Zeus?"

"I... um? Auntie, my parents and uncle are fighting now, isn't it appropriate for us to chat? And I'm so busy, I have to pick up people and save them. It has fighting power, well... it smells so good."

"Yes, how do you pick me up? Let's fly..."

Before Diana finished speaking, she realized that she was blurring, and then she found that she had appeared in a city, surrounded by screaming and running people, and it was very chaotic.

In the sky, there are still robots flying by, and the speakers of the robots are still playing: "Warning! Warning! This place is about to become a war zone, please evacuate immediately, we will provide help, warning..."

The most eye-catching thing is the giant spaceship hanging in the sky above the city.

Diana was about to speak when she suddenly heard a super loud voice shouting: "Hulk! I hate it!"

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