Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 622: bragging

Xiao Shitou's handsome face was full of helplessness: "Sister, this is the power of Solomon's wisdom. Wisdom can make people mature. This is inherited from you. Does this power have no effect on you?"

Xie Ai was inexplicably happy: "Ahahaha, this shows that my wisdom is stronger! After defeating the wisdom that locked the door, I am the incarnation of wisdom!"

Xiao Shitou covered his face: "Okay, big sister, you are the most powerful, but I don't have the ability to teleport people, teleportation still depends on you, we will assist you."

Xie Ai said with a bitter face: "It's nothing, what about you two? Will it?"

At this time, the young Anakin's body was floating, and he said in an uncertain tone: "It ability is to fly? Well, it is to fly! Pilots are very suitable for me."

"The ability to repeat is useless! What about you, Chiru?"

"I have to try, if it's also teleportation..."

Before Qilu finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a streamer, appeared at the other end of the street, caught two men who were almost hit by a car, and returned to Sanxiao's side the next moment.

Anakin clapped his hands: "Super speed!"

Qilu put down the two panicked men, Xie Ai waved his hands, and the two men faded away and disappeared.

At the same time, Xie Ai sighed: "Okay, the plan failed, you two put on mechas, Kryptonians are still very powerful, Xiaoshi doesn't have mechas... wear mine."

As Xie Ai waved his hand, a mecha zoomed in and opened the cockpit in the transformation.

There was a warm feeling in Xiao Shitou's eyes, and he said, "Sister, what should you do?"

Xie Ai said arrogantly: "Hmph, I'm an older sister, of course I have to protect my younger sister, besides, my eldest sister has a quantum phase transition, the only thing that can hurt me in the world is my homework!

In short, the future is not bright with the big sister, and the big sister will take you to the top, dogs and dogs! "

The actions of the four children were not hidden from the adults, after all, there were robots everywhere.

It’s just that at this time, they are convinced that the Kryptonians did not use star-destroying weapons, or they didn’t have them at all, so the parents can rest assured. After all, as long as the earth is not destroyed by a single shot, it is purely delusional to want to destroy Lao Xie’s family again.

What's more, although the Kryptonians are powerful, they can't break the defense, and they can't do anything with the children.

On the other side, the noses of the six Kryptonians pinned down by the old Xie's family were almost crooked, and whenever they were about to get out of trouble, the big white tiger would just yell, not to mention the discomfort.

Obviously these enemies are not beyond their own strength, but there are too many messy tricks, not hurting people, but disgusting.

Although Zod was furious, he was still calm enough, and when the white tiger showed its power, he gave an order to the rear spaceship.

He also observed that when the sound wave attacked, Clark also suffered, so Clark couldn't hear what he said.

But he didn't know that the old Xie's family had arranged spies on the spaceship.

Countless robots and four children were cooperating to save people, when they suddenly received a communication from Ryan: "Xiao Ai! Take your younger brothers and sisters away from the city center!"

Almost at the same time as the voice, the Kryptonian spacecraft also suddenly made a loud explosion that resounded throughout the city.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light emitted by the spaceship was no longer harmless. Layers of halo-like energy were emitted from the launch port in a way that surrounded the beam of light, causing the beam of light to become thicker, and it also brought out a sense of terror. kinetic energy.

The most direct manifestation is that everything within the ground range illuminated by the beam of light has been flattened in a large area!

It's like a huge heavy hammer, and it has a huge range of effect.

But this is not over yet. The power brought out by the beam of light is like a pile driver, and it will be retracted after being smashed, but the problem is that what moves with it is the wreckage on the ground, and they all fly up, cars, steel, cement... Wait, wait, etc., densely packed into the sky.

Immediately following the reappearance of the impact force, all the matter that flew up also crashed to the ground!

With this natural disaster-like destructive power, no life will survive within the range of action!

Fortunately, although the evacuation work was not completed, it first started with the spacecraft as the center, so there was no one there.

It's just that the scope of this destructive power, with repeated beatings, the scope is also expanding.

Looking at this scene, Diana couldn't help saying angrily, "Ren, don't you do anything?"

Ryan shook his head: "Don't worry, we have a way to stop the Kryptonian spacecraft at any time, the spacecraft is not difficult to deal with, but the Kryptonians are difficult to deal with.

Don't worry, our scientists have figured out what the Kryptonians are doing. They are changing the mass of the earth, apparently to transform the entire planet. Although the final result will kill all human beings, it will take a long time.

The problem is, if we destroy the spaceship, those Kryptonians will not die, but will make their primary purpose gone, so why do they have to stay in this city?

By that time, how many people do you think will die? Will you fight them in the crowd without any scruples?

If I was beaten into the air and killed a child during the battle... I don't want to visit a psychiatrist frequently for the rest of my life. "

Diana said depressedly: "Then do it and watch?"

"Thinking of something good, we will be busy soon, and they will help the boss out of the siege, in the way of massacring the people on Earth... Oh, faster than I thought, get ready to fight."

With that said, Ryan pulled out his mecha and began to change clothes. While Diana was amazed by the black technology equipment, she found nothing.

Ryan explained: "There are our spies in the spaceship, and there are three seconds... come out!"

Almost at the same time, two black spots jumped out of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

It was the two Kryptonians, but they were still in the air, a flash of light suddenly appeared around them, and the Hulk in heavy armor teleported to them!

What followed was Hulk's giant axe!


An ax hit the Kryptonian's head firmly, smashing him directly from the sky into the ground!

Hulk's speed is far behind that of the Kryptonian, but the strength of this big man is not a joke. He directly blinded the Kryptonian. With the reaction speed of the Kryptonian, the bewildered state lasted for two or three seconds.

During this period, the Kryptonians in the other direction also encountered the same thing. After all, the skill of teleportation is faster, but this one was hit by a hammer.

Yes, Hulk holds two heavy weapons, an ax and a hammer.

"Haha! Hulk! Smash! Cool!"

Ryan and Diana also moved and pounced on a Kryptonian at the same time.

As soon as the Kryptonian got up, Diana's shield was firmly stuck to his face, and he was directly depressed!

Renn kicked the opponent's head fiercely, and explained to Diana at the same time: "Trust me! I can't beat it single-handed!"

With a bang, Diana replied, "Really? That's not necessarily the case!"

And Ryan was also shocked instantly, without him, amidst the sound of metal clashing, there was a hole in the Kryptonian's armor! There are also signs of high temperature redness on the breach.

Yes, that was Diana's sword!

So far, this is the first time that the Kryptonian armor has been broken! Obviously, Diana's sword has a stronger material strength!

But in an instant, the Kryptonian's counterattack arrived, and there was almost no interval between the two bangs, and the two girls were blown out, one in front of the other!

Immediately afterwards there were countless bangs, and without him, the two women penetrated through countless walls of a building. The cement wall was almost like tofu at this time, and after flying out, they crashed into another building, and they were connected again. After passing through several concrete walls, the kinetic energy was finally stopped.

Ren stood up from the gravel: "Sisters, how about you do it yourself?"

Diana couldn't help but smiled awkwardly: "Look at you, it's just bragging, why are you so serious."

(Note 1)

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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