Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 624: Lao Tzu is that big monster!

When Ryan and Diana were fighting the Kryptonians, Hulk was fighting equally lively.

It has to be said that after Hulk has the ability to teleport, his speed disadvantage has been wiped out, and his actions can be described as elusive and unpredictable.

No, after the Kryptonian was chopped off with an axe, he was still flying. Hulk had already teleported to the middle of his flight path, and with another hammer, the Kryptonian was sent flying again!

Different from the strenuous fight of the two women, the Hulk's beating is completely unilateral. Yes, the Kryptonians have no chance to fight back at all.

The big man grinned and was very happy.

It's no wonder that after being a sparring partner for several months in a row, he has never won, and being played in various ways makes him very depressed.

It's different now, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that the Kryptonian is very powerful, but the super powerful Kryptonian can only be beaten by himself, so cool!

In the battle, Seraf not only controls the teleportation, as the controller of the mech, various high-intensity launch weapons are also being used every now and then, and from time to time he will yell at the Kryptonians, ensuring that the Kryptonians are always unable to stabilize themselves. shape.

So the real controller of the battle is actually Seraf, and the Hulk is just a simple firepower output, but the fool doesn't understand it.

Seraf also asked during the period: "Hulk, are you happy?"

"Hulk! Happy!"

"Are you happy?"


"Is it good to have a partner?"

"Yeah! Hulk! I like it! Partner!"

Hulk, who is not emotional and is willing to fight in combination, can play a role not in addition, but in multiplication.

Seraf finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he had completed the task assigned by the boss. Hulk was willing to cooperate once, and of course there would be countless times. The old Xie family added another super fighter.

But Seraph can't be happy now, nothing else, unilateral beating is very cool, but Kryptonians just can't be beaten to death, it's too worrying.

Until that shrill scream that shook hundreds of miles, everyone who participated in the battle understood that the Kryptonian was killed!

Xie Zhi's side is naturally in high spirits, but the Kryptonians are extremely furious.

At this moment, Xie Zhi shouted at the highest volume to the six Kryptonians in the thunderstorm: "Kryptonians! You heard me, one of you died! We have already demonstrated the ability to kill you all, but I would like to give you one! Opportunity, talk!"

In fact, Xie Zhi also had to stop, there was no way, Xie Zhi and Bucky were so tormented by the white tiger howling that they couldn't stand it any longer, so they took advantage of this time to slow down.

It's not that the two of them can't hide from the scene, but leaving Xiaoyu alone is really worrying, and it's too inhuman.

So it doesn't matter whether we can talk about it or not, let's take a break first.

Zod's voice came from the thunderstorm: "Negotiation? Okay, I will give you a chance too."

Now that there was a response, Xiao Yu withdrew his magical powers, and the thunderstorm dissipated, but Bai Hu was still ready to roar at any time.

And as the thunderstorm stopped, the six Kryptonians slowly floated up. At this time, everyone realized that they had taken off their armor, and they were wearing tights similar to Clark's style, except that the chest logo was different, and it was black. version.

Maybe Kryptonians can't fly, and it has something to do with that armor, otherwise why would they take it off.

However, the armor that took off must belong to the old Xie’s family. In fact, there are a large number of robots responsible for confining the wreckage around the battlefield. After all, the technology of the sentinel robots can also be called black technology. Can not flow out casually.

So the six sets of armor can be recovered after a fight.

However, during the confrontation, Xie Zhixian said: "We have been fighting for a long time, and you have nothing to do with us, but we can kill you, so it is clear that we have the upper hand, agree?"

Zod sneered: "I disagree, you can continue, anyone who stops Krypton's rebirth will die."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "That means there is nothing to talk about, that's fine..."

Zod interrupted: "No, some people talk about it. My condition is that you hand over the murderer who killed the Kryptonians. You surrender and serve me. I allow you to keep the lives of a thousand people on Earth. You decide on the quota."

Bucky chuckled: "Is your brain making Lei Ping stupid?"

Zod shook his head: "I know you didn't want to talk about it at all, but you just want to buy some time to rest, but we don't need to rest, so it's you, me, who should be clear about it, showing mercy.

Do you know why? Because I suddenly discovered that it is completely unnecessary to change this planet.

The current appearance of the earth is more beneficial to us. Clark is the proof, and we have become stronger after adapting to the earth's environment. As long as the sun in this galaxy is still there, we will have inexhaustible power. We are invincible. (Note 1)

Continue to consume, the ones who die are you.

So why are we changing the planet? Now, we don't need to care about the progress of the spacecraft transforming the earth. We don't have to go to the city you are evacuating. Your evacuation operation is meaningless. We can choose any city as the battlefield without any scruples. Kill all the earthlings.

So surrender is your only chance, cherish it. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "It sounds like you guys have won, but the question is... what about the scout ship? Don't you care about the origin of life room?

Zod, I am also showing mercy. I can give the Kryptonians a chance to be reborn without sacrificing any life or war. Wouldn’t it be best to have the best of both worlds? "

The corners of Zod's mouth curled up slightly: "Maybe Kal-El gave you the illusion, why do you think Kryptonians are easy to deceive?"

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Okay, I tried it, no one can blame me for being stubborn, Clark, do you mind destroying that ship?"

Clark hesitated for a moment, then firmly said: "The destruction of Krypton is already a tragedy, and destroying the earth now is just another tragedy.

So Krypton... let's be a thing of the past. "

The faces of the six Kryptonians suddenly became gloomy, and Zod said in a deep voice: "Your stupidity is nothing more than letting us spend more time, believe me, you will not die before you kill all the earthlings you can see. "

There is nothing to talk about, the white tiger naturally roared But this time, it failed.

It wasn't that the sonic attack didn't work, but that the six Kryptonians had a countermeasure. They endured the pain and punched their own people desperately!

Yes, hit your own, but it really works, because they fly in six directions in an instant.

And Baihu's field control big move has a range of effect, it is easy to handle when they are gathered together, but now they are suddenly scattered, at most they can only catch two or three, and some people will still get out of the control range.

Although Xie Zhi and the others were unhappy, they had already thought that this trick could be used to crack it. After all, this method is not difficult, but there is no better way to restrict it, and it will happen sooner or later.

But at this moment, he had enough energy and could keep up with the reaction, so Xie Zhi immediately shouted: "Clark! Lead the way! Smash the spaceship!"

In response, Clark flew out at full speed in a teleport, and a Kryptonian had already passed in the direction he was flying. Obviously, the Kryptonian knew where the scout ship was hiding. After all, he could receive the distress signal from the scout ship. If you find the earth, you can naturally find the specific location.

At this time, Xie knew that here, they could only divide into several directions, chasing different Kryptonians.

At the same time, three more Kryptonians jumped out of the spaceship above the metropolis. Yes, they didn't even want the spaceship.

Faced with this situation, Xie Zhi sighed helplessly: "I have used all the tricks, but it seems that the treasure is still not saved. It's a big loss, my mouth... Well, there are indeed big monsters in this world, because I am that big monster!"

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