Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 629: anniversary gift

After a wave of super eye cannons, another one was knocked down, but there was also no movement, life or death was unknown.

At this time, there were still two Kryptonians on the ground, one didn't know how to react, after all, he was still being watched by a elusive big green man, and the other was restrained by four children.

Follow Xie Zhi to look at Xie Ai: "Girl, you four go home and play."

"Ah? Dad, you are here, let's play again."

Xie Zhi sighed: "What happened next is not suitable for children to watch, it is not suitable for children, be obedient, or I will call your mother."

"It's not suitable for children again, it's boring..."

Xie Ai muttered, and disappeared with the three children.

Once the four children were evacuated, the Kryptonians naturally escaped.

Facing the Kryptonian in front of him, Bruce took a step back subconsciously. After beating him for a long time, he seemed to be fine. Now that he is untied, it is dangerous...

But the Kryptonian ignored Bruce at all, staring straight at Xie Zhi in the sky, his body still trembling slightly.

Without him, others don't know, but this Kryptonian knows very well in his heart that he can't move anymore and is restricted again.

It's just that what frightened him was that this time it didn't come from an external force, but from the inside out. Yes, the body didn't listen to itself.

And in his heart, a voice echoed: "Well, the willpower of the Kryptonians is quite strong, but unfortunately, it is still useless, and what's even more regrettable ability is one-time, if you don't seize the opportunity, then Don't blame me for becoming an emotional killer.

After all, you Kryptonians are so special that keeping them is pure breeding.

So the heroic death in battle, um, is a good ending, tragic and poetic enough. "

Yes, Xie Zhi is using his mind control ability. In fact, at this time, he has the ability to brainwash the Kryptonians, such as becoming his own subordinates.

But after much deliberation, he finally realized that something was wrong. The Kryptonian's strength is too perverted. Brainwashing is not a foolproof thing. Bucky is a proof.

In Xie Zhi's view, no matter how strong the Kryptonians are, they are worthless compared to the safety of the whole family.

Immediately afterwards, the two Kryptonians jumped up at the same time and shot at Xie Zhi.

That's right, now they are involuntary, they are completely controlled by Xie Zhi's attack, even if they want to surrender in their hearts, they have no chance, there is only one ending, public execution.

But what the two Kryptonians faced was Xie Zhi who appeared next to them in an instant, almost like a clone technique, just because the teleportation was...too fast.

boom! boom!

The two Kryptonians were slapped by Xie Zhi and the Kryptonians flew into the sky, but in the middle of the flight, Xie Zhi flashed in front of them again and continued to smack!

Clap! Boom!

In the sky, I could only see the two Kryptonians flying around, and Xie Zhi who kept flashing. It was like playing tennis when the Kryptonians took turns to smoke the Kryptonians.

And he still competes with himself, draw here, pick up there, sometimes, there will be a picture of two Kryptonians being drawn and bumped into each other.

But coincidentally, one bombed next to Bruce, and the other landed in front of Diana and Ryan.

Almost at the same time as it crashed into the ground, Xie Zhi also appeared. In Bruce's staring eyes, he saw the giant creature stomping hard into the pit!

And the kick is not over yet, bang bang bang! Xie Zhi stomped back and forth, like a pile driver.

As the gravel exploded, Bruce suspected that he heard the crisp sound of bones breaking.

During the period, Xie Zhi glanced at Bruce: "Do you know what bats represent in the East?"

Bruce subconsciously said, "Bad luck?"

"On the contrary, it's a blessing. You are your blessing to meet my daughter, Xiaofu."

Before the words finished, Xie Zhi had disappeared. Bruce went to the pit and looked at it, and found that the Kryptonian was not dead, but he was twitching, and the twisted shape of his limbs was a bit weird. It seemed...broken.

On Diana's side, the Kryptonian who landed had straightened his upper body, but his head was instantly stepped into the pit again by a big foot!

Kuang Kuang kicked again, Xie Zhi suddenly tilted his head and smiled strangely: "Yo, the second kill appeared, and my wife also killed one."

The scene changed, and there was a lightsaber stuck in Feora's head. After being attacked by Xiaoyu countless times, the wound finally expanded enough for the lightsaber to penetrate.

However, Feora's mouth was sealed by the green energy, so she couldn't let out a dying scream.

The next moment, the lightsaber blade disappeared, and Feora's body fell to the ground.

Xiaoyu gasped and said, "It's really not easy, it's too hard to kill, is the head made of Mandalorian iron? Fortunately, it's better to shut up and die. You Kryptonians make too much noise when you die, disturbing the people." .”

Renn smiled and said, "Eldest sister also killed one? Wow."

But Xie Zhi waved his hand, and something flew out of the ruins at high speed. It was Diana's Vulcan sword, which had been left on the battlefield during the previous chaos.

It's just that this sword is in front of Xie Zhi, compared to his size, it looks like a chopstick.

"Let me borrow your sword."

Diana sighed: "Do you all like to borrow things? But given the size of your hands, I don't think it's convenient to use them."

Stepping on the Kryptonian, Xie Zhi smiled: "It's not for me, in fact, today is a special day, wedding anniversary, just prepare a gift for my lover."

Diana's face turned dark immediately, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm afraid this is not called borrowing, it's more appropriate to call it robbery!"

The behemoth spread his hands and said in a low voice, "Oh, ma'am, don't get me wrong, I'm not a scumbag who gives stolen goods to his wife as a gift."

As he said that, a red light suddenly flew out from Xie Zhi's forehead, hitting the floating Vulcan sword, and the red light spread out in an instant, enveloping the entire sword.

And that red light also had a tail, connected to Xie Zhi's head.

Diana asked nervously, "What are you going to do to my sword?"

"Calm down, calm down, just refer to the craftsmanship and material of this sword. In fact, the style of this sword is not my wife's style."

"Can you forge artifacts?!"

"Well... no, but there are always some magical things in the world, some magical abilities, oh, so it turns out, it's easy to handle..."

Following the words, a red line stretched out from Xie Zhi's At the same time, the green light in his left eye flourished, and countless threads of light spread out, entangled with the red line.

In the air, the red and green light threads squirmed, spread, and deformed, gradually forming the shape of a long sword.

Yes, Xie Zhi is using the ability to change reality with the help of red envelopes.

Now the transformed version of Xie Zhi has a more mysterious understanding of the mysterious red substance. The last transformation did not have the blessing of red envelopes, but this time, the two from the same origin seem to be more compatible. amplitude enhancement.

And Xie Zhi’s method is to let this substance infiltrate the Vulcan sword by itself. Xie Zhi doesn’t know everything about the Vulcan sword, but this magical thing can handle everything. In the final analysis, the Vulcan sword also exists in reality of.

Artifact? No, there are even more unreasonable existences.

Hong Bao learned about Vulcan's sword, and then, the willpower came to an end. They were all created out of nothing. The two are very similar, but obviously Hong Bao is more high-end.

The two complement each other, and the shaping begins.

At this time, the Kryptonian under his feet hummed, and Xie Zhi stomped his foot again: "Be quiet, don't disturb me, this is an artistic creation."

Seeing that a long sword was about to be born, Lei En said greedily, "Boss, give me one too."

"This is an anniversary gift. It has special meaning and must be unique. Don't worry... Bucky will prepare it for you too."

Xie Zhi smirked secretly: "I'll tell you if I did it on purpose, you two have been separated for so long, Bucky's hair is thick again, and it's very frustrating to toss it around, so... the season changes, it's time to shed your hair .”

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