Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 632: Are you speaking human words?

After Zod finished speaking, everyone's eyes focused on Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi smiled: "Just a thought? The hat was buttoned up too big, and he was playing tricks, saying that the extinction of the Kryptonians was caused by me... Well, it does have something to do with me, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.'s like going to someone else's house to kill someone. If you fail to kill someone, you'll be killed, but you blame the master for being too powerful. Doesn't that make sense? Kryptonians should learn less from the logic of Western countries on Earth.

Of course, I am a very generous person, and I can forgive you for being clever. After all, it involves the survival of the race. From the perspective of Kryptonians, or empathy, you can call any race a hero. "

As he spoke, Xie Zhi raised his thumb, and then shook his head: "But the problem is, this matter is really not just a matter of one thought, it involves all aspects.

Among other things, Clark is living evidence. He grew up on the earth when he was a baby. What happened? The strength of the Kryptonians is a disaster for ordinary people.

Children are very cute when they are small dolls, but let alone adults, they may turn into bear children by half of their growth. I have a deep understanding of this.

Kryptonian bear children... It's scary to think about it. If you don't learn well when you grow up, it will be fatal. How many people will die? The crimes committed will be blamed on me later. "

"But you also said that there are always more solutions than difficulties, and..." Zord could not conceal the sadness in his tone: "We don't need very good conditions, we don't need too many children, we only need a survivable planet , as long as the population is sufficient to reproduce, even if it is only a small tribe forming a primitive society.

Please, give a Kryptonian a small chance, a chance to fend for himself, nothing more, please... have mercy. "

Xie Zhi didn't answer, but looked at Clark: "Clark, you are also from Krypton, what do you say?"

"Ah?" Clark was stunned for a moment, then remained silent for a moment, and said, "If it's just a child... I'm willing to cooperate."

"Hmm..." Xie Zhiyi waved his hand: "I can only say, I can give you a chance, a chance to... consider it, I will consider it, but I don't guarantee that I will agree."

Zod smiled bitterly: "Is it just thinking about it?"

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Given the actions of the Kryptonians and their racial talent, this is already the greatest kindness I have given. Kindness is my greatest weakness.

You know, Kryptonians are walking nuclear weapons. If you think about it, you are already irresponsible for the lives of other races. "

"Understood, thank you very much, being able to consider... also means hope."

"Well, suppose we finally agree, but we don't know how to use Kryptonian spaceships. Do you think this plan is okay?"

Zod's eyes appeared bright again: "This is easy to handle. I have already won the control authority of the scout ship. As long as I have my body tissue, the spaceship control system will obey the order by default, and the intelligent system will completely obey your order."

"Is the Kryptonian's firewall so weak? Oh, I understand. If you want to get the Kryptonian's body tissue, you have to do it before. Your own combat effectiveness is an insurance measure. It seems that no one can do it except our family. .

So... do you have anything else to say? "

Zod shook his head: "No, if you need, I can kill myself."

Xie Zhi hurriedly said: "Don't, hostility is hostility, but soldiers have a way of death, although you are an enemy, I don't want to insult you.

Coincidentally, I also plan to use my full strength, Bucky, Clark, you all don't participate, this time I want to fight hard, let's start! "

"Wait a minute!" Bucky yelled suddenly.

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "Brother, it turns out that this B is not suitable for you to pretend."

"I agree." Bucky nodded, and said dumbly: "But please, when you pretend to be B, can you look at the bottom first? Don't let the Kryptonians destroy the earth, but let you destroy it."

"What do you mean...Damn it! I'm sorry, don't put the hat on me about global warming and sea level rise, change the mode first..."

Xie knew that there was a reason for saying this. I saw that the glacier was melting at a high speed at this moment, and the icebergs turned into waterfalls!

Many small icebergs on the sea have almost melted away, and large icebergs are also melting at a high speed and shrinking.

On the ice sheet, streams and rivers have also formed, and the landform is changing!

The water vapor caused by the high temperature is so vast that it covers almost half of the province.

If you continue to fight in the ultra-high temperature mode, you will have a fan, but as the sea level rises, unevenness will really happen.

After Xie Zhi switched to the ultra-low temperature mode, the low temperature dissipating from his body also remained undiminished.

At this time, the situation has indeed changed. This time, the water vapor condenses rapidly, and it even rains and snows in the sky.

The rivers and streams that had just appeared were also freezing one after another.

"This is also a weather weapon, right? Well, it's done, I'll freeze it as much as it melts, and let's do it!"

Following the voice, the Kryptonians did not hesitate, anyway, they are all dead, fight!

Four pairs of eyes, eight violent and turbulent heat rays, all shot Xie Zhi uniformly in an instant!

And Xie Zhi chose hard resistance, yes, he didn't use the energy absorbing mode.

The huge body was immediately pushed upside down by the super force for dozens of meters, and then suddenly stagnated in the air! Xie Zhi unexpectedly withstood it abruptly!

Xie Zhi opened his mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of giant white teeth: "Yeah! That's enough energy! Ahhhhh!"

Following Xie Zhi's roar, a white torrent suddenly spewed out from his mouth, hitting a Kryptonian, knocking him into the air, and the Kryptonian's body was also freezing rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the Kryptonian froze into a big lump of ice, and smashed heavily on the side of an iceberg!

Amidst the rumbling and dull noise, the iceberg broke in half! collapse!

Apparently, the white light that Xie Zhi vomited out was nothing but a bunch of ultra-low temperature cold currents!

Following Xie Zhi, stretched out a hand: "Come here!"

And the Kryptonian who was facing his palm was suddenly pulled by a force, flying extremely fast, the next moment his neck was already in Xie Zhi's big hand.

Bucky, who was watching the battle from a distance, gestured: "This trick is called force control, and I can do it, and our family can do it."

Clark was surprised: "They are all at this level?"

Bucky shook his arms and said, "Depending on the need, whoever wants to pretend to be B can do it. This time it's Lao Xie's turn."

"Then why didn't you use this trick before?"

" The price is to become ugly..." Bucky's mecha cheeks were open, and he flicked his long hair: "We usually pay attention to our image."

Looking at the Kryptonian who was pinched by Xie Zhi, he tried to push Xie Zhi's palm away with both hands, but unfortunately he could only bring out sparks on the back of Xie Zhi's palm, as if he was caught on a steel pillar, completely useless.

While he was struggling painfully, Zod and another Kryptonian had already rushed forward.

But then Xie Zhi kicked one into the air, and Zod escaped the Kryptonian who was swung up. He hugged Xie Zhi's arm with his whole body, trying to move it, and rescued his fellows.

Xie Zhi didn't do anything else at all, just put in all his strength. Last time he transformed, he didn't have a suitable opponent to verify his strength. Now the Kryptonian has become the most suitable reference.

Ever since, Xie Zhi faced Zod with one arm, pinched one in his hand, and used one arm to deal with the two Kryptonians.

Creaking creaking... the sound of metal twisting sounded.

And Xie Zhi's arm was being torn apart bit by bit! Yes, the strength of one arm obviously hasn't reached the point of suppressing the two Kryptonians.

Xie Zhi gritted his teeth and said: "Hey! The Kryptonian is really powerful! This strength is really abnormal! Strong man! So strong! Take it! Be awesome!"

In the distance, Bucky rolled his eyes: "This B pretends to speak human language!"

Clark stared at his big eyes, and murmured: "You said before... your family can do it, so is that okay?"

"Ahem, of course, it's a piece of cake, not worth mentioning, but we keep a low profile and don't talk about it."

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