Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 635: why not move

Paradise Island, on the edge of the cliff, stands a circular building.

At this moment, Queen Hippolyta was in the building, watching the trembling mother box.

There are also female soldiers surrounded by layers, armed with cold weapons, ready to fight.

Xie Zhi saw all of this through telepathy.

With a thought in Xie Zhi's mind, in an instant, all the Amazons in the building stood still, like a frozen video, as if time had stopped on them.

Only the vibrating mother box proves that time is still flowing normally.

Then Xie Zhi's huge body appeared in the hall across the space.

Scanning the still people around, Xie Zhi smiled: "I'm sorry, this ability is reserved for use, and it will be invalid when it expires."

And with the appearance of Xie Zhi, the mother box trembled more and more violently.

Xie Zhi already knew the previous vibration frequency from Hippolyta, and he couldn't help wondering: "This thing... is evil, the Kryptonians vibrate when they call it, and it's honest when I call it. When I come, it convulses again. , Can you still feel the strength?

Well, no matter what the reason is, let's seal it up and talk about it, the same way as the source of fire seeds. "

As Xie Zhi said that, green light burst out from Xie Zhi's eyes, and the entire hall reflected was dark green.

After the brilliance dissipated, the outer layer of the mother box was wrapped with three layers of green crystals, and the mother box itself was sealed with a layer of metal by the Amazons. At this moment, it is equivalent to four layers of packaging, and the volume is much larger.

However, after being wrapped by Xie Zhi's barrier of will, the mother box became honest and no longer trembled.

With a wave of his hand, the mother box floated in front of Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi looked at the mother box, and said to himself: "Do you want to present another identical counterfeit here?

No, not right.

These guardians, no matter what they say, have contributed to the earth, and there is no need to let them take the blame.

Especially... buddy, this is called doing good deeds, there is nothing to say, and the Amazons are also considered to have worked hard and deserve to be commended. "

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi's eyes shot out green light again, and on the stone platform where the mother box was placed, something materialized, hanging on it, it was still a permanent materialization.

After Xie Zhi left, the Amazons present came to their senses. For them, it was only a moment.

But the momentary consequences made them dumbfounded, the mother box was gone!

What's even more weird is that a thing with writing was lifted by a pole and stood on the stone platform where the mother box was originally placed.

But I saw that the thing was made of textiles, rectangular, surrounded by gold tassels, embroidered lace inside, big red velvet bottom, velvet and gold letters.

Everyone in the infrastructure industry knows this thing, it's called...a pennant.

I saw a line of smaller gold characters vertically on the upper right, which read... Presented to: All Amazon officers and soldiers of Paradise Island.

The two lines in the middle are written in big gold characters... Do your best to keep your eyebrows! Protective box model advanced unit!

The lower left is also a small gold letter, the new guardian of the mother box, thank you for your knowledge, and a respectful gift, on the date of X, X, and X. (Thank you for your hard work. You don’t need to worry about the mother box in the future. Please let me pick it up. You’re welcome.)

And Xie Zhi had already gone to another place at this time, and the sea was also under his feet, but his goal was in the depths of the ocean.

Yes, this is the territory of the Atlanteans, a humanoid nation living under the deep sea, with the physique to live freely in the ocean, oxygen and pressure are not a problem for them at all.

In other words, the people of Atlantis are also human beings with special abilities, because among the secrets that Xie Zhi knows, there is a piece of information about the mixed races of the two races.

In Xie Zhi's view, since there is no reproductive isolation, and children of mixed race can be born, there is a high probability that they are also of the same species.

Xie Zhi made a little perception and appeared in a building under the deep sea.

In the old fashion, the guardians of this place are also in a frozen state.

The leader is a woman named Mera, who looks no different from a human being, and is quite beautiful, she is a beauty.

Xie Zhi didn't care about her, the old rules, put a will barrier on the mother box, and then...leave a pennant.

But this time the core content is written differently, replaced by... a good example of keeping the box in the deep sea! The good name is spread all over the five oceans!


Meera was in a daze for a moment, and then, like an Amazon, she was stunned, this, this...what the hell! My box! ?

The next stop, Xie Zhi went to the Pentagon, this time without leaving a pennant.

Nothing else, he already knows how the Pentagon got the mother box, but it was an ancient mysterious item discovered by the German army in a monastery in Italy during World War II. At that time, the mustache Fuehrer focused on mysterious phenomena and discovered this thing, old beauty Principles, what you care about, don't care if it's true or not, let's talk about it in our family.

And after that, for decades, it was just eating ashes in the repository, and no one knew what it was at all.

After getting the three mother boxes, Xie Zhi returned to Antarctica and handed them over to Laifu for safekeeping, and unsealed one for Yao De and Howard to study.

The reason why only one is unsealed is because according to the memory of Queen Hippolyta, if these three mother boxes are close enough, they will merge into one. Aliens destroy the world in this way. Yes, this thing is a weapon.

Of course, she didn't understand the specific details. She was still the most advanced combat force on Earth at that time, and she discovered part of the role of the mother box during the battle.

Then Xie Zhi didn't stop, there was still something to do.

After all, the more secrets you know, the more you have to do.

After teleporting several times in a row, the place Xie Zhi went to was a bit special.

There is a name there, it is called... the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

Yes, worlds located in the inner core of the Earth.

This earth is still somewhat special, the center of the earth is actually a hollow, which is completely different from the earth in other universes.

Of course, these thanks are also known through mind reading, after all, what he focuses on is extraordinary power.

But the scenery here is quite unique, with the sea, land, mountains, vegetation and forests, and dinosaurs that can run, jump and fly.

What's more interesting is that the sky is also a mountain, but it's an upside-down mountain.

There is sufficient light source here, just like under the sun, but Xie Zhi didn't see where the sun is, and there is no sun in the center of the earth.

And between the ceiling-like peaks, there are also crystals the same size as mountain peaks bright and beautiful, much

Thank you for knowing and caring. Firstly, I am not interested in geology. Secondly, diamonds are neither rare nor valuable in themselves. They are nothing more than a successful case of commercial hype.

Xie Zhi went straight to the target, stopped in front of the forest not far from the beach, and said, "Ms. Katerana, come out, I have no malicious intentions."

A few seconds later, there was rustling in the jungle, and a strangely dressed woman walked out. The clothes on her body seemed to be sewn from the skin of an unknown fish, and there was a strange fish skull on her head, covering her face like a helmet.

And judging from her figure, it can indeed be seen that she is a woman.

I heard her say: "You know me? Who are you?"

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Hi lady, my name is Xie Zhi, I sympathize with your experience, it is really a sad story, but I am very curious about your choice back then, please forgive me, I really can't help it Don't want to ask."

Katerana was silent for a while, and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Back then you were hunted down by the ocean people, and then they finally found your little home. You felt that you couldn't escape, so you gave in. What I don't understand is...why didn't you move back then? Go deep into the inland life.

Do you have to guard the lighthouse by the sea? If your lifestyle is inseparable from sea water, I think you can find a job in the aquarium Sea World. There is no need to separate husband and wife, mother and child, and there is no need for a second marriage. "

"Uh... yes, it's okay..." Katerana was stunned, and then became annoyed: "It's none of your business! Can you control it!"

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