Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 640: expresses grave concern

The words were so blunt, King Nereus couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Faced with humiliation, the people of the sea will fight even if they lose! If you want to see the courage of the people of the sea, you will get a satisfactory answer!

But please also believe that even if the Haitian people are defeated, we still have the ability to die together! At least the land can be destroyed! "

Although the others didn't speak harshly, their dark faces were enough to show how upset they were.

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "It seems that I am still not convinced. The people who don't know how to reflect seem to be hopeless, so let me be redundant and die if I want to die."

King Nereus was about to speak again, but Atlanta hurriedly said: "Wait a minute! Mr. Xie Zhi, I believe you must have a reason for saying this, but no one likes to be humiliated, and unnecessary misunderstandings are meaningless."

Before Xie Zhi could speak, Mera suddenly said in shock: "Your name is Xie Zhi!? You took the mother box!?"

Xie Zhiyi grinned: "Yes, I took it, no thanks."

Atlanta's expression also changed: "You took the mother box!? Do you know what that is!?"

Xie Zhi didn't hide the contempt in his tone: "If I don't know, I won't take it, so I said you are stupid. You know that there are extremely powerful beings in the universe, and your ancestors also participated in that ancient war. Do you remember to eat or not?

For so many years, there has been no development of space technology at all, and no way to deal with future crises.

Yes, I have arranged for people to guard the box, but is it useful to guard it?

People won't come to get the mother box? What will you do when you come?

What's even more stupid is that knowing that there is a crisis that can destroy the world from outside the earth, you don't think about unity, but also think about internal fighting. It's just such a planet. You wiped out the land people because you dislike the fact that there are too many friendly forces against aliens. ? "

King Nereus sneered and said: "I admit that Aum is young and impulsive, but the land people only know how to destroy the environment, treat the sea as a garbage dump, wantonly hunt and kill precious marine life, they are destroying the ecological balance! Destroy the environment!

Keep going, one day they will kill all creatures on the earth!

Then there is no need for aliens to come, and there will be no life on the earth!

The land people are useless except for messing up everything, let alone resisting the alien attack! In the war of the ancients, the land people were just cannon fodder, they were not qualified to participate in high-end wars at all!

Since they are useless in the first place, is it wise to wait for them to destroy the world?

Yes, the Kryptonians were an accident, we did not do enough intelligence work.

Although Aum is young and lacks consideration, if there are no Kryptonians, there is no chance of winning the war. How can it be stupid? "

Xie Zhi chuckled, shook his head and sighed: "I'm not convinced that you are stupid. If it's just Darkseid's army and the Kryptonians, your reasoning is barely plausible, but the problem is...hehe, well, who is it?" I am kind, and I will teach you a lesson today.

Let me ask you a question first, as rulers who decide the destiny of a country and a race, have you ever taken science classes? First of all, I am not a scientist, and my common sense is similar to that of ordinary people. "

Meera frowned: "Of course we understand science! In fact, the science of the sea people is far superior to that of the land people. We understand what the land people know, and we understand what the land people don't understand!"

"Oh, that's it. Then, how much do you know about nuclear pollution?"

King Nereus seemed impatient: "Nonsense! The main reason we hate land people is that they treat the sea as a waterway! Discharge nuclear waste water recklessly! If you don't know the dangers of nuclear pollution, I know that Aum plans to go to war. Can turn a blind eye!"

Xie Zhi sighed: "So, if you don't know about nuclear pollution, then I would say you are stupid too much, but you clearly know.

Everyone, do you know that land people have nuclear weapons? Do you know that land people have nuclear power plants? Do you know that land people have a lot of nuclear waste?

That's right, I know that you have a big weapon to destroy the land, that is, you have the ability to launch a tsunami and flood all the land.

But what do you think? After a big flood, all the nuclear pollution on the land has been washed into the sea. Do you know that the half-life of a lot of nuclear pollution is tens of thousands of years?

Do you think the pollution is not serious enough? Or is it too slow to die?

Okay, you don't need to use the tsunami trick. In conventional warfare, your weapon technology is more advanced, but the question is, do you think the land people are made of mud?

Once the third world war breaks out, what are the nuclear arsenals of the land people still keeping? Waiting for cubs?

Once the nuclear war starts, the nuclear pollution will come faster and more fiercely, and when the nuclear dust covers the world, there will be no sunlight, and the nuclear winter will come, and marine life will die, yes, it will not die, but the ecological balance of the ocean will be destroyed , All death is only a matter of time.

So, all those in power who have taken science classes, I think... you are no different from politicians in some land countries. Politics is always higher than science.

So, I would like to ask, is it too much to say that you are stupid? Note 1)

Everyone fell silent, and King Nereus said after a few seconds: "Should we let the land people destroy it forever? Your Excellency said that we are stupid, okay, no problem, but at least we sea people did not throw garbage on the land!

Humans, on the other hand, only know war! destroy! Cannibalism! They are even more stupid beyond redemption! "

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "Your Majesty, I think you are actually a problem with some land people, full of arrogance and prejudice, no wonder, after all, you were also land people.

As far as I know, the four surviving countries of sea people, fisherman country and saltwater country have different styles of doing things from your two countries, so I would like to ask, both are sea people, and have different worldviews. Why do you think the three views of land people? Is it all the same?

Please, can you figure out the three views of land people and countries? No country can be singled out to represent all mankind, even if it is the strongest, it is not qualified.

If you don’t plan to get to know the land people in depth, it seems that my plan will change, because your stupidity will only ruin my business. Well, in comparison, Fisherman’s Country is much more reliable. It seems that the ocean There are still too many human kingdoms..."

Atlanta hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, since you know my, then you should know that I have no prejudice against land people, I even fell in love with land people and had children, now that I am back, I promise This is the beginning of change, please don't resort to ... extreme measures."

Then Atlanta quickly said to King Nereus: "King Nereus! Mr. Xie Zhi is holding the Trident of the Sea King! He has controlled the sea now! Please be more rational! If you still have talk."

Others may not understand the power of the trident, but Atlanta knows it all too well. Even though she has never touched it, even with the strength of the giant Kara Sen, she can of course calculate how much the trident needs to be guarded by Kara Sen. sharp.

King Nereus frowned and said, "The Trident of the Sea King is just a legend. Atlanna, do you want me to admit that this...foreign race is the ruler of the ocean? No, he has no royal blood!"

Xie Zhi sneered: "Bloodline? King? Sorry, in my hometown, there is a saying that princes and generals have kindness?

However, I don't care about being your king, but you reminded me..."

Xie Zhi smiled and played with the trident: "With this, I am... the king of fish, so as the king of fish, I have to work for the welfare of my people. Everyone, you eat fish, right? By the way, You also ride fish!

Sorry, starting today, eating my fish is equivalent to slaughtering my people, and riding my fish is enslaving my people, which is a complete violation of the right to fish! I would like to tell the governments of all countries to stop this kind of anti-fish behavior immediately. I am a big fish country and express serious concern about this. "

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