Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 654: my mother never said

This clown turned out to be my own farce, which kept countless people up all night. Of course, according to the time difference, it is daytime in many places.

In any case, Lao Mei's virtues were confessed to the world, earlier than Lao Xie's family thought, but I'm sorry for their cooperation if they don't send the materials delivered to the door.

That's right, the nuclear bomb can no longer threaten Lao Xie's family, but it's our business to have the ability. If you dare to launch it, that's your business. You, it's your business.

Then I’m sorry, it’s like a mouse trying to kill a lion, but after biting it, it found that it couldn’t kill it. The mouse said that you didn’t die anyway, so let’s pretend it didn’t happen. Lion, agree?

Dang, what the old American executives said at the meeting is correct. Good people have a bottom line, but if you want to use other people's bottom line as a talisman, go ahead and dream, you can change the game.

However, in other countries around the world, no matter what kind of changes in the world structure this series of events will eventually cause, at least this performance by the senior leaders of the United States will benefit all countries.

Without him, Lao Mei's extremely efficient operation also directly exposed the spies arranged in various countries.

The main reason is that the time for Laifu to release the rebroadcast is relatively microseconds. After Laomei arranges an operation, the spies will naturally obey the order, and they will immediately mobilize Gouzi and Gongzhi to release inflammatory remarks on various media.

As a result, after the global broadcast started, all the truths were revealed, and everyone was caught.

Of course, it is not ruled out that many of them were not bought by spies, but they deserved it. They are so smart, and they don’t look at what is going on. If their IQ is worrying, they can’t blame others.

But the people who eat melons are destined to enter the annual carnival, because there are too many melons, one after another.

Yes, it's not over yet.

When Laomei time entered the morning, something happened again.

The global announcement is reproduced, and the statement is as follows.

In view of the fact that the United States first used nuclear weapons for the purpose of deliberate murder, and the evidence is overwhelming.

However, when the attacked party has not been held accountable, without repentance, they still try to turn black and white and confuse right and wrong by various dirty means, and they do not hesitate to use all nuclear weapons to carry out nuclear blackmail, without any regard for the rights and interests of all life on earth, trying to use The method of saturation attack proves that the old US government has the ability to kill whoever they want, even the hero who just saved the world.

In this regard, we are now giving the first wave of response.

Confiscate all...all nuclear weapons of the old US government, and destroy the old US nuclear research and development facilities.

Moreover, during the talks with representatives of all parties in the world, a motion will be proposed to permanently prohibit the old United States from possessing nuclear weapons. The resident atomic energy supervision agency will impose sanctions without an upper limit once evidence of manufacturing nuclear weapons is found, and the use of war means will not be ruled out. .

In addition, when the announcement statement was issued, the confiscation process had already been completed.

The cumulative number of confiscated nuclear bombs exceeds 8,000.

As for how to dispose of these nuclear bombs, it will be discussed with other countries during the global talks.

This announcement once again ignited global public opinion.

Quietly, take away all of Lao Mei's nuclear bombs?

real or fake?

And it took no more than an hour to determine the authenticity.

This time, it was not Laifu who was exposed, but some powerful reporters and insiders from key departments broke the news.

Therefore, evidence about the disappearance of nuclear warheads continues to appear in various media.

I can't hide it anymore.

Of course, reporters are not that powerful, and there are not so many who plan to break the news for personal gain. This is because Xie Zhi used tricks and pushed it down.

After all, for this kind of thing, the investigation and evidence collection is not so fast. Xie Zhi doesn't want to let the heat prolong and speed up, so as not to make the people around the world worry about eating melons.

And the process of getting rid of the nuclear bomb, of course, is indispensable for Xie Zhi to use his mind control ability. After all, this ability is used less once, and he will not download it if he keeps it.

So during the whole process, no one could find a trace, even the nuclear warhead stored in the launch tube of the nuclear submarine disappeared without a trace.

Like a miracle, the nuclear bomb evaporated overnight.

Correspondingly, this move not only provided a big melon, but also showed enough deterrent power to make the dogs who follow the old beauty weigh it. Even if the lifelong ambition is really to be proud of being a dog, it is right to follow the owner. .

And other nuclear powers, of course, checked their nuclear arsenals immediately, and found that not one hair was missing, they were all there.

Naturally, I also understood the meaning conveyed by this force, if people do not offend me, I will not offend others, if people offend me, I will confiscate them.

Regardless of the public opinion in the world, Xiao Yu and Ryan visited Diana as promised.

But the meeting place is in Greece.

Without him, other than the hot news, something else happened last night.

A rocket flew across the ocean and across the continent, and finally hit the site of the ancient Greek temple. At the same time, the rocket ignited spontaneously. The fire burned in the temple overnight and could be seen hundreds of miles away.

The old Xie family also knew about this matter. The global surveillance system deployed by Laifu not only hacked the global satellites, but also deployed a large number of its own surveillance satellites.

But at this time, after Xie Zhi found out, based on the location where the rocket shot out, he understood that the rocket came from Paradise Island. After a little mind reading, he even figured out the reason.

Nothing else, took the mother box guarded by others, and Her Majesty the Queen shot a cloud-piercing arrow to summon her daughter to meet her.

When the second daughter arrived, Diana was playing with the long arrow made of metal with a worried look on her face.

Before the guest could speak, Diana said first, "Xiao Yu, Ryan, I also read the news last night and the announcement you made. If you want to talk to me about the multi-party talks, I'm sorry, but I can't participate."

Ryan smiled and looked at the arrow in her hand: "Why? Because of it?"

Diana nodded and sighed: "Yes, I have... some big troubles on hand."

Xiao Yu said: "We know about your troubles, they come from Paradise Island."

"Do you know Paradise Island? Wait, you went?" Immediately Diana frowned: "Xiao Yu, the time we have known each other is not counted. I ask myself if I don't think you have any malicious intentions. What does this mean?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, this matter has to start with the Kryptonians..."

Xiao Yu roughly told the story, but she didn’t say that Xie Zhi discovered it through telepathy, but said that the shock wave that erupted after the death of the triggered the vibration of the mother box, which led to Xie Zhi’s discovery Anomaly, and got the mother box from humans, ocean people, and Amazons.

Yes, it's vague and can be interpreted however you want, but it's not a lie.

Xiao Yu continued: "So this trouble... has something to do with our family, but you have also seen how strong we are.

And since my husband can easily take away the three mother boxes, it means that the protection of the three parties cannot stop someone who is strong enough.

So the mother box is guarded by our family, which is safer.

And the threat of Darkseid is at least not inferior to the Kryptonian invasion this time.

On the contrary, if we can't fight against Darkseid, we can't fight against it with you, can't we? "

Diana was silent for a few seconds, wondering: "Let's not talk about anything else, what is the mother box you are talking about? Who is Darkseid?"

These words made Xiaoyu and Renn stunned.

"One of the mother boxes is on Paradise Island. You don't even know about your family?"

"These things... my mother never said."

"Why didn't I tell you about such a big thing?"

Diana had a weird expression and scratched her head: "I... that... I had a boyfriend when I was young, and I followed him. I guess I ran away from home, and I never came back... You know, young people, love Well, falling in love, falling in love... I have to be quiet."

ps: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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