Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 661: serve the people

Diana smiled bitterly: "Mom, what you said...

That's true, no matter what the development of the times outside becomes, the objects of loyalty become systems, ideas, principles, ideologies, political correctness... After all, there are leaders and loyal followers. "

The queen made an expression of "I knew it", and said: "Some things are eternal and will always exist."

Diana followed, "But Mom, the object of allegiance must be worth it."

"Of course, you should know more about Xiaoyu and their family than I do. Do you think their family is not qualified enough to save the world with their strength, ability, and character?"

"Uh... That's not true. I can't tell lies. In fact... I still think her daughter is very kind and has a breath of divine power, and..."

Speaking of this, Diana sighed and spread her hands: "I can't deny that their family saved my life. That kind of weapon is called a nuclear weapon. I didn't discover it at the time. They discovered it and they solved it.

In fact, I couldn't handle a Kryptonian without them, let alone eleven.

But I'm... a little uncomfortable psychologically, why were we still talking as equals before, and we were still fighting side by side yesterday, and today we're going to discuss allegiance... Maybe, I've stayed outside for too long.

Mom, have you decided? "

Hippolyta shook her head: "No, this is a big matter, and I must discuss it with all the sisters."

Diana understands that a discussion is a discussion, but the result can basically be confirmed. She has been educated in the moral standards of the Amazons since she was a child, so she knows that cheating is not included in the code of conduct of the Amazons.

In fact, she herself has suffered from cheating once, once when she was a child, and she has a long memory.

Therefore, there are gains and losses, and the principle of doing things according to the rules is what the Amazons believe in.

And including the conversation between mother and child, and even the thoughts in his heart, Xie Zhi also knew.

In fact, this is also the reason why Xiaoyu pushed the problem back. The Amazons will definitely respond to this choice, so Xie Zhi will naturally be able to fully understand their real plan.

Mind reading is really not popular, and the old Xie family doesn't like it either, no one likes it.

But now the matter is very important, and it happens to have this ability. In fact, trust is crucial to the future interests of both parties.

It is better to be completely at ease than to employ and guard against others, which will instead create a gap between the two parties, resulting in a worse relationship, and it is even possible to hate each other.

But now Xie Zhi is relieved, this matter is settled.

So in the next few days, the main job is to study the biotechnology of Krypton first, and give priority to explaining the intelligence system of the scout ship.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}Xie Zhi cooperated with Youde, Howard, and the bee family research team to work overtime to come up with a technology to solve Amazonian infertility.

After all, when the time comes, people have decided to pledge allegiance, and if they lose the chain on their side, the Amazons may not be able to hold back and say angrily, "What are you doing! I'm sorry!"

Fortunately, the old Xie's family already has a strong foundation in technology and is reliable in all aspects, especially now that Xie knows that he has the superpower to change reality unreasonably, and the research and development process is going smoothly.

In just three days, an effective technique was developed.

Yes, it is verified.

The reason is that the Amazon people only discussed for one day, and then gave a reply, saying that a decision had been made.

But since the technology has not yet been realized, the response from the old Xie family is that Xie Zhi will personally visit Paradise Island for an interview in four days. However, in the past few days, at least one female Amazon warrior is needed to verify the DNA interference technology.

In response, the Amazons directly sent ten female warriors over.

With the Amazon volunteers, the research is completely turned to the DNA. Once verified, it is completely feasible, and the infertility of the Amazons has been solved.

Xie Zhi couldn't help but come up with an idea, if he retires in the future, besides treating surgical injuries, he can open a hospital and add new projects. He has already thought up the advertising words.

Xie's Infertility Specialist, an authoritative top-tier hospital, never met infertility, and the reputation of Good Pregnancy is well-deserved.

But he said that since it is verification, tadpoles must be needed.

This aspect is entirely up to the female Amazon warriors to choose on their own. All the tadpole inventory information from all over the world has been retrieved, as long as the female warriors are satisfied.

And Laomei's nuclear weapon Lao Xie's family can pack a pot of stew, let alone a mere tadpole library.

However, the technique of interfering with the DNA was still a little tampered with. It could not be regarded as malicious, but to let the DNA of the Amazons play a strong leading role in the embryonic gestation process.

In this way, the child born will still have a super-strong physique and a long life span, and the "program setting" injected by Zeus back then will still be inherited, and the positive energy nature will be passed down from generation to generation.

Although education is more important, since the nature of innate influence is not bad, why give it up? There are too few good people, but there are enough bad people. Unfortunately, the situation of the Amazons can only be a special case.

The good news of the successful conception naturally spread back to Paradise Island, and the Amazons were ecstatic.

It's no wonder that what you can't get is the best.

For thousands of years, the inability to reproduce has been the deepest pain of the Amazons, which itself is against the laws of nature.

And when most people no longer fantasized in despair, a miracle was born.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}So when Xie Zhi brought the main members of his family to Paradise Island in person, what he faced was a grand welcome ceremony from the Amazons.

It can be said that the courtesy of the Amazons has reached the limit of their own conditions.

All the Amazons are dressed up, and they also have special military uniforms. The armor is bright, the sword is dazzling, and the respect in their eyes is undisguised.

When Xie's family arrived at the scene, the sound made by the vibration of the armor was very neat, and the momentum was really extraordinary.

And the female Amazon warriors who were reviewing the phalanx in front of them knelt on one knee in unison, and they were really the front of the powerful team.

It also included Queen Hippolyta, and Diana.

Although Xie Zhi knew that Diana was still a little awkward, she also knew that she still accepted it in her bones. After all, she did not regard herself as a god, but as a member of the Amazons.

What's more, this descendant of is not an ungrateful person, but he is still a little arrogant.

However, at the same time, thousands of female warriors shouted in uniform, full of strength: "All Amazon warriors! Welcome the new god! Please accept our loyalty! For generations to come! Never betray!"

The roar shook the sky, and that kind of vigor really made people's blood boil and their scalp tingle!

That's right, in the perception of everyone in the Xie family, the ranks of the female Amazon warriors are as neat as a military parade in the Jianguo.

This is not easy. You must know that Lao Xie’s family has traveled to so many worlds, no matter which world, the military majesty of the infrastructure parade is the first in the world, and there is no country that can match it.

But here, the Amazonians did it.

Xie Zhi said: "All of you brave and fearless Amazon warriors, I know from your heart and sincerity that this is also an honor for our family.

But... I know this is your traditional ancient ceremony, but the times are different, only this time, there is no need to kneel and salute in the future. "

Swiping and pulling, there was another extraordinary sound of armor shifting, and the Amazon female warriors stood up and fought hard, shouting: "Obey!"

Xie Zhi feels that every pore is cool and transparent. Facing the real powerful army, it feels completely different from the robot army. The heroic aura of Qianjun is definitely...exciting!

Ever since, facing this familiar yet unfamiliar scene, Xie Zhi raised his hand subconsciously: "The soldiers have worked hard."

For a moment... quiet.

The Amazon female warrior is a bit confused, how should I answer this?

On the contrary, Diana was well-informed and subconsciously said: "Serve the people."

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