Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 676: long live the emperor

And Godzilla let out a miserable howl that was different from the past. Similar movements usually occur after being stuffed into a ball of snow from the back of his neck during a snowball fight.

At the same time, Godzilla trembled violently, his eyes widened.

With its physique, it is actually not afraid of low temperature, at least the cold of Antarctica and North Pole has no effect on it.

But the problem is that Xie Zhi's ultra-low temperature is not comparable to the bipolar climate, and it is not at the same level.

Moreover, Zhihan was completely condensed on his left hand.

What's more terrible is that Godzilla's chest was still in a state of super high temperature just now, and what was hit by the extreme cold was its heart! So this sudden heat and sudden cold is definitely exciting enough.

But at this moment, Xie Zhi's eyes moved, and he discovered something.

Nothing else, Godzilla thought he was going to die, and for a moment, many flashbacks appeared in his mind, as if he wanted to review important moments in his life.

Yes, even though Xie Zhi has read a lot of memories, Godzilla does not have any complicated memories, and lives simply and directly.

But in the end, the age of this stuff is tens of thousands of years, Xie Zhi has so much time to read it all, maybe he just needs to find something important to understand, is it possible to read it all his life?

And Godzilla's fleeting memory flashback is about the three behemoths.

One of them looks a bit like a combination of a butterfly, a moth, and a bee. Although it is not as exaggerated as Godzilla, it is not small, not to mention, it is quite beautiful.

And its image is very similar to Mothra in the murals of the temple in Yunnan.

Interestingly, Xie Zhi felt Godzilla's deep... love for that super big butterfly.

Yes, interspecies love.

This realm... Xie Zhi is ashamed, incomparable.

And Godzilla's thoughts, when translated, are... My dear, I miss you so much, I'll take a step ahead and love you for billions of years.

Xie Zhi is very embarrassed, because the lover has a daughter-in-law.

But if the egg in the Yunnan Temple belonged to Mothra... this buddy was greened back then?

Tsk tsk, if you don't change your original intention after being cheated on, that's definitely true love, that's right.

If it is out of yearning for the big butterfly, it is out of shame for the other two giant beasts.

One of them is almost identical to the mythical image of the western dragon, except that it is a giant dragon with three heads and three tails.

These three-headed dragons are amazing, much more powerful than Godzilla. A long time ago, the two sides had a fight, and Godzilla was also beaten in various ways.

Of course, in comparison, being beaten by Xie Zhi today was even worse.

In fact, the three-headed dragon was also named by the emperor organization, not because of its traces, but based on the mural information of ancient humans, it was deduced that the name of the three-headed dragon was Ghidorah.

However, Brother Fatty still won Ghidorah back then, but it can only be said to be a miserable victory.

The reason why he can win is two-on-one. That's right, Godzilla and his girlfriend are together, and the couple fights one.

And Big Butterfly also has a skill, which is to heal Godzilla in various ways, and the main job is obviously a nurse.

It was also being beaten and breasted by his girlfriend that narrowly defeated Ghidorah.

But even if he won, from Xie Zhi's perception, Ghidorah might not have died.

But it is said that in the First World War, it fought from land to ocean, and then from ocean to Antarctica. Ghidorah was finally blasted into the abyss of the Antarctic glacier by Godzilla.

At that time, Fatty Brother couldn't feel the other party's breath of life, so he thought that Ghidorah was dead, so he took the big butterfly, and the husband and wife returned the house to celebrate happily.

The reason why I think this battle is a disgrace is because it was 2v1 and narrowly won. Comrade Xiaoge is very ashamed, especially when his girlfriend witnessed the whole process of being beaten, it is embarrassing to say.

But Xie Zhi was deeply surprised by the last giant beast. No one knew him, and he was very familiar with it!

Who? King Kong!

But it's not the guy raised at home, but a super big one, similar to Godzilla, the image is quite domineering, and he has a majestic beard.

And the Ancient King Kong turned out to be a weapon player! Holding two super large axes, he can be called the black Li Kui among the titans!

Godzilla fights it, and loses... fiasco.

Yes, that Super King Kong was almost chopped to death!

But Godzilla still has the same temper, he refuses to accept it, wait, wait until Lao Tzu has practiced a peerless magic skill, and then he will be ashamed again!

It’s just that Godzilla will never be able to take revenge. It’s not because of Xie Zhi, but because it thinks that the weather is fine, the rain has stopped, and I’m okay again, so it returns to that island and prepares to launch a war of revenge. In the end, I only found the skeleton frame of my old opponent, who didn't live as long as it did.

So, regret for life.

Xie Zhi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. This reminded him of a great inventor, that is, Huang Chang who invented the "Nine Yin Manual". technology.

But Xie Zhi changed his mind about the three major regrets about Godzilla's animal life.

It's not out of sentimentality, but since this guy started to review the important past of the beast's life, what does it mean? It's...sure of its own mortality.

In other words, it admits it.

Despite various expressions of dissatisfaction, in fact, cracks have appeared in its will. Giving up in another way is also giving up.

Xie Zhi is an expert at playing willpower, so hurry up and seize the opportunity.

Ever since, Xie Zhi moved his left hand away, and also put away the ultra-low temperature.

Godzilla was startled, and looked at Xie Zhi puzzled.

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "I know you are not convinced, but you have to admit one thing, you are defeated, you are not my opponent, right?"

Godzilla snorted, but didn't speak.

But Xie Zhi naturally knew its true thoughts, and it was acquiesced.

So Xie Zhi said again: "Knowing that you have to admit defeat is still a shame, it doesn't matter whether you accept it or not, because this is... a battle for kings!

Don't you say you are the king? So what is it that I have won you? "

Godzilla said nothing.

Xie Zhi leaned down and said word by word: "I won, and I will be the new king of this world!

This is the rule, and it's very fair, it doesn't matter if you don't accept In the future, you will be awesome, just come and challenge me, and I will continue.

But now, the king is the king! If you don't accept it, you must obey it.

Otherwise, you are breaking the rules, so I don't need to show the king's kindness. I will not only kill you, so that you have no chance to challenge, but also... introduce your girlfriend to someone who obeys the rules. "

Godzilla was immediately annoyed, aww... cursing.

Xie Zhi continued to smirk: "Hey, it's rude to swear, what's the rush? Don't worry, it's not me, I have a wife.

As for me, I know a big monkey, which is the descendant of the big monkey that almost chopped you to death.

He is very handsome and has potential. Back then, his ancestors could beat you all over the place. After a few years, he can grow into a good man, and the young man is sensible, not a rascal like you.

I guess if the woman is not blind, she will also choose a handsome young man, and you are dead, so it is immoral for him to be a widow for you.

How about fat man? If you follow the rules and challenge me again in the future, or play shameless, then I will fulfill you now, and let you sacrifice bravely with disobedience, and fulfill the happiness of the big butterfly for the rest of your life.

You choose. "

Godzilla panted heavily, and after a while, he got up with difficulty, half-bowed, and stared at Xie Zhi.

In the end, he yelled a few times, meaning: "My Xiaodie will not like smelly monkeys who don't like to take a bath! They have too much hair and are ugly! Stone skin is the sign of a macho!"

Xie Zhi rolled his eyes: "You have the nerve to talk about others with your big belly? Stop talking nonsense, what should you do in front of the king?"

Godzilla sighs, bubbling profusely, and…

Kneeling on one leg and lowering his head: "Long live the emperor..."

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