Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 682: Misunderstand

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But I saw Ryan screaming all the way, bombarding indiscriminately, disturbing the sea and making it uneasy.

And when her mech was about to hit the surface of the sea, she straightened her body and threw a standard needle like water, smashing into the sea.

The two women in the sky saw the situation under the sea through the synchronized screen.

Ren finally stopped firing when he reached the sea, hung up the explosive cannon, drew out his long knife, and swam to Muto who was deep in the sea.

I have to say that even though the size is close, the titan is a titan, much stronger than the pioneer artificial behemoth. Although he was beaten by heavy fire for a while, Muto's back was only slightly damaged, which shows that his The skin is rough and the meat is thick.

And according to the firepower standard of Ryan just now, if it is placed on the Herald Behemoth, it can only be cut in half by heavy firepower, and it will undoubtedly die.

But with the data of Xie Zhi's previous two battles with giant beasts, Renn also knew it in his heart, so he was not surprised.

After all, Titans eat nuclear energy. Even if the newborn Muto is young, he is not as good as Godzilla, but he still has some resistance to high-explosive attacks.

But when Ren's snow-white mecha approached, Muto, who got up from the seabed in a panic, suddenly raised a pair of jointed limbs, and with a sudden beeping sound, the jointed limbs hit the seabed heavily.

Suddenly, an electromagnetic storm visible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

In an instant, it spread to the mecha, and the mecha trembled.

The screen seen by the two women watching the battle also immediately experienced severe interference, and there were continuous lines on the screen.

Xiao Yu couldn't help frowning and said, "Lei En, how is it?"

There were a lot of murmurs in Ryan's response, but the second daughter could also hear it. Ryan meant that it was all right, and the problem was not serious.

In fact, Ryan's so-called problem is not that big, depending on where you look at it, the mech is indeed not paralyzed by the electromagnetic pulse shock.

But the interference is not small, Muto's EMP attack strength is quite exaggerated. (Note 1)

At least the mecha, which was originally aggressive, was now sluggish in its movements.

And Muto seized the opportunity, rushed towards the mecha, swung the sharp limbs, and smashed heavily on the mecha.

Immediately smashed the mecha, the armor of the mecha was damaged, but it was very slight. After all, the quality of the upgraded outer armor was verified by the firepower of the Kryptonians.

And Muto only took advantage of one blow. Although the mech has detected Muto's own large-scale electromagnetic pulse force field, the interference to the mecha is very weak without the powerful burst just now.

So Ryan's counterattack followed closely, punching and kicking, and stabbing with a knife!

No matter how resistant Muto is to explosive energy, it is much worse in the face of pure physical attacks. He was stunned and embarrassed by Renne.

Of course, the poor physical resistance is also divided into targets. This Muto is only about 60 meters long, while Renne's mecha is 90 meters long. No matter the size or tonnage, Muto is the weaker side, and it is too disadvantageous for melee combat.

Moreover, there are many launched weapons on the mecha, such as missiles, explosive energy, rays, etc., which can be launched even in close combat, which is completely ravaging Muto.

Seeing the rhythm of being beaten to death, Muto's super EMP was released again, interrupting Ryan's attack immediately.

And this time it played it not once, but five times in a row!

As a result of the continuous impact, the interference effect has also increased a lot, which greatly prolonged the stagnation time of Renn's mech.

However, Muto didn't take the opportunity to attack, but desperately flapped his wings and rushed to the sea, it wanted to run.

It's very simple, after a short confrontation, Muto confirmed his eyes, that is an opponent I can't beat.

After all, you can't beat that big iron lump, you can't run and wait to die.

Renn was furious for a while and cursed, it was too embarrassing. He thought it would be nothing to deal with the small ones, but it turned out that the field control skill burst was too disgusting, and it seemed to be especially effective for mechs.

Seeing Muto rushing out of the sea and flying into the sky, Xiaoyu sighed and switched to communication with the Tai Chi ring, which is not afraid of interference: "Rain, how are you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a small loss for the time being, it's okay to take it down."

"No need to help?"

"No, no, I can handle it."

While speaking, Ren's mecha has returned to normal, and the jet thrusters on the body are fully activated, rushing out of the sea, and chasing Muto again.

It didn't take long to catch up with the target again.

This time, Ryan didn't plan to fight in close quarters, and concentrated fire from a distance, and the violent firepower was vented on Muto again, and even from the intensity of the firepower, he could feel how angry Ryan was.

As for how high the energy resistance is, it doesn't matter, continuous firepower will consume you to death!

But this time Ryan didn't fire from the top down, but from the bottom up, making sure that Muto really turned into a kite, and the firepower blasted into the kite in the sky.

Diana couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that to deal with such a prey, it is the right way for Ryan to focus on the output of firepower."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Otherwise? If it was you, how did you come here?"

Diana made a gesture: "Archery, we have enough strong materials, and it should work by learning from the way of whaling.

Of course, this is to catch the living, if it is dead, there are more methods.

But if your white tiger is on the move, I think a roar is enough. "

Although Diana hadn't experienced the white tiger's sonic attack, after joining the team, she had watched the replay video of the battle, so she knew how perverted Xiao Yu's white tiger was.

While the two were chatting, Ryan's hunt was basically settled.

Seeing that one of Muto's wings was forcibly smashed to pieces by the heavy firepower, it was impossible to fly.

And ruining Muto's flying ability, Ren's firepower output also dropped, she still wanted to catch alive, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, whether to kill or not is a matter of the future, and whether she can catch alive is a matter of ability.

Muto fell into the sea again, but he didn't sink. Although he was heavy enough, he still had buoyancy.

Ren also lowered his mech and approached slowly, being more careful this time, not wanting to embarrass himself again.

However, at this moment, an explosion suddenly appeared on the back of the mecha, and several groups of flames appeared one after another!

Ryan suddenly became angry, and a cold voice came out from the loudspeaker: "Smelly shameless, fire without even saying hello, I think you have lived enough!"

If nothing else, the explosion was caused by a missile.

Air-to-air missiles, from… fighter jets.

Yes, the war was so eye-catching, it naturally attracted the attention of the army.

And several fighter jets flew to the battlefield, of course Ryan noticed it, but ignored it.

Who would have thought that people would omit the step of shouting and just start firing!

And instead of fighting monsters, fight mechs.

Although the power of this explosion is almost the same as scratching an itch for mechs, it is not a matter of pain or pain, it is exasperating.

And Ren's loud voice reverberating between the sky and the earth immediately made all the pilots tremble, thinking that this was the command of the chief.

It's hastily sent out a plain text communication: "Misunderstanding! The missile missed!"

Looking at the F-22 fighter jets whizzing by, Ryan rolled his eyes, and he did it again, playing dirty tricks on my old lady, who was also from the old American army back then, I don’t understand these **** things?

And another voice appeared in the communication: "Please explain your identity, otherwise... Chi Chi la la ..."

There was a sudden noise, and the fighter planes rolled around in the sky as if they were drunk, and... turned off.

Yes, Muto, who was seriously injured, took advantage of this time and sent another super EMP.

As a result, the affected fighter planes were miserable, and fell freely one after another.

The mecha didn't move, and stood on the sea with its arms folded and said, "Tsk tsk, isn't that a coincidence, Muto also missed the shot, I believe it was a misunderstanding."

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