Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 704: your father is going to die

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After suffering a lot, Liu Peiqiang and Diana finally entered the main control room.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, Dr. Diana, your actions have seriously violated the "Wandering Earth Law". Article 5, paragraph 20, will freeze all authority of the two of you..."

Liu Peiqiang's reaction to Moss' warning was to pick up the fire extinguisher with a gloomy face, throw it out with his hands, smashing Moss's probe, simply, neatly, and very manly.

Liu Peiqiang went straight to the console, seeing Diana staring at him brightly, he said while operating, "I don't know martial arts."

"It's pretty good. Throwing a fire extinguisher is also... great. Do you want to learn Kung Fu? I'll teach you."

Liu Peiqiang frowned slightly, and said with a dry smile, "You're not nervous at all. It's nothing else. It's a compliment. You're mentally strong enough."

Diana hurriedly said: "I'm nervous! I'm very nervous! But... not facing it alone, so I'm not so nervous."

Liu Peiqiang glanced at Diana in surprise, and said to his heart, elder sister, you just saved me thirty-two times, and I have never seen such a fierce woman like you. Are your words too watery?

However, out of politeness and the urgency of the situation, Liu Peiqiang didn't say anything and continued to tinker with the console.

It's a pity that it's useless to fiddle with it, the permissions are really locked.

At this time, another Moss probe appeared. It seems that there are quite a few of them, and there are still spares if they are smashed.

The truth that Moss told made Liu Peiqiang lose the mood of smashing the probe. Nothing else, Moss did not defect, but implemented the backup plan of the coalition government just in case.

To put it simply, when the Wandering Earth project fails, the space station will abandon the 3.5 billion people on the earth and become a lone ship that preserves the human fire, and continues to search for a new home in the universe and continue the human species.

At the same time, Moss also began to announce to the world that the earth could no longer get rid of the gravity of Jupiter and was destined to be destroyed in seven days, so that people could rush back to their homes, be with their loved ones, and bid farewell...

But in fact, there are no seven days at all. In less than one day, the atmosphere will be drained by Jupiter's gravity, and everyone will be suffocated to death.

This information made Liu Peiqiang silent.

Everyone on the earth has also fallen into deep despair.

Seeing that Diana was also silent, the dog-headed military strategist Ryan started to attack again: "Hurry up, this is the time when a man needs a warm embrace the most, come on, girls!"

Diana rolled her eyes, and responded with a brain-controlled text: "Don't worry about it, you went too far before, and you're still here? I'll thank you if you don't mess around."

But having said that, Diana sat beside Liu Peiqiang and held his hand.

After a while, Liu Peiqiang looked at Diana and said, "We still have emergency communication authority, at least... say goodbye."

"Tell me, I don't need it, my in another world."

As for what happened next, everyone in the Xie family knew that even Liu Peiqiang, who had the authority, could not contact his relatives.

Diana couldn't bear to see Liu Peiqiang's extremely sad eyes, and it made her very worried.

At this moment, Lei En's voice appeared with a smile: "Hey, sisters, your chance to show off, oh no, I mean your chance to make Liu Pei feel good... Bah bah, it's not right to say anything."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I prepared a gift for you, but he can't be contacted, you can."

"Nonsense, Moss is under our control, of course we can, the problem is that it may change the result of Liu Hukou and the others saving the earth, which is not in line with the boss' plan."

"Hey, don't worry, we also have a backup plan, you just follow this step, it's all right."

Diana looked at the transmitted document and smiled.

She said, "Moss, can you find out when the No. 373 carrier lost contact?"

Moss: "No."

Diana immediately turned pretty, and said quickly: "I think your artificial intelligence is stupid enough! Calculate the distance, how long does it take to get from Jining to Hangzhou, and how long does it take to reach the Shanghai area, just do it!"

"The surface conditions are not fully monitored, and there are various unexpected variables..."

"I just want an approximate time frame."

"Then it can be calculated..."

Liu Peiqiang finally stood up, looked at Diana who was still calm and capable, and asked in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

"Looking for your son." Diana looked back and smiled beautifully: "Global rescue, there are too many vehicles. There may be something wrong with the No. 373 transport vehicle, but it does not mean that they will not transfer to other transport vehicles."

Immediately afterwards, she continued: "Moss, search for all the transport vehicles in the Shanghai area at the same time, delineate the nearest vehicle, and exclude all vehicles that leave normally and have no lag in time. Now contact the rest and ask if there is any Receive other rescue teams, is there anyone named Liu Qi in the rescue team?"

This operation made Liu Peiqiang's eyes light up again: "That's right! They must have taken another transport vehicle! Thank you, Diana, why didn't I think of it, as expected of a doctor, the brain is smart!"

Diana pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I am a bystander. You are a soldier, and you are a high-tech soldier. How could you not think of it? You are just too sad and understand."

At this time, a young man's voice came out from the loudspeaker, listless and crying: "I'm Li Yiyi, Liu Qi is here, Liu Qi, your father is looking for you."

Diana smiled and gave her a thumbs up, while Liu Peiqiang directly gave her a hug: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

When it is some melon-eating people watching romantic dramas, they clap their hands, howl and whistle.

The communication was established, but it was Liu Peiqiang's father-in-law Han Ziang who spoke first, followed by Han Duoduo, and finally Liu Hukou who was still a bit arrogant.

Moreover, in the current situation, the last words of life and death are confessed, and the people who eat melons feel all kinds of uncomfortable.

The problem is, the emotional impact of life and death caused the arrogant boy Liu Hukou to speak hard even though his face was full of tears. What's more, it seems that he didn't think of the possibility of igniting Jupiter as he did in the original process.

It's no wonder that he didn't have a chance to talk to his father originally, because he wanted to kiss his father, thought of his father's teaching when he was a child, and then realized that Jupiter is a flammable gas.

Seeing that things were about to be delayed, Xie Zhi sent a message to Diana: "The situation is a little out of control, this kid is so arrogant, he doesn't even mention burning Jupiter, Diana, here comes the opportunity to test you."

Diana couldn't help but startled: "Isn't there a backup plan?"

Renn smiled and said: "That's a You go first, if you can't do it, we go on, huh? Why do you feel that this sentence is still ambiguous?

Anyway, sisters, don’t come here when you can’t miss the opportunity. They are all parting ways, and the father and son are still struggling because of that little estrangement. This matter... don’t need me to explain it thoroughly, you understand. "

Diana remained silent for a while, then grabbed the communicator and inserted the topic: "Hi Liu Qi, I am your father's colleague, and my name is Diana.

I can also hear the problem between you father and son. I don't want to persuade you to say anything, so I just ask a question... Forget it, let me just say it.

There is still a way to save the planet, save everyone, but only if your father sacrifices his own life to do it, what do you say? "

When Liu Peiqiang heard the words, he couldn't help asking, and Diana immediately covered his mouth and made a "shh" mouth shape at the same time.

Liu Qi said anxiously: "What do you mean!?"

Diana shrugged: "At first your dad planned to hide it from you, but I couldn't take it anymore, your dad is going to die, understand?

This is to save you, and of course all the people on Earth, so, don't you plan to say something nice? Besides, your dad can't hear me, and time is running out. "

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