Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 710: stay up late

Although the earth has been rescued, there is still a lot to do in the follow-up.

In the ecstasy of new life, the unity and forge ahead shown by human beings once again refreshed the cognition of everyone in the Xie family. Human beings, a unique species, do have many ugly and despicable sides, which bring disasters, but when they show their good sides , it will create a miracle that shocks the soul.

In short, everyone in the Xie family felt that this trip was worthwhile, in terms of mood.

Of course, there are no absolutes. With 3.5 billion people, even if there is one wicked **** out of 10,000 people, it is still a huge number, not to mention one in ten thousand is an understatement.

So this time the earth's thrilling one became the "evidence" of some people's plan to attack the wandering earth, and the voices of the spaceship faction became loud again.

Especially after the amazing invention of "Dr. Diana" was exposed, this argument of keeping the elite one step ahead seems to have a realistic condition.

It's a pity that Dr. Diana, who appeared out of nowhere, is very dishonest and doesn't agree with the Spaceship faction's point of view at all.

Yes, although the members of the Xie family did not bother Diana and Liu Peiqiang's two-person world, the locals did not care about it, and it was inevitable, these two were heroes who saved the earth after all.

Regardless of whether it is official or private, the popularity of these two has exploded.

As for the mess of the spaceship faction, the old Xie's family is too lazy to take care of it. There is no perfect thing in the world, and under the big picture, these small flaws can't cause much trouble, especially when the technology is in the hands of his family.

During this period, some spaceship factions even presumptuously believed that Diana must have believed in the only God because she had a Western face, so they brought out the set of a certain religion and tried to persuade them with the argument of Noah’s Ark This "genius".

Unfortunately, Diana directly stated that she is an atheist, even if she has an inclination towards mythology, she also inclines to the ancient Greek mythology system, and has no liking for the one on the cross.

What's more, now that Diana's spring is here, how can she be in the mood to deal with annoying flies, but the result is that the oil and salt don't get in, and no one attracts them.

As for Liu Peiqiang's family members, they are happy to see the result of their behavior that they are so close to writing the words of the three characters on their faces.

It's not that the old and the young are heartless and have no feelings for the daughter and mother who passed away. The key is time and experience, which are the best healing medicine.

In particular, this family is the main force to ignite Jupiter. This kind of experience brings great spiritual strength. It can be said that the psychological quality is directly reborn, and the pattern and courage cannot be underestimated.

Everyone in the Xie family is not idle, they still have things to do.

What this trip brings is not only the comfort in the mood, but also the actual harvest, which is quite considerable!

And this harvest is exactly the Wandering Earth Project itself.

This way of traveling with the planet can be said to have given the Xie family a new choice. The old Xie family can completely recreate a planet that can run around.

In terms of technology, the local research and development and manufacturing of the refusion engine, the whole set of technology has been obtained by the old Xie family, and after the demonstration of the two geniuses Youde and Howard, this technology is also black and super-valuable!

Although it is not as good as the Ark reactor, hyperspace engine, and Godzilla's nuclear energy optimization model in many aspects, as a power to propel the planet, the refusion engine is the best choice, there is no one!

It's very simple, its principle of action leads to the fact that the fuel used is burning stones!

So for this alone, the technical gains in this world are worth the fare.

You must know that although it is better to use a hyperspace engine to drive a planet across the universe, and it is theoretically feasible, the problem is that the core element fuel required is an astronomical figure! The wealth of the old Xie family has not been exaggerated to such an extent.

With the technology, the harvest of ideas has broadened the horizons, drag racing? Soar the plane? Soar the spaceship? Soaring giant ship? Soaring fortress? Compared with Biao Xingxing, it's too homely. It's really arrogant to drive a planet and run around the universe!

Of course, it can be done technically, but the investment is definitely not small. Although Transformers can be used to directly simulate the transformation into an engine, the scale of the engineering team for collecting stones is also exaggerated according to the amount required to push the planet.

Therefore, although this project has become the number one project of Lao Xie's family, the time and investment spent can be imagined.

Moreover, the old Xie family is not satisfied with the speed of the planet's flight, as it is not fast enough, so optimizing and upgrading with stronger technology is naturally included in the top priority.

Although the gains are not much, they are all worth it.

In addition, there is another important experiment to be done, which is to verify the space bridge to transport the planet.

In fact, this kind of space technology is promoted to a higher level of planetary travel, but it is not comprehensive enough.

After all, it is a planet, not a person, and teleportation depends on the specific situation. The situation in the universe is very complicated. If there is a problem in the transmission, the unlucky one will be a small broken ball, which is equivalent to a self-destructive star destroying weapon.

Therefore, in the case of a pusher, combined with the transmission ability, it can deal with more complex situations.

And this verification experiment didn't take long. After all, the equipment is ready-made, and there are plenty of planets in the universe. Just pick an inanimate planet far away from the navigation route on the earth and ensure its safety.

In order to ensure that the experimental data is sufficient, the Xie family's scientific research team is still building a large number of bases suitable for biological life on the selected planets.

As for the creatures in the base, they are all clones of various animals. The physique of most wild animals is far superior to that of humans. If wild animals can't do it, humans can't do it either.

The results of the experiment are very unsatisfactory. Teleportation of planets is no problem, but the cloned animals used in the experiment all died, which means that normal life on Earth cannot withstand the mighty force of teleporting a planet.

Of course, the Transformers on the teleportation planet are completely fine, no wonder, the life intensity is not at the same level at all.

Moreover, according to the data collected by the detection equipment, life that has not reached the level of superhuman strength may not be able to bear it. Even Bucky back then would have a high probability of dying.

This also verified why the plan of the natural enemy was to teleport Cybertron to the vicinity of the earth, because what he wanted was human beings as labor force, and it would be useless to pull the earth there to die.

But one experiment will certainly not make the Xie family give up. If you have the conditions and ability, just continue to study, maybe one day you can solve this problem.

It seems that the plan to assist the local small broken ball to send it to the destination seems to be impossible in a short time.

But this is not without benefits. The scientific and technological strength of the small broken ball is not low. What is lacking is time. Now that the data is available, if it is operated properly, it can completely use the wisdom of the locals to improve the problem of teleporting the planet.

In case a local genius pops up one day and solves this problem, it will be for nothing.

As for whether Diana pretends to be a genius scientist or not? Small The knowledge instillation technology obtained in the matrix world can come in handy. Although this technology will not make people have the wisdom of scientists, it is not difficult at all to have the knowledge of scientists.

And the memory of the inventor of Yu Tiandi is in the hands of the Xie family, and there is no technical omission at all.

So even though Diana won't have new inventions, it's easy to fool people. A space bridge technology is enough for people to eat for a lifetime.

Yes, these arrangements also illustrate a problem, Diana is not leaving.

It wasn't someone's initiative, but a tacit understanding.

The main reason is... One day, Ryan went to visit a new girlfriend, and found that her skin condition was not right, the collagen seemed to be in excess, and she was flushed and reflective.

As for Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, he seemed to have dark circles under his eyes, and he seemed to stay up all night.

For this information, Xie Zhi shivered inexplicably, with a strange feeling, as if he had done something to offend the family...

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