Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 718: come 1 root

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Rewinding the time to fifteen seconds ago, in the face of this kind of guy who showed that he was going to do bad things, of course Xie Tiehammer would not spoil him.

In particular, the long-haired brawny guy is pretty big. Although Xie Tiechui doesn't care about others pretending to be aggressive in front of him, every elder in the family counts as one. I feel...the other party is undercut.

Ever since, while releasing the steel frame to support the car, Xie Tiehammer also jumped over the crowd of reporters and rushed towards the strong man.

After staying with Steve for a long time, she was also affected a little bit. Ms. Xie felt that she already understood what it means to be low-key.

So the girl's running speed is not too fast, and it is a jogging trot.

But this unhappiness was Xie Tiehammer's idea.

In the eyes of the reporters, spectators, and the strong man, if this girl participates in the Olympics, it is estimated that no one will be able to break the sprint record created within a hundred years.

Facing the "running" girl, the brawny man picked up two electric whips and whipped them alternately!

Xie Tiehammer's response was to lower his head, jump a little, and easily passed the two whips, put his hands in his pockets, and trotted up and down.

In the blink of an eye, Miss Xie was already standing in front of the strong man.

When the strong man was in a daze, Xie Tiehammer made another small jump, jumping up on the spot.

There is no way, no one is taller than anyone else, so the tricks she wants to use cannot be reached without jumping.

And Xie Tiehammer's attack method is a...head hammer!


As soon as his head was hit, the strong man fainted.

When Xie Iron Hammer fell to the ground, the strong man fell straight to the ground.

The whole process was so easy for the girl, she didn't even take her hands out of her trouser pockets, and it was over.

But this kind of ease, combined with Xie Tiehammer's pretty face, loose casual clothes, high ponytail, and lazy posture, in the eyes of many viewers, that is... so handsome!

After that, it was Xie Tiehammer who stepped on the strong man, waiting for Tony's steel suit to transform.

The period was so boring, the girl even looked at the device on the strong man's chest, and finally stretched out her hand, tore off the micro-reactor, and put it in her pocket.

And the whole process was filmed, not only for reporters, but smartphones are the standard equipment for people who eat melons. Although smartphones in 2010 are not high-end enough, it is no problem to shoot videos.

At the same time, Xie's elders, who pay attention to everything, have mixed feelings.

The women all sighed with wry smiles, and there was another wave of ups and downs, and this girl beat someone in public again.

And this time, the opponent was too aggressive, making his debut in a very grand manner, with the attitude of a super boss.

In the end, he was easily chopped down by his own girl, especially with the head hammer! Pretty girl, why do you have to use your head? Is this going to carry the head iron to the end? The difficulty of dealing with objects has increased, worrying about people...

The man is completely different, showing off and advocating all kinds of things, completely taking the granddaughter as pride, well done! The hammer is wonderful! This is called shocking Xiaoxiao! Let's see who dares to miss other people's little padded jackets!

As for the strong man who was knocked out, no matter who he is, it doesn't matter if he plays a small supporting role for his daughter, and it doesn't matter if he plays a trick.

Anyway, the strong man who fainted was arrested by the police.

Of course, there were uncle and nephew Tony, who would naturally bear legal responsibility for beating someone, so they went to the local bureau together.

Although Tony Stark's identity is there, sometimes too much fame is not a good thing. Although fighting is not a felony, but if a celebrity gets involved, it will attract everyone's attention, stare at him, and engage in privileges against himself.

So there is nothing else, just do business and follow the formal process.

The adults of the Xie family did not intervene, and they are not at the level of destroying the world. Such a trivial matter is not enough to make a big fuss.

Of course, there is another purpose, which is to see if Xie Tiehammer has entered the game, and whether her second fool friend will show up.

After all, the news one after another has enough selling points, and it has spread rapidly around the world. No matter which country the other party is in, they should be able to see it.

Unless... Xie Tiehammer chose to hide his appearance when making friends.

The members of the Xie family were not in a hurry, but after the news spread, the side effects would be beyond their expectation.

Old America, the Pentagon.

In a conference room, the big screen played the scene of Xie Tiehammer fighting, not only the strong man wearing the exoskeleton playing with the electric whip, but also the whipped Hanmer.

Nothing else, although it was a simple big mouth, Xie Tiehammer's movements were too fast, at least the "experts" present thought so.

A white-haired old man in military uniform said: "Bronsky, you are the top fighter, the ace of trumps, what do you think?"

Known as Bronski, he combed his hair back and was also dressed in a military uniform. He looked middle-aged.

Bronski said indifferently: "General Ross, the eldest lady of the Stark family, is beyond my knowledge. She is a monster. Normal people would not want to be her opponent."

The white-haired old man raised his eyebrows: "You are the strongest echelon in the army, what she can do, can't you?"

Bronski shook his head: "Even at the peak of my physical fitness, I can't match it, and general, although she didn't show much, I can be sure that this is not her full strength at all, because she is too relaxed, relaxed …like an adult picking up a three year old. she the target? "

General Ross lit his cigar and said with a smile: "Even if she is not a monster, the Stark family is still a colossus, and has a long history of relationship with the military, always friendly and related interests.

Although the old guy died, he still left enough contacts for these two descendants. Although Stark closed down the weapon manufacturing department because of his willfulness, he still has some power to protect these two little guys.

So... what do you say? "

Bronski said blankly: "That is to say, the general came to me just for an analysis?"

"No, there is action, very soon. And your analysis is very important, more important than you imagined." Rose smiled slightly: "Stark's steel suit seems to be just a gimmick he made, a blindfold, a toy That's all, the little girl is still too naive to hide the real good things..."

Before the words were finished, the door of the meeting room was knocked, followed by a soldier who whispered to General Ross.

Then General Ross nodded: "Bronsky, gather your team and be on standby at any time."

Virginia, Culver University.

In the green area of ​​the campus, a man and a woman sat on a bench.

The man was wearing a baseball cap with the brim pressed down so low that others could not see his face clearly.

And the woman, mature and beautiful, dressed in a long skirt, spoke in a low voice, and seemed to be able to whisper: "Banner, you are so brave! It's too dangerous to come back rashly!"

Yes, the man is none other than Bruce Banner.

He smiled and said: "It's okay, Betty, actually... I'm basically not in any danger now, although I'm still wanted by the But... Well, I have found a very powerful boss now, and I don't need to be safe. Worry."

"Really?" Betty breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest: "That's great. You look good. You...why are you so fat now? It's like the two of you in the past. You were so skinny before."

"Uh..." Bruce scratched his head: "You also know another look of me, now that guy Hulk... how should I put it, he was enticed by a little girl, he is very edible, I can't deny it, and it also affected me .”

Betty's eyes widened when she heard the words: "Are you crazy or did I hear wrong? Hulk was taken by a little girl?"

"Yeah, it's fun to play. Play cards if you have nothing to do, or eat spicy noodles. When it comes to spicy noodles, tsk tsk..."

Speaking of which, Banner took out a bag of spicy sticks, tore open the mouth of the bag and stuffed one into his mouth, and then handed it to Betty: "Let me tell you, this stuff is delicious, here is one, try it, Well..."

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