Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 720: don't swear

"Amnesia in the Movie World Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

The warning came, and Banner began wandering the streets.

Banner still has two things to do. One is to get his girlfriend back and kill the love rival who poached the wall. Of course, killing is an adjective in his heart, unless the other party is too annoying... Well, let’s describe it. We are scientists, and we are reasonable. of.

The second is to find a netizen named Mr. Lan.

The real identity of this person is a professor of biology, Dr. Stern.

When Banner was living in seclusion in Brazil before, he contacted this person online and got a lot of help from him, but later he was intercepted by Xie Zhi halfway, and the contact was broken.

And even though he is very satisfied with his current life, Hulk's problem is not his number one problem, but he still has some obsessions. Banner still intends to make Hulk disappear completely, so he is going to ask Dr. Stern for help. help.

Of course, in view of the one hundred trillion debt owed to Lao Xie's family, the job of repaying the money as a sparring partner cannot be lost, so Banner just wants to find a way first, and then completely solve this problem when he no longer needs to be a sparring partner.

But Dr. Stern is in New York, and the road is not close to Gerbang College, so right now Banner is more important to get his girlfriend back first.

What I have to do right now is to arrange a date, such as booking a table at a restaurant...

It's just that he was walking around full of excitement when he received a message: "Dr. Banner, there are people following you at seven o'clock."

Banner didn't look back, but the one who sent him the letter was... Terminator T-1000.

Yes, since he belonged to his own family, the benefits of the Terminator entourage were given to Banner. After all, this professional was not a soldier or an agent. Although his combat effectiveness was over the top and he had escaped experience, his experience was still insufficient.

In the past, after he was discovered, he turned into a fat green man after he couldn't do it anymore.

Naturally, there is no need to go through such fuss now. The former military agent who monitored Betty was discovered by the Terminator, and Banner did not have the vision.

But Banner sighed: "I thought about it, but are you just so impatient? If you don't stop after an appointment, then whoever, send him away, just don't kill him."

Banner didn't care, as long as there was a Terminator to deal with the aftermath.

Sure enough, after the tracking agent staggered past a passerby, he suddenly screamed and jumped up.

Immediately afterwards, he staggered and lay on the ground, writhing all over, seemingly in severe pain.

Nothing else, he was stabbed twice in the **** by the Terminator. He couldn't die, but he couldn't even walk normally.

This scene made Banner feel happy. It was not easy. He was hunted down back then like a stray dog. Now that he is fine, it is a cool word to chase whoever suffers.

In a good mood, Banner couldn't help walking with ease, and even whistled.

But not happy for a minute, the phone rang.

Picking up the phone to look at the number, it's General Ross's.

"Hello, ahhh~"

Ross: "Are you eating?"

"Um... what's the matter?"

"My man was stabbed, Bruce, I underestimated you, it seems that now you have found a helper, but do you know what this means? Murdering an old American agent is treason!"

Banner laughed and said, "Twice stabbed in the **** counts as murder? You can't kill someone, of course I understand, there is no excuse for inflicting a crime, so I have something to talk about, and I'm busy when I have nothing to do."

"What are you busy with? Endangering national security?"

"Personal matters, don't inquire about them. It's not good for you to know too much. Are you okay?"

"It's something, I'll talk about the test later, I'm going to see you now, for an interview."

Banner couldn't help frowning: "Can't we save some trouble? Once and for all, it's good for everyone. Is it fun to waste time and energy?

General Ross, the world doesn't revolve around the United States, let alone you. Everyone is busy. I'm giving you a chance to kill me with the strongest weapon. I'm very sincere.

I advise you to think about it calmly. After all, you are Betty's father. I have not broken face with you for so many years. I have a point.

Don't go to the end, you can't close the field. "

Ross said: "Banner, this is also my sincerity. Even for Betty, you should think about it. In the past, you never gave me a chance to talk to you. Why do you have to fight?

Even if you can't reach an agreement, it's not too late for you to use nuclear bombs to show your prestige. "

Banner thought for a while, then sighed: "Okay, for Betty's sake, let's talk about the location."

Ross gave him the address, and Banner hailed a cab and went there.

It was a park, and Banner sat on a bench and waited.

Rose's phone call made him understand that his previous plan was simple. Of course, Banner is not stupid, and even has a super high IQ, but he usually uses it in science.

It occurred to him that some people could be bad, but he didn't think that not only bad, but... stupid.

Sure enough, twenty minutes later, there was almost no one in the park.

And the Terminator also gave him information that a large number of heavily armed soldiers surrounded the place, and even many armed helicopters appeared.

"What do you think? I don't understand."

Banner was talking to himself, when suddenly a super-high-speed object hit his body, but the object bounced off, fell to the ground and rolled, it was an anesthesia bomb.

Banner sighed and stood up.

At the same time, there were constant popping noises, and anesthesia bombs hit him one after another, but they were all bounced off, with no effect.

This is not the function of Banner's skin, but the casual clothes he is wearing.

In fact, since he was hit by the anesthesia bomb, his clothes have been changing rapidly. The tiny scales spread rapidly, and the cloth quickly transformed into a metal form. It is simply... a Sentinel suit.

That's right, it's still an upgraded version, the Transformers version.

In fact, to be precise, the real function of this suit is Hulk's... super big pants.

The main function is not for fighting at all, but to prevent the dangling thing from becoming a fat green man from irritating eyes.

But since the Hulk can't break through, the defensiveness can be imagined.

At this time, while Banner was strolling outside the park calmly, he took out his mobile phone and called Ross, but he only received a busy signal, and he didn't answer.

"Why do I have such an old father-in-law? According to what Lao Xie said... doing evil."

At this time, the anesthesia ammunition was gone and replaced with live ammunition, and the firepower was quite fierce!

Banner didn't move at all, and stood still and said: "Call Miss Laifu... hello, hello, oh, it's nothing, please do me a little favor, my side is under siege... it's not artillery support! No need to be so exaggerated !

Um, help me hack the system of the nearby command platform, I want to talk to the commander, General Ross.

Thank Still want to deduct wages? Why? human Resources? Electricity bills... ok ok ok. "

On the other side, General Ross, who was sitting in the helicopter command center, was frowning and irritated: "Damn! What kind of equipment is this? Iron suit? Banner and Stark got mixed up?"

Immediately afterwards, Banner's voice sounded in the helicopter: "General Ross, I have overestimated your character as much as possible and underestimated your stupidity. Frankly speaking, I really don't understand. You are a general after all. How could you So stupid?

Don't you know that this is a big city with a population of millions? What would happen if you forced the Hulk out? I really don't understand what your logic is for doing this. "

Ross gritted his teeth: "You are a fugitive! Hulk is military property!"

"Okay, I'm a cultivated intellectual, and I don't swear, so I'll still call you... old man, grandpa."

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