Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 745: Grandma!

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Xie Zhi looked at his daughter-in-law and pointed at Saul: "This guy won't be the same as Ryan, right? It's amazing if you eat it?"

Xiao Yu sighed: "You are so stupid, didn't you hear the meaning of what he said, saying that a mortal body is very weak and needs strength.

The restraint belts on the hospital bed had stumped him before, and he himself yelled 'impossible'. It is likely that Sol...was not weak at first, but for some reason, he was useless. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "That's right, it's still precious, and it's also spicy...He is rushing to the doctor in a hurry."

The couple was chatting, and two more guests came to the restaurant, chatting excitedly while walking, and the topic was a satellite that fell in the desert.

From the way they said it, it was obvious that they were talking about a hammer dropped in the desert, but now it has been taken over by the FBI.

The so-called FBI is of course fake. Xie Zhi and his wife knew who it was. It was not only Laifu who discovered the abnormal energy before, but SHIELD also discovered it and notified the owner.

However, SHIELD is now a subordinate organization of its own family, and it has to maintain its original functions without the order of the Xie family. When encountering such mysterious and strange things, it is natural to send people to investigate.

In this regard, the old Xie family did not give specific instructions, just do what they should do.

However, this conversation caught the attention of Sol, Jane and others. Jane and Dr. Savig couldn't help asking about the situation of the satellite one after another. Obviously, these two also suspected that the so-called satellite was also something that came together from the celestial body mutation.

When Sol heard the guest say "No one can move it", he stopped eating, Momozui got up and went over, and asked directly, "Where is it?"

Sol is tall and burly, and his words are not polite, which made the guests a little nervous, and responded that it is fifty miles west of this place.

Sol was very straightforward, he went out directly, regardless of the cars passing by on the road, and walked in the middle of the road without any recognition from his relatives, and received cordial greetings from the drivers: "I'm tired of working!"

But Saul wasn't angry, or even acted like he didn't hear.

This can't help but make Xiaoyu appreciate: "Good tempered and magnanimous, this is a pass."

Xie Zhi said unhappily: "I think it's the opposite. This kid has no quality, violates traffic rules, and is suspected of touching porcelain."

But Jane and the others followed suit, and Jane asked, "Where are you going?"

"Fifty miles west of here."


"Go get my stuff."

"You mean the moon is yours?"

"That's not a satellite."

"Whatever that is, it's the government's now, do you want to go there and get it back?"

"That's right." Having said that, Sol stopped and looked at Jane: "If you can send me there, I will tell you everything."


"Yes, as long as I can get Mjolnir back, I will tell you the answer."

Xie Zhi and his wife couldn't help being stunned by these words, and Xiao Yu murmured: "So the name of the hammer is so, what is it, Mu Miao? It sounds like meow? Meow meow hammer?"

Xie Zhi sighed: "It's not easy, it took me many years to know what the hammer is called, but if the original owner is really a fool, it's not surprising that it's called Meow Meow Hammer, it's cute~haha..."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly changed his words: "No, no, no! It has nothing to do with the second idiot, a hammer is a hammer."

Xiao Yu expressed Xie Zhi's worry: "That's right, Zhuzhu Hammer, Meow Meow Hammer, this is probably fate."

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Miss, you think too much!"

Xiaoyu smiled and didn't care, and changed the subject: "Maybe we are too focused on Sol, haven't you noticed?"

"Find what?"

Xiao Yu pointed to the other side, at this time Savig had pulled Jane aside, and whispered to persuade Jane not to get involved with Sol, he thought Sol was delusional and dangerous.

Just listen to Xiao Yu said: "That Dr. Jane, don't you think she is very similar to Hammer's good friend, the little queen Padmé?"

"Huh? It's a bit similar, but the age difference is too big, and the temperament is completely different. The little queen is much younger, and she is still a little girl. This... at least over thirty.

Um? You don't mean to introduce your best friend to Hammer, do you? "

Then Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Hammer and her definitely have no common language, and it's useless to look alike, we can't talk together."

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Of course not, I thought of Hulk, no, it's Banner, aren't you thinking about introducing someone to Banner, this Jane is of the right age, good-looking, and very knowledgeable, a scientist There must be a common language with scientists."

Xie Zhi fell silent instead, then shook his head and said: "Not suitable, I think Jane and Sol are quite suitable, the cutest height difference, a match made in heaven, it is best to get married as soon as possible!"

Xiaoyu caressed Xie Zhi's back dumbfoundingly: "Sister, you can't do it, you idiot, don't be so nervous."

On Dr. Savig's side, Jane was persuaded, and in the end Jane apologized to Saul and could not drive him there.

Saul didn't care either: "Then let's say goodbye."

As he spoke, he raised his hand subconsciously, as if he was going to pull Jane's hand, but in the middle of it, he realized: "By the way, Xie Tiehammer said last time, we must pay attention to hygiene, diseases come from the mouth or something, kiss hands It's really should be."

Sol cupped his fists and cupped his hands: "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. There will be a period later."

Jane opened her mouth: "What language are you speaking? I can't understand..."

"The terminology of the quack." Sol waved his hand and walked away swaggeringly.


After class was over, Xie Tiehammer walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his shoulders. He was dressed casually, with a ponytail, and he was full of youthfulness.

As he was walking, a male student who was holding flowers and offering flowers walked up to him. He was well-dressed and looked not cheap.

The other party was full of smiles, very polite, and quite talkative, but he was neither sending flowers nor expressing his love and pursuit, but just asking for directions.

In fact, the other party did have ulterior motives. Of course, he also knew that Xie Tiehammer could not be provoked, but there was one thing. In a hidden place in the distance, paparazzi dressed as students were arranged to secretly take pictures. All he had to do was take a photo, video, and fabricate some gossip.

What the other party wanted was to use gossip to make their company's stock soar. After all, Xie Tiehammer was the first heir to Stark Industries.

Regardless of whether Xie Tiehammer accepts it or not, Tony seems to want to make this matter a reality, and he has publicized it more than once in public.

What's more, Xie Tiehammer's status as a superhero is now popular all over the world.

So even if it's fake news, the stockholders don't know it. It can be said that Xie Tiehammer is now a golden cash cow, and he will get rich if he gets a little edge.

And Xie Tiechui didn't understand this, and was about to tell the other party, when the three girls who suddenly ran up and yelled, they were Xie Tiechui's classmates.

"Brother Haonan! Brother Haonan! Big event! It's time for Causeway Bay to make its debut!"

Xie Tiehammer muttered: "Don't call me Brother Then Brother Hammer! Whatever you want~ Look, Hammer! You said that you like the hammer the most, it fell from the sky !"

A girl handed her mobile phone to Xie Tiehammer. It was a video taken by an eyewitness in the desert, which had already been posted on the Internet.

At this time, the bouquet boy didn't want his plan to be disturbed, so he said, "I'm sorry to thank you, Tie Hammer, please..."

Seeing the familiar hammer, Xie Tiehammer immediately opened his eyes and shouted, "Grandma!"

After all, it flew straight away!

A paparazzi not far away brightened his eyes: "This one is even more attractive! I know, grandma is a curse word in Beijing dialect! I bet a hundred yuan that the stock price chart of this son's family will fall at a right angle! Poor~ "

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