Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 752: What kind of **** is this in your family?

Sol's eyes were lost, and he sat blankly on the sand, seemingly depressed before he picked up the hammer, which is completely incomparable to the present.

And he has been like this for a while.

Yes, Xie Tiehammer relayed Loki's words to him, and then he became like this.

Xie Tiehammer wasn't heartless either, he sat next to him and said, "I don't think what your brother said is necessarily the truth."

Sol's eyes moved: "Why do you say that?"

"Isn't he the **** of trickery? His professional need is to lie?"

Sol was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "He likes to lie and play pranks, but that's... our own father, he won't.

And I did cause a catastrophe, maybe I started a war..."

Sol rubbed his face vigorously with his hands: "It's all my fault...otherwise my mother wouldn't want me...she must be's all my fault..."

As he talked, Sol's tears fell down, and Xie Tiehammer didn't comfort him, but just sat silently with Sol.

And Xie Zhi and his wife are also worrying about these things about Sol's family.

Of course it wasn't pity for Saul. In fact, the couple didn't believe a word of what Loki said.

Xie Zhi looked at his eldest granddaughter in confusion, and bit his teeth: "'s a big trouble, the palace is fighting, the prince is fighting for the heir, it's always bloody, but it's still a battle for the throne of the cosmic powers.

That Loki's eyeballs are treacherous, and he doesn't look like a good bird at first glance. He is as simple as we don't believe it, so these two fools believe it. "

Yes, this is the judgment of the husband and wife. It is all nonsense that the father and mother don't care about it. Maybe one sentence in that Loki's words is true, he wants to be the king.

In fact, there is no need for the couple to be well-informed, there are too many princes fighting for the throne in the history of infrastructure, and there are many high-end players who play more than Loki, and Gongdou opera lovers can see it.

And Xiaoyu continued: "Maybe Sol is a fan of the authorities, and Er... is not bad, it shows that he has no evil intentions."

Xie Zhi disapproved and said: "What's good? The second idiot is a king, and he is also a fool."

"At least he's better than that Loki, a sinister and cunning person who became the ruler of a powerful cosmic country. I'm afraid the disaster will not be shallow. If the interstellar war is not handled well, it will break out, and the earth may not be immune to it."

"That's right." Xie Zhi scratched his beard stubble and sighed: "The key is that our family's hammer is still involved, that Loki will not let it go, and what's more annoying is that their family still has rogue eyes. This intelligence ability It's too strong, I wanted to kill Loki just now, and I almost couldn't hold back.

But it's not a problem to hide like this all the time, after all, Hammer has already been targeted by others, or... simply! Fuck it! I still don't believe it, the Kryptonians are all **** up, an Asgardian..."

Xiao Yu hurriedly persuaded: "Master, calm down, baby, our family can't be impulsive, you have a lot of ideas, and if you lose an inch, you will only take advantage of the enemy."

"The lady is right, calm down, this matter has to be summed up..."

Xie Zhi took a deep breath and thought about it.

After a while, he pointed at Sol: "It's all the trouble caused by this kid! No matter how you say it, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can't think about it blindly. You have to keep up with the information. Let him be interrogated first!"

Some hole cards should be revealed. If you can't see our family's ability clearly, Asgard's thief has to weigh it, whether he can do it or not. "

Xiao Yu nodded: "I have no objection to knowing yourself and your enemy. Showing off your muscles is also necessary, but after all, you are a friend of Hammer, so you should pay attention."

"Don't worry, there are many."

After saying that, Xie Zhi waved his hand, and the mirror space began to expand, enveloping Sol and Xie Tiehammer.

Xie Tiechui reacted quite quickly, but when he saw that it was grandma and grandpa, he immediately put down the hammer and looked a little nervous: "Ah, grandma, grandpa, why are you here?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Can S.H.I.E.L.D. not report such a big matter? Don't be nervous, it's not that you didn't keep him a secret. Grandpa and grandma found out."

"Then... you all know?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yu said gently: "I've been here for a while, I've seen and heard it, Hammer, why don't you introduce me?"

Xie Tiehammer smiled embarrassedly, scratched his head and said, "Oh yes, this is Sol, my friend, Sol, this is my grandpa, grandma."

Solben was stimulated, but he didn't understand the situation, and he was a little confused, subconsciously said: "Grandpa, hello..."

Xie Zhi changed his face quickly, and said coldly: "No, I can't stand it, you look older than me.

Our family has a lot of benevolence and righteousness, and we have always kept it secret for you.

As elders, it's not that we are not open-minded, but at least we have to know what kind of people our baby's friends are.

Your beard is thicker than mine, and you are a big man, so you are a bit responsible.

Tell me, how did you meet our hammer. "

Xie Tiehammer hurriedly said: "Grandpa, he is sad now, his father is dead, his mother doesn't want him anymore..."

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Fake, that Loki is fooling you."

Sol's eyes lit up: "Grandpa..."

Xie Zhi made a straight face: "Huh?"

Sol rubbed his hands awkwardly: "Uh...then what should I call you?"

"Call me Mr. Xie."

"Alright, Mr. Xie, how do you know that Loki lied to us?"

Xie Zhi curled his lips and said, "Am I asking you or you asking me? Thank you, old man? Which of us is old?"

"Cough." Xiao Yu coughed.

"Okay." Xie Zhi waved his hand lalaly: "For the sake of saving face, I don't care about you, the elders are the elders.

Your brother said that your father is dead, even if it is true, why did you ask Hammer to convey it? Is this what a brother should do? The news of his father's death is so perfunctory? "

Thor sighed, "He must be hating me for my father's death..."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Even I don't know what happened to your family, but this hammer belongs to your family, right? Obviously your family is not an ordinary family, and you claim to be a god. The ability should be not small, not to mention, shouldn't God be immortal?"

Sol scratched his head: "It's not true, my grandpa died, my grandpa's grandpa..."

Xie Zhi's eyelids drooped: "What kind of **** is this in your family? All right, that doesn't count. Let me ask you again, how good is your father?"

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi pointed to Xie Tiehammer: "Compare it with our hammer."

Sol said: "Although Xie Tiehammer picked up the hammer and gained the power of Thor, my dad can still easily defeat her, and even take back the hammer and divine power. I... I became a mortal in this way."

"Oh, since your father is so powerful, will he die easily?"

"Originally it was impossible, but...possible..." Saul whispered more and more.

Xie Zhile said: "Do you think it made you mad? Well, this possibility cannot be ruled out. It seems that your father is very angry, or you are too bearish and worry about it.

However, I also heard that you lost your strength and hammer, and your father made you angry, deprived you of these, and exiled you. At that time... your father was still angry, right? "


"Oh, then why did you die of anger after being exiled?"

Sol gritted his teeth: "Maybe he couldn't bear it anymore, let me tell you, that's what happened..."

Saul was honest and narrated the incident in detail.

Thanks to Xie Zhi's cliché, the couple are quite satisfied, but one thinks that Sol has no city, and the other thinks that this guy is short-hearted.

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